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  1. This dog is unique, from what I can gather he is the only one in Australia. The owner developed allergies after coming from France 9 months ago with the dog. Very sad. He tried to rehome on Gumtree. I hope this dog has gone to a knowledgable owner, I tried to share him with search and rescue etc., as they are very good with training and are even used as therapy dogs. Hope he goes well wherever he is...
  2. Did you get the message I inboxed you Frenzied. If not please contact me on [email protected]. Have some ideas and info on the Beauceron
  3. Raelene please contact me and I will forward details to a the lady who deals with Schnauzer Rescue in Australia... Please message me and I will give you the details. Are they after a Schnauzer or a mini Schnauzer please. What happened to their last schnauzer back home..Contact Wendy on [email protected] thanks you.
  4. Hi Genry, I know of a beautiful pedigree standard male schnauzer in Sydnney looking for a home. I think he is anyway. Are you still interested. Please email me [email protected]. I personally would have taken him, but my last standard died only recently and my heart isn't quite ready to take on another one. They can be very stubborn and wilful but i wouldn t have it any other way. Cheers, Wendy
  5. Hi MM, Can you advise where I could find the details of Blacktown stats for the last financial year 2010 -2011. I am doing some research into animal deaths in Pounds and would be very grateful for these. Cheers Jiggywoo ooops my email address is [email protected] cheers
  6. Hi MM, Can you advise where I could find the details of Blacktown stats for the last financial year 2010 -2011. I am doing some research into animal deaths in Pounds and would be very grateful for these. Cheers Jiggywoo
  7. When you go out, lock your doggies up inside. Heard peeps are taking dogs possibly for unmentionable things..... so pleae locke them up inside, something chewed is better than a missing companion or furkid.
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