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Posts posted by Tatzelwurm

  1. You are entirely correct, Steve. Most of the static advertising comes from registered breeders, the site advertises as "Austalia's Pure Breed Dog Community" which it patently is not, as 90% of the users do not appear to have purebred dogs, nor do they favour pure breed dogs.

    Consequently there is nothing for pure breed dog owners.

    No doubt one of the state registration authorities would be prepared to provide an appropriate forum. Perhaps DogsQld, with voting rights for members looming, some candidates will want to attract votes.

    Thank you for that information.

  2. I cannot understand this in any way. The people already have the dog, so the "breeding" is umimportant. I don't understand why others are "guessing" the breed.

    I considered it pointless, not dangerous, but having read some of the information here, I agree that it is potentially dangerous, and may lead to false expectations. No mongrel dog can be expected to have any genetic behaviours, although he may well have.

  3. Not sure lilli, but stry. poisoning cases go rigid, with the backbone stiffening. Washing soda and water will produce vomiting, if not too late.

    Your remedy will put a lining on the stomach. Phone the emergency sect of the hospital, or the poisons hot line, and ask them the amount per kg of body weight for people, and do the calculation

    Good luck :laugh:

    I suspect you could give a fair bit of that mixture to a biggish dog. Problem may be seizures and choking

  4. I understood this forum was for PUREBREED breeders to discuss matters of concern? Yet I see mostly discussions on cross bred dogs, and social interaction.

    Is it?

    When I joined back in 2004 I wasn't asked if I was a breeder, let alone if I was a breeder of pure breeds. I thought that was why breeders had their own forum on DOL at which the others of us are not allowed to join in .... or is it that we can join in but not start? Sorry - I'm not sure because I usually don't venture there. I tend to stay here in General and Training and Health.

    I do think that precluding everyone other than those who breed pure breed dogs from DOL would make for a pretty narrow-minded mode of conversation as it would cut a lot of good ideas, experiences and help to others out, but I didn't know that me not being a breeder precluded me (or others) from being a member of DOL nor in partaking in any conversations.

    The banner at the top of the page says

    Australia's Pure Breed Dog Community

    So one would assume this forum is as advertised.

    I believe that includes all owners of pure breed dogs, not breeders only, because it fails to specifically mention breeders. Nowhere is the preclusion of non breeders mentioned. It is interesting that those who are pushing for dogsqld members to pay up are from other states, and most of them do not appear to be breeders. I would have thought the matter would be for discussion amongst affected breeders only?

  5. It is a mongrel. If you want to know what breed your dog is, buy a purebred. Then you will know. You will never know what this dog, or any other mongrel is.

    I think that everyone here knows this - especially on this forum of all places. Hardly worthy of éclat ... :laugh:

    Sometimes it's just a bit of harmless fun to guess what breeds might be in the mix even if you're never going to get a definitive answer. :)

    Besides, even with a purebreed, for many of them you'll never know for sure exactly what breeds went into the original genetic cocktail, way, way back when ... Even the Poodle which has been around for many, many centuries is said to have its history and origin "shrouded in antiquity and hypothesis" ... :vomit:

    In any case, it's not the OP who acquired the mongrel ... and it's natural human curiosity to want to know of what Bits are in a Bitsa ...

    I have no issues with people owning mongrels, but I fail to understand why they would ask what breeds are in them when it is plainly impossible to tell. Probably both parents were a mix of many or several breeds. It seems like a pointless exercise. And there will never be an answer. Even DNA testing will not prove anything.

    Why not have the dog, accept it is a medium sized short haired dog, and be happy with that? Why spend time wondering what it is?

    Purebred dogs were evolved long ago, and if we are sufficiently educated, we are able to deduce what they are by looking at them, because each one is similar to others of the breed. Evolution was so long ago that there is now no question about what the dog is.

    koalathebear no-one will ever be an "expert" on the subject of the ancestry of mongrel dogs.

  6. Accreditation with Dogsqld would benefit those accredited who could sell more pups, if those who already accredited are any yardstick. Volume and - or inexperienced breeders in the main. Very few exhibitors.

    I understood this forum was for PUREBREED breeders to discuss matters of concern? Yet I see mostly discussions on cross bred dogs, and social interaction.

    One of the few threads by registered breeders is garnering criticism because breeders are openly discussing a scheme.

    What actually is the purpose of the forum?

    Quite disappointing. Are those criticising involved or not?

    What is being said here makes little sense and it really doesnt do registered breeders many favours in the PR department.

    so in a public forum where anyone can get the results if they google, you are all saying that the system should not be trusted. so a puppy buyer reads this and then goes to a pet shop or a byb because who can they trust?

  7. Splendidly done. Marvellous to see "the coal face" and know the faces the money reaches, without deductions or inroads. My donations went to people lliving close to the Wivenhoe wall, whose horses were swept away, and houses inundated. Friends of a friend. Exhibitors also received donations, sorry stonebridge, otherwise I could help these people. You are doing a wonderful job with the donors.

  8. To Haven that may be patterning as advocated by the Institutes in Mass. USA, Dr Glenn Doman. To Corvas there is some reserch implying that calm/serene owners produce calm serene dogs. Anxious/hyperactive/busy owners produce dogs which are always doing and going. Behaviior can be changed by owner changing behaviour around dogs, so it is intersting to learn what you are doing. The Alexander technique is something similar and possibly worth discovering.

  9. If someone wont allow a dog inside why bother with the mess and trouble they make? Those owners would rarely see the dog. Buy a fish instead. Dogs need company, live outside, or allow the dog inside. :crossfingers:

    People from the UK do allow the dog inside and they allow them on transport too. Australians are well behind.

  10. Please take her to a good competent vet or a specialist as soon as you can for a check. This may be a symptom of some nasty such as CD (which I think is restricted to short haired dogs) or PRA - but I don't know enough about collies.

    Blindness at dusk is not something which happens with dogs with great eyes.

    Edited to say - such a handsome dog!!

  11. Staff have inferior knowledge of the requirements of the stock they sell. Many different breeds, experience is necessary, teenage girls on casual hours will not acquire that knowledge.

    This is anecdotal, but worth checking.

    * People being told Golden Retrievers are excellent for older people, for apartments, and need little exercise

    * Huskies being touted as low exercise

    * Maremmas - "herding dogs" just like retrievers. Grow the size of a Blue Cattle Dog

    Information on the requirement of the pups edited to suit the buyer's requirements.

  12. Just asked buddy who works at Moreton Bay Regional council Hesapandibear. No kennel licence unless it is commercial, or there are many dogs, simply require a permit to keep excess dogs if you are a breeder registered with dogsQld. Council will not give a number.

    It depends on where your land is, how close the neighbours are, but you must have fences and buddy says they looked at whether there were runs for the dogs or not, but it was not mandatory. Buddy says it is not difficult to get a permit, but a proper kennel licence might be harder.

    Edited for Clarity

  13. This is my first post, so I hope I am not doing anything wrong. We lived near dogfighters for years. Well educated wealthy rural people but they were not good people, and had no care for dogs. We often found dead dogs with horrible wounds dumped in the bush, or nearly dead dogs on tracks.

    I think they know better but like the brutality and like the money. I believe big bets were placed, and a lot of people went to the dog fights.

    The pups were nasty little things, always wanting to fight other dogs from the time they could stand. Not something you would want as a pet or a working dog.

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