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Posts posted by chi4me

  1. Just for you Chi4me :)


    I just got home with my new puppy!, I went to pick him up and came home with different puppy :shrug:

    I fell in luvvvv with his cheecky personality and this was the original pup the breeder wanted me to take!!

    I know "no photos" ...just charging the batteries :confused:

    will post later

    Oh my goodness! How adorable is Poko!!! He is gorgeous!!! so thankyou for the pic :)

    Now I will patiently for your new puppy pics as well :laugh:

  2. Most chi breeders place out latter because they are vaccinated latter than many other breeds.

    Also because of there skull formation being different to any other breed most prefer to wait until it is more developed

    Thankyou Jaxx, CW EW and Showdog!

    This information has helped me greatly :)

  3. Hi all,

    Sorry for the change in topic - but I posted this over in the puppy section, before realizing there was a WA thread.

    Can anybody please recommend a good puppy pre-school for me south of the river? I would really like to hear of your experiences with these places, if you would recommend them, the why's and why not's, and if there were things that you found lacking etc...

    I would also like to ask you if you have owned chihuahuas and trained them what has been your experience here as well... Getting conflicting information from the internet, some rating chis in their top five hardest list to potty train etc, whilst others dont even mention them at all (dont know if thats a good thing or bad one actually)

    I thank you in advance for helping me out here.

    WOuld love to offer advice etc but I am North so no idea of pup schools down south and I have never had a chihuaha, nor do I know if anyone with one.

    I would try the Vet in Midvale George Huber ( Swan Valley Vets) they should know !

    I have friends that have obedience titled Chis so it can be done


    Thanks so much Wazzat for this info!

    Much appreciated :)

  4. Just wondering, why Chi's are not parted from their Mums until they are 12 weeks of age? when it seems to be the consensus that other pups may leave their mum from 8 weeks on..

    Is it only because of their size? and determining good health?

    The reason that I ask, is that in the socializing threads I have read 8 - 12 weeks of age seems to be critical time for this time happen?

    If someone could help to explain that would be wonderful.

    Thanks so much.

  5. WOuld love to offer advice etc but I am North so no idea of pup schools down south and I have never had a chihuaha, nor do I know if anyone with one.

    No problems Mas1981 -thankyou for taking the time to respond anyhow :confused:

    Edited to add: Just in case there is a mix up - Im not down south as in country - but situated around the Southern River, Canning Vale area :)

  6. Hi all,

    Sorry for the change in topic - but I posted this over in the puppy section, before realizing there was a WA thread.

    Can anybody please recommend a good puppy pre-school for me south of the river? I would really like to hear of your experiences with these places, if you would recommend them, the why's and why not's, and if there were things that you found lacking etc...

    I would also like to ask you if you have owned chihuahuas and trained them what has been your experience here as well... Getting conflicting information from the internet, some rating chis in their top five hardest list to potty train etc, whilst others dont even mention them at all (dont know if thats a good thing or bad one actually)

    I thank you in advance for helping me out here.

  7. If all goes to plan a new litter of chihuahuas will have been born sometime today.

    Im keeping my fingers crossed that;

    1. Mum has an easy time of it, and there are no complications with either her or the puppies and that

    2. there is a little long coat man in there for me.

    If all turns out as hoped, I should be receiving my new family addition in 12 weeks *crossing my fingers*

    OMG I am so excited

    :o Fingers crossed for you!! Bubby Chi's are adorable.. just a bit biased I have a smooth coat 3yr old "Poko"

    Thanks so much Undecided :eek: I feel a bit of a nervous wreck atm - waiting for confirmation from the breeder that all is well and just maybe there is my new little family in this litter :shrug:

    I did send her off a quick email saying if there was anything I could do for her, to let me know as we are in quite close in locations but as yet have heard nothing, and am fearful of ringing in case she has her hands full - which I am sure is the case lol.

    Would love to see pics of Poko - I swear I have spent nearly all night on internet looking at chihuahua information and pictures lol.

  8. If all goes to plan a new litter of chihuahuas will have been born sometime today.

    Im keeping my fingers crossed that;

    1. Mum has an easy time of it, and there are no complications with either her or the puppies and that

    2. there is a little long coat man in there for me.

    If all turns out as hoped, I should be receiving my new family addition in 12 weeks *crossing my fingers*

    OMG I am so excited!

  9. I am still at work so I don't have the link byt when I get home I will PM you carolyn's email. :rofl:

    Carolyn groups pups in small classes by size and is very quick to intervene if the play is a bit rough.

    Lincoln is handsome! And very mature :provoke: he was only 7 months in that head shot.

    Thanks so much!

    I really appreciate you taking the time to do this for me :)

  10. It might not be the same one then. As the one I took Lincoln to was only a puppy preschool. :rofl:

    I hate to be a pest ValleyCBR but if you have their details would you mind sending me a PM? Ive tried google but nothing is coming up :provoke:

    The more I look into puppy-preschool the more horror stories I am starting to read - have to admit to feeling a bit frightened of my little one getting trampled or worse!

    On a completely different subject - your Lincoln is absolutely gorgeous!

  11. Thanks for your reply ValleyCBR - much appreciated!

    Found the website, and it seems that they dont do a puppy pre-school? only obedience and agility - anyhow that is what is advertised on their site.

    I will give them a ring to confirm though :provoke:

  12. Hi All,

    Im very excited about my new chihuahua male puppy I should be receiving in approximately 8 - 12 weeks - that is if all goes to plan :laugh: Mummy Chi is due tomorrow - so am keeping my fingers crossed that there will be a little male pup available for me, and that his mummy has an easy birth to boot :laugh:

    I have had my name down with this breeder for months now and she has been absolutely wonderful in supplying me with articles to read, from everything to puppy proofing my home, socializing, medical conditions, and a whole lot more! Actually she has been so fantastic I havent even wanted to speak to other breeders since I first started researching and doing the ring a round, because I have 100% confidence in this great lady and am prepared to wait even if it means that I might not be able to have a new little member till next year - of course I hope that isnt the case, but if it is then so be it.

    As mummys due date is this week, I have been hesitant about shooting off an email, or phone call as I dont want to interrupt her, with something that I can ask at a later date - however, with my puppy enthusiasm and excitedness (its not puppy stalking I promise lol) at its peak, I couldnt help but ask question here;

    Can anybody please recommend a good puppy pre-school for me south of the river? I would really like to hear of your experiences with these places, if you would recommend them, the why's and why not's, and if there were things that you found lacking etc...

    I would also like to ask you if you have raised chihuahuas and trained them what has been your experience here as well... Getting conflicting information from the internet, some rating chis in their top five hardest list to potty train etc, whilst others dont even mention them at all (dont know if thats a good thing or bad one actually)

    I thank you in advance for helping me out here.

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