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Posts posted by dubbleyoo

  1. :D

    I had never heard of them until about 2 years ago. Hubby and I were at a show I think in Narranderra and we met the owner/ breeder who had a black one and a white one. Sooo cute! I love fluff! :D

    We were told that they run off and you would never get them back. Reading above I guess it's not always true.

    Yeah, I worried about that after reading some breed reviews. However, after talking to breeders, it seems that's not true at all. Mine certainly never leaves my side.

    It was the owner/ breeder/ show person who told us this! :eek:

    Oh. :laugh:

    Well, maybe they're not big on training? Or maybe I should take back everything I said in my last comment and lines do matter. :laugh:

    Ha ha I would trust your experience owning one more than my experience of a 10 minute chat! :D

  2. I have 2 dogs, Sparkles a 2.5 yr old maltese and Chilli, a 2 year old mini daschund. Chilli often licks Sparkles fur, it seems obsesive, her favourite spot is on Sparkles left side between her shoulder and hip. She has done this since a few days after I brought her home, at 9 weeks. At first I thought she was trying to get milk. Did she leave her mum too early? I keep Sparkles fur fairly short, otherwise it gets knots. I joke to family and friends that she has OCD, I was just wondering is it real? Thanks

  3. Love it because I have done something for me :D Hate it when the kids argue over who is taking which dog. :( More kids than dogs- maybe I should get more fosters :laugh: Love the fresh air. Love finding new places when I move :D Love leaving housework because I'm out with the dogs :laugh:

  4. I had never heard of them until about 2 years ago. Hubby and I were at a show I think in Narranderra and we met the owner/ breeder who had a black one and a white one. Sooo cute! I love fluff! :D

    We were told that they run off and you would never get them back. Reading above I guess it's not always true.

    Yeah, I worried about that after reading some breed reviews. However, after talking to breeders, it seems that's not true at all. Mine certainly never leaves my side.

    It was the owner/ breeder/ show person who told us this! :eek:

  5. I had never heard of them until about 2 years ago. Hubby and I were at a show I think in Narranderra and we met the owner/ breeder who had a black one and a white one. Sooo cute! I love fluff! :D

    We were told that they run off and you would never get them back. Reading above I guess it's not always true.

  6. I found a cav NYE this year because I had gotten lost. I spent half an hour trying to get him from under my car, which wasn't easy as I was 6 months pregnant. :laugh: The next day I spent with the yellow pages, trying to find any vets or rescue place that was open. I eventually found a place that his owner had contacted, and she picked him up. It turned out that they were on holidays here and she and her friends had hired a "dog proofed" holiday house, and gone to watch the fireworks, and left 3 dogs outside! All 3 got out! Fortunatly all 3 were found and returned safely the next day. Still amazed they didn't keep them in when there was fireworks :confused:

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