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  1. hmm might try the TShirt idea. I have a few Doggy Tees that would cover his belly and armpits. im going to get him a vet appointment today. hopefully some antihistamines will help him... hate seeing him scratching
  2. hmm might try the TShirt idea. I have a few Doggy Tees that would cover his belly and armpits. im going to get him a vet appointment today. hopefully some antihistamines will help him... hate seeing him scratching
  3. Hi Everyone. Chester, my 2YO Chihuahua has been scratching his underside / neck and licking his front paws a fair bit for the last 2 weeks. It's not constant scratching and licking thats distressing him, nor is he losing sleep because of itching, but its enough for us to notice he is doing it too much. there is no loss or discolouration of hair on either his underside or paws, and I ran my hands over his legs, chest and belly, but I couldn't feel any swelling, heat, lumps or abnormalities. I also tried giving him a medicated bath but that only worked for about a day (and made for a VERY unimpressed Chihuahua!!) I gave him a flea treatment a week ago, due to him going to Doggy Day Care and mixing with a heap of other dogs, but that did nothing to help or exacerbate the scratching or licking. it was suggested to me, due to the time of year, that its could be an environmental allergy. So my big question is, has anyone used or has found a really good allergy remedy that alleviates itching? are there any other preventative measures I can take around this time of year to stop him getting too itchy? thanks, Charlene.
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