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Posts posted by chataboxboxers

  1. Hi There,

    I have a quick question for all you wonderful people. I am trying to find a fencing supplier in Warrnambool, or close by. Someone that sells galvanised mesh, gates and steel droppers etc for dog runs. I've finally managed to procure a bitch, and as she's already 6 months old, dog runs are a necessity before she moves in! However I'm having difficulty finding someone that supplies the goods I require. Am more than capable of erecting it myself so don't need to hire a contractor. Have checked out Bunnings but without success. Thanks in advance!!

  2. Hi Chata,

    Bitches normally drop their temp one to two days before whelping some are different ....it is written in books etc but that is really to cover the mojority..there are always bitches who dont conform to the "usual" vets "usually wont look at a bitch unles she is "over" her due date and is having contractions but has not produced anything ? i have never taken a temp because i usually pick up on little things that are different in the bitches demeanor, i would give your friends bitch 24hrs or so from when you took the temp she will most likely get going after that ? oh and they " usually " refuse food but i have a couple who would happily continue to eat as long as i was happy to keep giving it to them lol....all bitches are different you just take note of their behavior so you know what to expect next time . happy whelping .....

    Thanks Tenties! The bitch hasn't changed her behaviour much, she's a tad lethargic compared to the usual and has been a finicky eater during the last 3 weeks, so her refusal of food is a difficult point to go by. Will have to wait patiently for the next few hour and see how its all progressing...

  3. Good Morning All,

    Just hoping to get some advice. A friend of mine has a pregnant bitch today is day 59. Her temperature dropped last night to around 37.2-37.5 and is still around that now, usual temp is around 38.3-38.6. She hasn't started with any other signs of labour, so not sure if anything is happening or if we're being a little jumpy. The friend has a mentor but can't get in touch with them while they are showing. I've never whelped a litter so I'm not sure what to do other than ring the vet but she's wanting to wait a few more hours to see what happens and will consider the vet this evening if we're still not having any luck. Any advice would be hugely appreciated!!

  4. That blows. :(

    We had our "reception" there last October, and she was pumped and fully working hard on developing her business etc.

    The staff all loved her and loved their jobs... it was obvious.

    We had the BEST time and have recommended it to so many people since then.... shame it's all over. Still, it's better that it closed rather than being dragged along by an unenthusiastic operator... especially when she wasn't paying staff - that's just not good enough!

    Yeah its disappointing. It used to be the only place I'd ever take friends for coffee or lunch. But when I started working there, she's just lost a few chefs due to not keeping up with their pay, her marriage broke down and she had a lot of other things going wrong in her home life, it all started to go south from there.

  5. She just gave up on the business, she wasn't paying her staff and they were all slowly leaving. She came in one day and closed the doors and told everyone not to bother coming in the next day. That was it. I did get my pay out of her, but had to get my solicitor to sort it out because she wouldn't deal with me. Unfortunately there's very little work in Warrnambool at the moment.

  6. Hi All,

    Hope you're all well. I have a quick few questions about dew claw removal. I have a friend that has pups due in a few weeks and she's been asking me about having the dew claws done. I personally don't know how to do them, but am also interested to learn. Are there any vets who do them, or any other people that could educate the both of us on how this is done? I have watched youtube videos and read written instructions, however would prefer to see it done before attempting it myself, to know exactly where to snip. As Tyson had his removed as a newborn I can't use him as a guide as to where the 'joint" is. Thanks in advance!!

  7. Hi All,

    Hope you're well.

    TLC hopefully you'll be feeling better soon.

    JJ the pups look great, glad everything so far has been without any troubles. I'm sure they'll be full of mischief in the coming weeks!! :)

    We've been busy with work and getting ready to move. Tyson is well, starting to mature mentally now and settle down, which is a relief. Still very goofy and playful, just toned it down a bit.

    Hoping to find him a new playmate now, we have been down to the dog pen at Harris Street Reserve a couple of times with two boxer bitches, but have decided to see if we can find someone else to play with as we had an incident today. A young bloke showed up with his boxer bitch while we were there, and unfortunately the 2 boxer bitches we took Tyson with starting fighting with the newcomer. Not a good result, and not a habit I want Tyson to get into. He knew better than to get involved today, but I dont want to risk him turning nasty.

    Can't believe the weather we've been having lately, Sunny one day, inclement the next. I guess thats what Warrnambool weather is all about!!

  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Ummm No comment cose it just may be to rude only a little of course cose you all know that I would bever really be too rude :rofl::rofl::rofl:

    Congrats Tenties and BJ Cant believe that Geelong show has come around again Boofs one and only show hahaha.

    Had the poor boy at the vets on Saturday as he had broken off a toenail yet again so had to have it bandaged up and antibiotics for a week.

    Lucky he is such a pig and he just eats his tablets like they are lollies haha (lucky he is pretty cose he sure ain't smart)

    Had a vet that I have never seen before and he was very good :thumbsup::thumbsup: Not scared ( last time we where there the female vet didn't want to touch vet and appeared to be scared of Boof now I kow he is a big boy but he is a big sook and had shown no signs of agrression) anyhoo this one picked him put him on the table looked at his feet did what he had to do had a laugh at this big monster dog quivering and said its common for Ridgebacks to be scaredy cats and I was very impressed. Hope he is a stayer!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hope you had a wonderful 21st Birthday and where do you work ????

    What a pity about your boy :cry::cry::cry:

    I hope you can find the perfect girl.

    Ok best be off to bed so I can manage to get up for work tomorrow dont want to scare the kids :D :D :D

    Cheers Janet

    Hi Janet,

    Thanks, I had a great birthday. Starting at The Regal Cafe tomorrow. Yeah disappointed that Tyson can't be shown anymore, but I've learnt a lot through what we've been able to do so far, and met some great people. Now that I'm going back to work, will start actively looking for a bitch. Have a few breeders I would like to own a bitch from, although the ladies at Kesdar are top of my list if they have something for me.

  9. Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for the birthday wishes JJ and TLC. Been very busy lately, back at work for the first time in over 6 months. Had a hard time finding work, so unfortunately had to take anything I could get, which means long, long hours. Not sure whether I'll keep looking until I find something I would like to do, or stick with this new job for a while.. Tyson has made a good recovery since his op, although the roots of his 1st and 2nd premolars are exposed permanently so we've decided to retire him from showing. Still hoping to get my hands on a nice bitch in the near future, and get back into the ring, but looks as though it may take a while longer.

    Geez that's a shame about Tyson having to be retired. Still, the main thing is that he is ok, so that's good to hear. :)

    Congrats on getting a job! Bugger about the long hours, but then loooong hours means moooore money!!! :thumbsup:

    Yeah the money isn't too bad, could be better. But thats all part of working as a chef!! Hoping to find some sort of work with animals, so we'll see how that works out :)

  10. Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for the birthday wishes JJ and TLC. Been very busy lately, back at work for the first time in over 6 months. Had a hard time finding work, so unfortunately had to take anything I could get, which means long, long hours. Not sure whether I'll keep looking until I find something I would like to do, or stick with this new job for a while.. Tyson has made a good recovery since his op, although the roots of his 1st and 2nd premolars are exposed permanently so we've decided to retire him from showing. Still hoping to get my hands on a nice bitch in the near future, and get back into the ring, but looks as though it may take a while longer.

  11. Thats great news, it is so stressful when they are sick. I bet you have breathed a big sigh of relief to hear that news!

    It was a horrible wait, the vet wasn't sure if we were looking at cancer or something benign and aggressive that would require "debulking", and he hasnt lost any teeth yet, so we'll still be sporting it in the show ring for a while longer... :thumbsup:

    Great news.

    Bet you're relieved!

    Has this cyst affected his bite at all?

    It has pushed his first premolar inwards, But you have to separate his jaws and look at the roof of his mouth to notice it. So i dont think it'll be noticed in the ring. Still has a lot of healing to do, he has 2 exposed roots, but vet says that should fill in with a little time.

  12. Thats great news, it is so stressful when they are sick. I bet you have breathed a big sigh of relief to hear that news!

    It was a horrible wait, the vet wasn't sure if we were looking at cancer or something benign and aggressive that would require "debulking", and he hasnt lost any teeth yet, so we'll still be sporting it in the show ring for a while longer... :confused:

  13. Morning All,

    Tyson's biopsy results were good, the lump in his mouth was an Odontogenic Cyst. It is benign and all previous study on them, though vary few studies have been done, have shown no evidence of recurrence. He will have to go back to have the remainder of the cyst removed, but prognosis is great!! : )

  14. Hi All,

    Sorry for not updating you all, Tyson had surgery to remove a lump that has been growing around one of his top canine teeth and down alongside two of his molars. He had a section of it removed on thursday, and it has been sent off for biospy, hopefully have the results tomorrow or Wednesday. The new vet, Lava Street, said she has never seen anything like it before. First inspection she thought it was an ossifying epulis, but during removal, she is now completely puzzled. May have to go back to have more removed, she also said its left a "socket-like" dent in his jaw bone. Its been growing so long it has pushed his molars inwards which has made things more difficult. We're hoping its benign. The old vet is Warrnambool Vet clinic. Very disappointed with them not doing anything about it, but the thing that really got to me with them, was one of their vets was unbelieveably rude. Thats why i changed, and then Lava Street told me the lump needed to come out ASAP. He's recovering fine, was happy to come home to a brand new, giant, stuffed rabbit and some pain killers, of course!! Hoping he wont need anymore surgery, but we'll take the news as it comes.. Thanks for thinking of us.

  15. My dog had surgery this morning to remove a growth from his gum. He was fine when he came home as he was still a little drowsy from the anaesthetic, but now that it has worn off he's very unhappy. he's started pawing at his mouth, and he's pacing up and down the lounge looking like he's lost. I'm wondering should i go to the vet in the morning and ask them for some sort of pain relief for him??

  16. I'm just wondering if soemone can give me some advice with dealing with my boy when he comes back from surgery to remove an epulis and some of his teeth. The vet has given me basic instructions, but I was hoping there may be someone else who has already been in this situation who can offer some more advice. Thanks.

  17. Hi all,

    I am just wondering if anyone here has ever had any experience with an ossifying epulis in a boxer. My boy is going in for surgery on thursday and I'm worried sick about it. Don't know what to expect, he's going to lose 3 of his teeth during the surgery...

  18. I have noticed a lump in my dogs mouth months and months ago. I have taken him to the vet 4 or 5 times with issues and have pointed the lump out but the vet doesnt think anything of it. Its about the size of a small marble, so quite substantial, it is very hard and red. I have been thinking since I first noticed it that it was an abscess, but the vet hasn't treated it or offered any suggestion as to what it might be. I have been doing some research into abscesses, and the symptoms leaking eyes, heavy drooling etc are hard to know if they are related, as he's a boxer and I think these are breed related, but I dont know. First time boxer owner. He still has normal appetite. But i have noticed the last few days he's been "flying" his ears. He's not quite 18 months. So I have given up on my vet and am going to a new one this week. if anyone has had experience with an abscess or has some photo's that would be hugely appreciated.

  19. Does anyone else in warrnambool do show training? I usually go out to Winslow and train with the ladies from Kesdar Boxers, but it can be hard to catch up with them, they have lots to do, and can't always help each week, so I'm looking for anyone else that does a similar thing. Its one thing to train my boy at the park or at home, but its a complete other situation when there are dogs around and in more of a "show" situation, with someone to judge or take photo's etc....

    Some of us tried to get together for some informal show training last year, but it just got too hard trying to organize a day and time that suits everyone.

    Between work, dogs, kids and god knows what else, we couldn't manage it.

    I thought about getting out to Winslow but due to a number of factors, I am not showing for quite a while so it seems pointless for me.

    Might be worth you trying to organize something for those interested?

    If anyone is interested, let me know and i'lll organise something, I've just been training on the grass down at the hopkin river mouth lately. Plenty of distractions, but it'd be great to get some other people down there to line up and have a practise.

  20. Does anyone else in warrnambool do show training? I usually go out to Winslow and train with the ladies from Kesdar Boxers, but it can be hard to catch up with them, they have lots to do, and can't always help each week, so I'm looking for anyone else that does a similar thing. Its one thing to train my boy at the park or at home, but its a complete other situation when there are dogs around and in more of a "show" situation, with someone to judge or take photo's etc....

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