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Everything posted by BigPaws

  1. I'm going to be laying new lawn in the next few weeks and will fence it off for a few weeks so dogs can't play on it. I am a big supporter of Aussie Dog toys but they will play with them wherever they can. If your dogs like plush toys, Tuffies have some good choices.
  2. Your dogs are all so lovely
  3. First of all, good on you for taking on two pups at the same time and good luck with them both. With the toilet training, I would just keep a very close eye on them when they're inside and the second they start sniffing around take them outside as this is a sign they are looking for somewhere to go to the toilet. Also put them out after eating, playing and sleeping. I teach my dogs a word like "toilet" and say it whenever I let them out and say it while they're going and also praise them when they go. There are some products such as "odour go" or "urine free" which can be sprayed on any spills to deter further accidents.
  4. That photo of Kostya and your daughter in the pool is one of the most beautiful pics I've seen of a child and their dog.
  5. Thanks for the responses. Should I have just believed what I read then instead of looking into it further? I'm quite aware of what Parvo is and how nasty it is so I don't need to hear everyone's stories and visit sick puppies. Again, thanks to those who have given informative responses, especially Steve.
  6. So I've been doing a bit of research on vaccinations and other chemicals we put into our pets for the sake of preventing certain illnesses and parasites. I have some questions for breeders and would also welcome the opinions of other potential puppy buyers. What I have gathered so far is as follows: 1) when dogs are on a natural, raw diet fleas and mosquitos are not interested in them so there is no need for flea or heartworm treatments. 2) if dogs are not subjected to chemical intervention, their bodies are able to develop the ability to deal with worms on their own 3) vaccinations do nothing except poison your dog. 4) pups over 12 weeks of age are safe from Parvo My questions to breeders are: 1) Do you have to vaccinate, worm and flea your pups prior to selling as a condition of being a registered breeder? 2) Would you raise pups on nothing but a raw diet and sell them with the recommendation that they are fed nothing but raw and don't receive any vaccinations, worm or flea treatment? 3) Do you educate your puppy buyers on the dangers of processed pet food? 4) Do you think puppies need to have worm and flea treatments as babies and do you think they should be vaccinated? My questions to puppy buyers are: 1) Would you buy a puppy from a breeder who hasn't given the pups any vaccinations, worm or flea treatments? 2) Would you be happy with a pup that has gone from mother's milk to raw diet? 3) Would you be prepared to continue for the rest of the dog's life with no vaccinations and feeding a raw diet?
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