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Posts posted by GardenofEden

  1. Aw, come on folks. His dogs are dead. That's tragic for anyone. Not quite sure what his income, his belief system, or who he donates money to, has to do with it. Is the death of his dogs any less tragic for him and his family because they are wealthy? Are they any less deserving of our compassion?

    Yes it is tragic and very sad and they do deserve compassion, no two ways about it. I agree that their wealth has nothing to do with what's happened. It was more of an of topic comment, didn't mean to make it sound like it did.

  2. I cannot believe that such an incident would take place, God only knows! As others have said, seems like the Travolta's have been plagued by bad luck lately. Perhaps it is time to forget the very existance of Scientology. Not saying that this is why they've have had bad luck but perhaps it is well about time that they give some of their cash to more deserving institutes rather than Scientology which I equate to a leech.

    Edited cause I usually go 100 miles an hour and leave out a word or two.

    Having read L Ron Hubbard's pulp sci-fi books, I'm not a fan of his or of his 'religion', but I think it's a wee bit out of order to blame the dogs and his son's deaths on his belief system.

    I didnt quite word it correctly, Sheridan. I should have said that instead of giving money to such a religion perhaps it would have been best to give the money where it is most needed which is OT anyway. It is tragic what has happened.

    Yes, it is, and I think it's none of my business what Travolta does with his money.

    Oh well, this is a forum and one should be allowed to state one's point of view providing it isn't of insult to anybody. At the end of the day what Travolta does with his money is his business but given the state of the world it would have been nice if instead of giving millions to a hypocritical establishment like Scientology he would have put the dollars to better use like helping animal welfare. If only I had a few millions to spare I know what I would be doing.

  3. I cannot believe that such an incident would take place, God only knows! As others have said, seems like the Travolta's have been plagued by bad luck lately. Perhaps it is time to forget the very existance of Scientology. Not saying that this is why they've have had bad luck but perhaps it is well about time that they give some of their cash to more deserving institutes rather than Scientology which I equate to a leech.

    Edited cause I usually go 100 miles an hour and leave out a word or two.

    Having read L Ron Hubbard's pulp sci-fi books, I'm not a fan of his or of his 'religion', but I think it's a wee bit out of order to blame the dogs and his son's deaths on his belief system.

    I didnt quite word it correctly, Sheridan. I should have said that instead of giving money to such a religion perhaps it would have been best to give the money where it is most needed which is OT anyway. It is tragic what has happened.

  4. You dont find the static collars hurt the dog??

    Hurt? No.

    Find it aversive (not a pleasant feeling)? Yes.

    And the split second the dog has stopped the bark, no more aversion/sensation.

    Unlike citronella, the smell of which remains on its coat and the dog has to endure that even though it is no longer exhibiting unwanted behaviour.

    Erny, are static collars and shock collars one and the same? I purchased a shock collar and left it on my dog for 8 hours at a time and after the 4th day, I was horrified to find that the prongs has literally burnt a hole in the dog's neck; I hate to think how bad it would have been if I had left it in place 24/7.

  5. Sally checks to make sure I am watching then she stealthily sneaks into the toilet and makes sure she trots past me with a big toilet roll hanging out of her mouth

    ETA: I always share food with the dogs, my OH thinks its gross. when we have ice cream its one spoon for me, one spoon for bert, one spoon for me, one spoon for sally :laugh:

    :shrug: I do occasionally share food with one of my dogs but not within view of my OH, he also thinks it gross and would

    promptly give me a sermon which I can do without. :rofl:

  6. Does anyone know the outcome yet? I live on the cusp of Waverly council and would really like to know!

    What disturbs me is if they include all the top 10 most dangerous dogs ... I think that the statistics weren't adjusted for number of animals of a certain breed in Australia - because most of the breeds on the top dogs list are very popular.

    When will they listen to reason... dangerous dogs are the result of 'bad' owners generally and not breed!

    I never hear of german shepherds posing a problem?

    I hear what you are saying, it is true that dangerous dogs can be as a result of bad owners but how does one

    discriminate good owners from bad owners?

  7. Cross kelpie AHAHHAA :shrug: Why cause he has a bit of tan on him?

    Looks like an am staff to me:)

    Did you take him in when he wandered onto your property? How lovely of you! Does he have marks on his nose from an attempted escape or...?

    yes bully seemed to think he lived here and constantly got out i only got ranger to take him because he couldnt stay here and i left a note on his owners place to say he was here but a week later note still on front door untouched so i called the ranger and took the note off 3 days later they came to see if he was here. and yes she did say from the tan.

    also marks on his nose and his eye are from escaping.

    he had the most beautiful nature i lifted his head out of his food bowl (not always a smart thing) to clean his eye. the ranger was a real **** . she jerked his neck with the lead and started screaming at him when she had him out the front because he stood up when another dog went past. :rofl:

    she also told me i should be charged for theft because i let him stay her for a week :laugh:

    What a frickin moron! She should have been grateful that you were kind enough to look after the dog for a week, never mind saying you should be charged with theft. Just another idiotic moron.

  8. I cannot believe that such an incident would take place, God only knows! As others have said, seems like the Travolta's have been plagued by bad luck lately. Perhaps it is time to forget the very existance of Scientology. Not saying that this is why they've have had bad luck but perhaps it is well about time that they give some of their cash to more deserving institutes rather than Scientology which I equate to a leech.

    Edited cause I usually go 100 miles an hour and leave out a word or two.

  9. I am flabbergasted at the amount of support directed towards a DOL poster.

    I do commend each and everyone of you.

    I am only new to this forum hence I don't know Jed; I did hear the news on tv and found it upsetting at what had happened. I would never have guessed that the person involved was a part of this very forum. I was so touched that every one of her dogs were a part of the family unit. I am just so touched and sorry that this had to happen but such is life and now it is time to move forwards so I can only pray that all will fall into place and that Jed will come back stronger than ever. Anybody that loves their pets is a friend to me. All the very best of karma to you Jed. May life smile at you from now on. :(

  10. I have very mixed feelings on all this. For about 15 years I was a vegetarian, mainly because I never looked a raw meat and thought mmmm yummy a nice steak for dinner. All I saw was lumps of raw meat rather than food so I gave up bothering. I eat it again now but only when the mood strikes.

    From when I was 17 to about 25 I lived in Hong Kong, China and here in Australia in asian communities. I know I ate a lot of non-traditional animals including a lot of dog. Back then I was surrounded by strange food options, people who loved to eat those strange foods and conditions that saw what we might consider a pet treated as a commercial product. I commonly saw 'chow dogs' confined to boats and when they were at the right age the family would slaughter and eat them. I saw snakes and frogs killed in front of me, skinned, gutted and sold for cooking. I saw sharks fins and bears paws for sale in markets, I ate turtle from its huge upturned turtle shell, there were plastic containers on the dirty streets containing fish that had to swim on their sides to keep covered by the shallow water. The two worst was the whole fish dipped in boiling oil and served at our table still kicking (which I ate some of) and the live monkey whose skull was sliced off at the restaurant table so everyone could pick out and eat its brains while they were still 'live' (I did not participate in this but my chinese father in law at the time did).

    I feel bad about all this being an animal lover but know that my asian experiences were really about me trying to desperatly fit in with everyone else. I was the only caucasian and foreigner amongst a myriad of locals and didn't know what else to do but eat what everone else did and try to ignore the conditions the animals were kept in. This kind of thing is not morally right in Australia but every other country has its own view on what is food and how it is treated. I was in Morocco 3 years back I ate camel several times and bought a camel belt. Some people would be horrified but camel is a regular food over there so I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary in that country.

    I wouldn't eat any of these things out here - I don't even buy leather shoes. And I do care how my meat is killed here in Australia. Hence my mixed feelings on this issue in regards to other cultures and countries. I'm not sure I can tell them what they should and shouldn't do.

    Yes, they should be told and the world should get together in order to stop them from continuing such barbaric practices! Boy oh boy, you sure did your best to fit in and you most certainly did which I find horrendous for someone that regards herself as an animal lover. While I am at it, is there anything you haven't gotten around to sampling yet? :)

  11. This disgusts me.

    Are they going to ban skinning them alive for their fur aswell????? :):)

    I seen a doco once on how they were prepared for eating. I wont go in to detail but it is revolting. The dog dies a slow and painful death. :laugh:

    We (my neighbour and I - she is from Thailand) were only talking about this the other day.

    Google "Dogs being skinned alive for fur" (PLEASE BE WARNED IT IS NOT PRETTY - DONT LOOK if youre like me and cant stand to see an animal suffer) it will also have info on them being eaten.

    I was heavily pregnant when I did this, (3 yrs ago) I found it by accident whilst I was at work. I cried and cried everyday for weeks, feeling so helpless I was so far away and couldnt do any thing. I drove around with BOYCOTT BEIJING (Olympics) stickers on my car and signed that many petitions. (Not that it would help :( )

    The cruel, horrendous conditions these animals are kept in, the sad, slow way they die. Tied to a pole, stabbed (a main artery near the groin/back leg?) and left to scream and struggle as they slowly bleed to death, then many are still alive as they are skinned for their fur and meat. :D :D :laugh:

    Oh and dogs are not only farmed, pets are also stolen for this purpose. :) :D

    It IS disgusting and should be STOPPED.

    I could never visit a market in China. :mad

    I could never visit China. If I were given a free holiday to visit that country I would refuse! Anyone that says "oh but we eat pork, beef, etc" miss an important point; we do not set out to cause the animal untold misery in the belief that the meat will taste better or be more tender. There is no excuse for what transpires in that horrid country. Lots of lovely chinese people here though. I just hope that those very people directly responsible for such atrocities and also those who know about it and eat such meat be made to die a horrid and very very painful death.

  12. there is a quick in house test for parvo, it costs about $15. Time to change vets.

    I agree 100%. I asked in a previous post as to whether the vet carried out a parvo test as I was surprised that the dog came down with parvo even though he was immunised. I am absolutely appalled that the vet attempted a blind guess. Time to change vets, I would not darken the doorsteps of such a place :)

  13. I've seen plenty of Lab cross Poodles look like that.

    Ditto. :laugh:

    Well, I have just googled Lab x poodles and they don't quite look like Chelsea. Seems that the lab x poodles have a slightly more profuse coat. I can't imagine a lab x poodle turning out black and white either but then I am no geneticist.

    My lab x poodle boy



    He has a very sparse very shaggy coat!

    He is a rescue thou so no idea if he really is a lab x poodle. From what I know of his history he was taken out of a puppy farm at 6 weeks that was closed down, then he was at the pound, then he went to a foster carer who ended up being very dodgey apparently and my boy didnt come out of a tiny kennel (cell) till he was around 12months when he was rescued by a REAL rescuer and came to us not long after that. He was a very broken dog still is really but I love him...well most the time!

    He is beautiful, he is lucky that you have rescued him. I really feel for him given that he had to live in a tiny kennel for so long, some people have no heart or conscience! :laugh:

    He does appear to have a thicker coat to Chelsea.

  14. I think the point is that the puppy IS apparently registered but on MR which the purchaser didn't want. It would be interesting to find out if my theory about the breeder not downgrading the registration is on the mark. That is what I believe has happened.

    ALL puppies in the litter have been put on MR, and rather than pay the money to downgrade to LR, the breeder has said MR or nothing but because the purchaser didn't wish to pay the "full" price, they have sold the puppy without papers instead.

    The inference to MR and the breeder being dodgy is more the OP pointing out that if the breeder had been dodgy, they wouldn't have offered MR in the first place because it wouldn't have been available.

    That's how I read it anyway.

    Sounds like you may have hit the nail on the head ellz although I can't guarantee it at this stage until I speak to the breeder as it was never stipulated to me, at the time, that the pup was on full reg.

  15. I read it as he was offered MR or no papers and didn't want MR so GoE took the no papers option. And was saying that the breeder offering MR papers means they aren't dodgy. :laugh:

    Yes, that is pretty much what I meant. I didn't feel that I had any reason to be suspicious given that the option to purchase the pup with full reg. was made available to me. I really did not give any thought in trying to obtain limited reg. papers. I felt confident in the knowledge that I was purchasing a pedigree pup and am still confident in that thought.

  16. I have always found it to be common practice in having to pay a substantial amount more if wanting to purchase a dog with full reg. papers. As I said in an earlier post, I spoke to a few breeders and all wanted far more money if I wanted a pup with full reg. I have found this to be always the case even as far back as 20 yrs ago. I am disappointed in finding out that this isn't always so and if not for this forum would not have known any differently given that I have never struck a breeder that was prepared to sell a pup with full reg. papers for the same price as a pup with limited reg.

  17. well I'm going against the trend :hug:

    I think she looks like a lot of the staghound dogs that end up in my local pound. In many parts of rural NSW staghounds are bred like they are going our of fashion and heaps of them end up in pounds. They do tend to have very nice temperaments. Staghounds originated from deerhound and greyhounds stock but the people who breed them often put other breeds in there as well so you do get quite a bit of variation in size (although most are quite large) and look. Some have a finer coat and some have a scruffy coat - but I've never seen one with a thick plush coat.

    But I do agree she's not irish woldhound. They are seriously HUGE :hug:

    check out this:

    wolfhound blog and scroll down to the fourth photo :mad

    Just had a look at the 4th photo - bloody hell, that is one seriously gigantic dog; well, that proves it - Chelsea is no wolfhound. Thanks raineth. :)

  18. http://www.laa.org.au/ala-lab/coats.html lab x poodle coat 1st cross pic down bottom says they will be hairy

    Thank you for the link LM4. I didnt know that lab x poodles turn out in either fleece, wool or hair. I suppose it all depends on whether a purebred lab is crossed with a purebred poodle or whether it is a case of multi generation breeding. I can't quite tell what the 'hair' version looks like, wonder if that is similar to Chelsea...although I would hasten to add that Chelsea appears to have a wiry coat. Need a new set of glasses here. Is the 'hair' version the same as the 'wire' hair ?

  19. My guess is that the breeder took the "easy" way out and registered all of the puppies on Main and couldn't be arsed downgrading to Limit so that was why Limited Registration wasn't offered.

    I'm still a bit curious as to why you would have copies of the parents registration, your dog is registered and yet the breeder didn't give you so much as a photocopy of the registration papers of the dog itself??????

    I will make a point of speaking to the breeder and will ask if that is indeed the case. You have raised an interesting point here ellz. There was no mention of a photocopy of the reg. papers for the pup itself which leaves me feeling like a dumbass and I normally consider myself to be....well, let's say of slightly above average intelligence. I don't profess to be a brain surgeon though.

    I just hope that this thread doesnt turn ugly; please everyone lets keep it cool.

  20. Yes, both parents are on full register. Thanks for the info. :hug:

    Are you positive? If you only saw photocopies of their registration certificates, you won't know what colour they are (unless they were coloured copies). Limited Registration and Main Registration certificates are printed on different coloured paper with different coloured ink.

    I have the address of the breeder. I did check with Dogs Queensland before purchasing the pup. The breeder is indeed legitimate. I specifically asked Dogs QLD to compare notes with the photocopies that I had and it is true that the photocopies I have are exactly like the originals and the originals are definitely not of limited registration. Thanks. :)

    The breeder still would have had to register the pup with dogs QLD and the breeder may be retaining the papers to use on a dodgy dog to breed from? Maybe having a couple of back to back litters with a bitch but using the pups papers! It has happened before :hug: I hope that isn't the case :mad

    I don't really know as to why I wasn't supplied with limited reg. papers, but the breeder sounds very nice and genuine to me and I do have a great dog that I am over the moon about; I could not have hoped for a better cavalier.

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