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Posts posted by melinda10786

  1. I was in your shoes 7 mths ago with my girl Sammy. All the same things, she had a grand mal seizure. Continued with petits for 48hrs until the meds kicked in. We had 5 good weeks after that with good & bad times until she went downhill rapidly.

    My thoughts are with you, its never an easy decision but it can also be the kindest.

  2. I share your frustrations Sheridan it does get better!! Our puppy is now 17 weeks and we thought having the older two might assist toilet training Dante.. Yeh no.. Its only now he gets the toileting outside and we can read his signals. He would just sit and pee. No warning, nothing. We took him out everytime he woke up, played, had a drink, ate.. Then every 30-60 mins.. Dante is much better now but we still have to watch him. It does click eventually :)

  3. Ours have a dog door so can come in & out as they please.. We lock the screen door that has the dog door & push the sliding glass door across and shove a piece of wood in to jamb it into place.

    You could provide her with a kennel yes. We have always given ours access to somewhere inside. Our new place is low set so the lounge. Old place was a double storey so they had all underneath the house (garage & storage area). Both with dog door access.

    If you use a kennel, just watch where its positioned so if it rains it doesn't blow into the kennel. I'd put something in it that smells like you & get her used to going in & out of it.

    I don't have experience with the DAP collars. I have been putting lavender & peppermint oil drops on my oldest's collars to help calm (for other issues) but it seems to help.

  4. We leave our three with indoor/outdoor access when we're at work. They have a dog door into our tiled lounge & this seems to help with reducing the barking. Also removing vision through fences & gates.

    They all get a chew when I leave for work & race for beds. I used to give their breakfast in Kong Wobblers before we moved & this kept them entertained for ages. Sand pits and hidden treats in the yard are also good to entertain if you have just one.

    As a fellow spaniel owner, I know what you mean re talkative. When mine bark outside when we are home, they are called back in and rewarded for not barking. We are working hard on their barking, the cats across the road have taken to taunting them. Lots of rewards for not barking and things to do.

  5. We have vinyl in our lounge instead of carpet. Looks like timber floors. The three dogs are inside, and the floor stands up to some hard wear & tear. We love it that much, we're replacing all the carpets with the same vinyl.

    We were told to not get the floor soaked, so if it gets peed on providing its cleaned relatively quickly it would be ok. Besides if it gets scratched or what not, we can pull up that piece and replace it with a spare.

  6. I live in Moreton Bay. When we applied for our third dog permit, the ranger simply came out and inspected our fences.

    When we moved and re-applied for the new house the ranger mentioned to us that if we got a noise complaint and did nothing, then yes we could be asked to remove the third dog off the premises. Do they enforce it? No idea. Moreton Bay permits are based on your block size.

    Just be aware of how many dogs you have on your property when its inspected. You are not supposed to have more than the allowable limit before your permit application. And you are not forewarned when they inspect. Each time, they have just turned up.

  7. We have 3, two girls & one boy. Our first two are close in age and are quite bonded. Sammy came in as a foster, we failed and she stayed. She is considerably older than the other two. We watch them carefully, we occasionally get scuffles but Sammy has slotted in pretty well. She just toddles round.

    Originally we thought having another girl would be a problem with our other girl but our boy was the one who took the longest to accept Sammy.

    Yes having three means one can go out, other two stay at home but I also enjoy taking them all together. Three can be hard when it comes to going away etc, we are lucky that one place we stay at allows us to take all three, otherwise we have a few babysitters who happily look after them for us at home.

  8. Update - a friend of the neighbour contacted my work collegue after finding out she had passed and Georga has gone home with her. Unfortuately Georga is not well, so she will live out her days with the friend. This was discovered when the son organised for a vet to come out to them to discuss options as she was quite depressed and it was discovered she has some renal issues. The son was going to take Georga home to SA with him however he and his mothers friend realised it would be very hard on her for such a long trip. So she will be pampered and cared for by someone she knows.

    Thank you for help!

  9. Hi

    Hopefully this in the right spot. Posting on behalf of a work collegue who is investigating avenues for rehoming her neighbours whippet. Unfortuately her neighbour passed away just before Easter & has left behind her Whippet.

    At this stage she has been told her neighbours family are unable to take on the dog and a friend of her neighbour has said she would take the Whippet to the RSPCA at Rockhampton as a friend works there & would make sure she went to a good home.

    My work collegue is concerned about this idea & knows that the dog would not cope in a pound environment and would like to avoid this. She goes over and feeds and plays with the dog a couple of times a day but she is missing her owner and would suit someone who is home a lot like her last owner. They are also not able to take the dog.

    I'm looking for suggestions as to what they may need to look at if they are able to re-home and who to contact. I will see if they know her breeder to see if they can touch base with them but are there other organisations or people they can discuss this with? They are based on Brisbane's northside.

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