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Posts posted by NBT

  1. Hi all,

    Took my dog to be neutered today - had made the appointment two weeks ago. While standing in the waiting room after he had been led off I was told that he should also undergo a thorough blood test which would ensure that the absolutely right anaesthetic for him could be administered correctly as it would reveal info about his kidney and liver etc. It would also reveal if he had any issues so they could be dealt with promptly. The cost would be $240.00

    I declined.

    They then said that they were now recommending all dogs undergoing a GA to have fluid therapy - they explained the advantages of it to me - and it sounded great. The cost was another $200

    I declined

    They then said that while he was under the anaesthetic they could remove his hind dew claws - at the very cheap rate of $90.00

    Again I declined.

    I came away feeling terrible as most of these procedures sounded like things I should certainly have done for my boy but why on earth didn't they mention them when I made the initial appointment so I could have budgeted so much more? Is this usual practice?

    PS they did clip his claws free of charge!

    Change Vets!!! :laugh:

    I'd be not going back to him. - Ridiculous prices, and poor professionalism.

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