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Posts posted by Rottigirl

  1. Interesting, my pup had parvo and used to hiccup alot and now is hiccuping less as digestive system repaired itself (for ages he had symptoms of pancreatitis while recovering from parvo). I used to give him a piece of ice to lick to stop the hiccups. Would be interested to find out if they do relate to pancreatitis.

  2. Ditto to Rexiam. Why do people not vaccinate at 16weeks :)

    I have a little rotti pup that got parvo because a vet followed vaccination protocol that at 12 weeks he got C5 and 16 weeks he got Kennel Cough/Parainfluenza :) . That stupidity cost me a fortune (and I'm talking over $10K) to save my dog's life and we almost didn't....

    Vet blamed the vacc company for saying they said their vac works at 10 weeks and then he blamed my dog because of his breed (they say rottis are more susceptable to parvo). The maternal antibodies in some breeds prevent them from gaining proper immunity with vaccinations at 12 weeks. I still don't understand why, if my vet knew that rottis are more suceptible to parvo, you would take the risk and not vaccinate it at 16 weeks or recommend titre :laugh:. Needless to say we have changed vets to one that isn't such a complete moron.

    I have also been told there have been more cases of parvo in our area, no doubt due to inadequate vaccination policy (people in my area are diligent about vaccinating their dogs).

    The least you can do for your puppy if you aren't going to vaccinate at 16 weeks is titre so you aren't overvaccinating but you make sure your pups have antibodies to those awful diseses vaccinations were designed to prevent so you and your pup don't have to go through it. Nursing a dying parvo puppy is the absolute pits and is avoidable if you follow correct vaccination protocols.

  3. Can anyone recommend a good probiotic for dogs? we don't sell it where i work.

    Protexin :confused: - great stuff and it's powder. Check it is suitable with your vet and don't forget to store it in the fridge.

    :confused: I also had another thought. Some plants can cause itching diarrhea and vomiting in dogs???

  4. My puppy was on i/d long term because of loose/runny stools - and he's still alive fit and well. He didn't have a choice though. Prescription i/d is the absolute best food for upset bellies!

    My pup's issues sound similar to yours he also had fecal floats, checked for worms etc.

    He had parvo when he was little so that may have had something to do with it, or maybe I was overfeeding when I was trying frantically to put weight back on him post parvo. I was given i/d after parvo to feed during recovery and kept him on it for about 6 months it was the only thing I knew he could eat without issues. I now keep cans in stock just in case we have any problems.

    We also ditched the kibble completely, I reduced the amount of food I was feeding and I now make and blend a 'vege mix' from scratch and add to fresh raw pet chicken mince. We haven't had a problem since :laugh:

    What are you doing when puppy gets sick? Are you fasting etc? Sometimes not resting and recovering the digestive system properly may have an impact on the longevity of the problem (or it did when I rushed and fed my boy too quickly anyway...). Also speak to your vet about getting Protexin or similar to restore good bacteria in the gut.

    My routine for runny stool is fast the minute I see any problem for 24 hours (depending on age less if puppy check fasting period with your vet), I make him a soup with a chicken frame (just to add flavor) that I feed to keep hydrated (skim all fat off, fat is not your friend when you have puppy with diarrhea). I usually feed the soup in the last 8 hours and mix some Protexin (puppy probiotics) in it - (someone here suggested I get some from the vet and I haven't looked back). Introduce the i/d slowly small meals frequently and add Protexin in for a few days then he would go back to mr ball of health.

    I haven't had to do this though since he changed diet (touch wood anyway).

    Good luck with your pup I hope it's something simple to fix.

  5. I would seriously take you up on that offer. I am training for a 1/2 marathon and run alone because my beautiful boy is only a baby 12month old rotti with joints that require much preservation. Give me algyval, neoprene wraps and supplies and I'll happily have your Myrtie pull me along the entire 21kms :laugh:

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