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    Breeding, Training, Working & Hunting Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dogs (CATAHOULAS)

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  1. C'mon guys/gals........... Yes i agree Dettol is NOT the preferred method, but one of the only ways for the "wusses" (as someone referred to themselves previously) to rid them! Don't forget about the poisoning they do to the dogs, pups, numerous amounts of wildlife etc..... I don't do the dettol thing as they can crawl away briefly & hide then the dogs can find & chew the next day (hasn't happened but sure it would/could). I'm a golf club or grab by the back leg, smack on the head & bin man........SORRY no mercy here for them.
  2. Hi Bajucy - Toads - well they are here in full force now (NT). I've been lucky & never had a drama with my dogs wanting to chase, chew or eat them....Young pups show some interest but a quick "UT" or "NO" seems to do the trick...Obviously not that exciting to my (most dogs)......But only way to get rid of them is kill by dettol or golf club... or the "wussy" way is pick them up & put them in the freezer..they go to sleep, then you have to find a collection depot or burn them etc while they are asleep..... With ticks - I would be treating year round so they don't get onto of you, like they can if you get complacent. I treat (inject) all my dogs monthly with a product called "Dectomax" (the product vets use up here for tick shots) It also treat intestinal worms, heart worm & mange...DOES NOT TREAT TAPEWORM... It is expensive ($300 per 500ml) to do yourself unless you have a yard full of dogs..so most vets will treat monthly for around $25.....
  3. Gees Tansy, You have obviously done as much as you could have before you bred! I'm no expert on the problem by no means but i'm pretty sure it is a very high probability of being inherited. So you are VERY unlucky or your not quite getting the whole truth when researching your sire & dams bloodlines...Don't forget litter mates of both sides also need to be researched..... That aside - I would a. offer a full refund with the new owner to decide after that what they wish to do with the dog. I would insist (and pay for a desexing) b. offer a pup from a future litter with still the option of there choice as to the future of the problem dog... Good Luck with it!
  4. Sure - to be honest it's an average i've decided on (and my kennels vary from 9+ dogs that are ALL vaccinated, wormed & micro chipped - proper care is always given at all costs in my kennels but i also do not wish to line the pockets of Vets for the sake of overvaccinating - ie yearly!). A very good friend of mine is a practising Vet & after many discussions & debates about this topic 2 yrs is the choice i've made. Europe & i beleive the USA are 3 years now, i believe NZ is 2 yrs also. I'm waiting for the "OK" for the 3 year vacs....Seems a long time :D I haven't/didn't hear/d the latest report on the ABC but i was led to believe it has been debated on here in Oz for quite some. Vet board holding things up because $$$$$'s i pressume. In any case, the time frame for vaccinations is an AVERAGE anyhow - immune systems react differently from dog to dog (human to human for that matter) & the ONLY way to know the "right" time to vaccinate is to get blood test for each individual dog.............
  5. Yep, pretty sure we are one of the few countries that vaccinate annually. My dogs are done every two years. Lepto shots still annually as they are hunting dogs & frequent watercourses, swamps etc regulary.... I think NZ are every two years also! Someone correct me if i'm wrong :D
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