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Posts posted by chevorne

  1. I say go for another rottweiler, you seem keen on them :) A well bred rottweiler would be great and you already sound like you're on top of the training needs of any family dog.

    bull breeds are a personality of their own, you need to meet a few of them before you can decide if its something that suits your lifestyle. A staffy pup is no less boistrous then a rottweiler pup and you would not leave a toddler around a puppy no matter the age.

    Chevorne I dont really picture the kelpie as being a dog that gets dressed up and sat in a pram by kids...


    rotties on the other hand ....

    Thanks for making me laugh on a 'bad day'. However as a child we always dressed the Kelpies in our old clothes and took them in the pram.

  2. Don't they live near Sale or down that way somewhere?

    I remember they were at Sapphire coast circuit when Black Saturday was happening and they had to rush home

    as the property they live on was in danger of burning.

    Silly question..................BUT................. Where did they win those jackets????????

    Were those a special BOB prize or something at some particular show?

    Ep showed the lowchens but only briefly.

    Surely it makes sense that if you don't want cows on your property you leave the fence up???? :confused: :confused: :confused:

    They usually dress in jeans & plaid shirts at shows.


    Yes the jackets were for winning Best of Breed at several Royals. Even funnier when you attend a dog funeral, wedding or social event, they are all wearing them. Does this mean the coats are kept in the car for inopportune moments, or simply that dog people have no normal clothes?

  3. With 4 kids, it needs to be robust, medium sized and short coated, as the parents would not have time for a lot of grooming. It needs to be friendly and agile and happy to go for walks. It needs to tolerate being dressed up and put in a pram. It needs to be friendly will friends of the family who visit. I recommend the Australian Kelpie.

  4. For god’s sake Steve and the rest of you can't you see the reason behind this action !!! you surely can't all be that dull !!!!!!!!! . As far as I can see it is not to get at members who have nothing to hide nor is it to send on info to the taxation dept or whoever else it is that you are hiding from, it is to give credibility and accountability to the members and the pure bred dog world........ DOGS Victoria members ,,,,,, nothing more nothing less and unless you and or your friends have something to hide then none of you have anything to fear.

    As so many have said on here, any that disagree with these ideas can only be guilty and have something to hide (I bet they are witches and do not believe in a world carbon economy too). I guess we will know if this plan works if we see a sudden drop off of breeders next year.

    If the numbers do not drop off then I am sure ANKC Vic will come up with more ideas to drive off their breeders who must have something to hide. Perhaps they could try requiring breeders to come in to the building each year to pay for membership? Then hang garlic and oleander around the door, which will repel and drive off all evil.

    What a terrible state of affairs in the ANKC Vic, good luck with it and do let us know when we can again, if ever, trust the ANKC breeders in Vic.

    Yep things are looking up! LOL

    So at least someone has not lost their sense of humour!

  5. I remember when my Husband was sick in Hospital 1 of our dogs used to escape the yard, go through the automatic doors of the Hospital and lay under his bed. After 3 days the staff gave up chasing her home and left her there. It was a great comfort to all.

  6. Chevorne - Thats sad that it didnt fix the problem i hope that doesnt happen to my puppy..

    At this stage the hip dysplasia isnt severe the vet said it is mild as only just there he said that wont become a large problem until he is older, last week we would be outside running around chasing him doing everything u do with dogs we are now freaking about this problem so we are now more careful and gentle with him as we dont want it to keep happening.. it seems to be happening once a day in the right knee

    The nero problem isnt certain as the vet was only guessing but this was just after he came out of sedation..

    I work in health, and can advise that with people almost the single most important factor is keeping the weight down. Animals are the same, so you can fix that one easily. Feed them separate or stand with them while they eat. Cut his in 1/2 also.

  7. so would i more need the specialist for the hip dysplasia problem and nero problem, as the LP is quick easily repaired and picked up with xrays?

    I had a LP in a dog many years ago. my vet (my father) advise me to do medium speed walking for 5km a day on a flat hard surface to tighten the muscles. I did this on the road. It helped a lot. I stopped as it was raining and in the tropics very hot to be walking like that every day. I guess I took the easy option. He then operated and it did not fix the problem. The dog can walk straight after the operation with a limp, and several others done at the same time were perfect within a short time, mine never was. My father was not a specialist in the LP field but had done many with great success. At the time my Collie and a friend's Great Dane were done, both not successful. But can you walk the dog 5km a day with the other issues?

  8. how is it we still have Pit Bulls in Australia.....aren't they banned and any that were here needed to be desexed?

    Yes I know...people don't know the breeds and some lie on the paperwork......

    The import of them is banned, approx 15 years ago. So really how many 'pure bred' Pit Bulls are left? As even then many were not the real thing.

  9. Everytime I read the word "pitbull" in one of these stories my heart just sinks and then I get mad because who identified the dogs? I bet it was the people who got bitten and they would have no clue on earth. Like someone just said anything with a staffy shaped head is now called a pitbull when in reality they could be any Stafford breed, Mastiff cross breed, Bull Arab etc etc or just any unknown mix of breeds who has a big head. People should keep their mouths shut and just say we got bitten by a medium sized, brown dog....not so hard is it.

    I once had someone who wanted to breed Pitbulls come up and ask me if my female pitbull was desexed.....my dog is a Bullmastiff X Ridgie and looks nothing like a pitbull.

    I once had someone pull up in a car and ask to use one of my males for a mating. He then proceeded to tell me my dogs 'were a funny colour, and had different/wrong heads to his.' HELLO, who has the kennel of pedigree champion show dogs? The General Public are very ignorant! Another reason I do not breed anymore.

  10. Oh yay.. more sensationalist fodder for PETA types to go to town on.

    How about someone does crossbred dogs exposed... lots of problems there too and not a single genetic health test that can help prevent them.

    When we see cases like Lab x Poodles PTS aged less than 2 years due to chronic HD, I'll consider the program to be a bit more balanced.

    Love your work Poodlefan!

  11. I do not think this is a case of all hanging together or we'll all hang separately. I think the public has general sympathies for pedigree dogs, but are made uneasy by extremes of 'conformation' as sometimes sought in the show ring. I think it's important to put pressure on breeders who put 'winning' above all and in the process take cruel shortcuts to beauty, or relax standards for health and/or temperament. I don't want to be allied with people who breed for conformation extremes, or with people who wax their dogs. I think that hanging them out to dry would improve the pedigree dog world AND reduce the criticism.

    Well problem is everyone thinks you are talking about someone else and not them. Look, I have no idea what your labs are like, but I have not seen a lab in the kennel club in years that was not over done, too big boned too heavy. I look at pics from 50 years ago and they were as I remember them in my childhood, which was not what they look like today. Then I read their OCD, elbow and hip rates. So where you see yourself and where those who are going to hang you out to dry if the see what you do as 'wrong' may be a very different places.

    Anyway I think what you want is what is happening and is going to happen even more. It really is going to boil down every man and his dog for himself? Will is be a case of the Last dog standing?? I for one have given up trying to convince all dog owners and breeders that the gun is pointing directly at them!

    BTW I have heard there is soon going to be a call for banning the breeding of all Neo Mastiffs in the UK. Welfare and cruelty related to extreme loose skin, bone and joint disorders, eye disorders, high rates of cnacer and very low life expectency.

    If I had to bet, I think they will be featured on PDE 2 and it is not going to be pretty. Are those breeders doing anything now while they still have a chance to be seen as proactive? Not that I have heard of.

    Well that sentence made me sit back and look! How correct you are.

  12. I have a Red Kelpie Bitch "Ruby" from show breeding and all she wants to do is work, lucky we are on a farm so she can and she is pretty handy to have around. We also have a working Kelpie, Black an Tan, "Aussie" who would rather lie in his kennel. He was a rescue so we dont know his history but we have had him since he was about 5 Months and he has all the same oportunities as Ruby. I think some dogs have it and some dont. Im sure theres lots of dogs from working breeding that just dont have the desire that good working dogs have.

    Im sure thats why so many "working kelpies" end up in rescue. they dont have the desire to work so they are disgarded....My last rescue kelpie that i fostered was quite content to lay on the lounge with my 2.

    I was actually hesitant about getting a Kelpie since they have that reputation as working dogs, but my partner was keen for an active dog. Have to say, my Neo has been a bit of each which I'm happy about - active in the mornings, goes through a major afternoon slump and sleeps for hours, then a bit of bounce around before dinner, then gradually slows down into the evening. Definitely suits our lifestyle! :thumbsup:

    The Kelpie is a great dog to have, it can be active and funny and a great friend. All breeds are different and suit different pupposes. It is one of the best for agility.

    I am not a believer that a working breed cannot live in town, it just needs a bit of attention and a daily walk. If only I had discovered the Kelpie years ago

  13. I have just recieved my cavalier puppy that I have been waiting for for about 9 months!!! She is 12 weeks old and She is lovely but the next day after getting her I realised her bite is slightly undershot. I realise as they are growing and developing that their skulls and mouths can change. This is not my first cavalier and she was supposed to be for showing. My question is, do you think her bite will go to scissor bite?? I contacted the breeder straight away and they said they had checked her bite only the week before and they were really happy with it, that it was good. They didn't check it just before she was flown out and they were very sorry. They also told me that a bite in a cavalier can take up to 2 years or more to correct itself. Is this correct?? Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    I just noted where you are based, interestingly I was sent a dog when I lived in Darwin who had a bad mouth on arrival. The airfreight up and back if I had of returned the puppy was more than the cost of the dog!

  14. I have had some have a perfect bite as babies, then when the adult teeth come through become undershot.

    I also had a puppy arrive undershot and it never changed, regardless of all the treatments I was advised to try.

    SEND THE PUPPY BACK! What are you going to do with it for the 2 years it might take to correct, you cannot show the puppy like that. Look in the mouth every day? And feel hope or despair every day?

    And do you have room for another pet? If you are at your Council limit for number of dogs, you cannot buy yourself another show dog. I have been there and done that.

  15. . I first wanted to get into working shepards about 13 years ago, but I never found the right girl to breed from. Owned some out right gorgeous Shepard. It was all put on pause 7 and a half years ago when I had my daughter and didn't have time for the training side. My kids are now at school and I study from home so about 12 mths ago I decided I wanted to get back into the love I had for dogs. At this time we had a pet female (desexed) of the breed in question and decided to follow on with that breed. This is basically the exact story I inform breeders of when I first contact them. I accept if they are denclined to help and respect their decision. I had considered showing but have been put off at least for the time being.

    I trying not to be negative but if I got an email with the above spelling you would just about be an automtic no from me. By not being able to spell a breed's name correctly, that you owned and loved, would really annoy me. I would wonder just how much you knew and cared if you couldn't get the breed right. Maybe it annoyed some of the breeders you contacted.

    No doubt I will now be jumped on for judging someone for their spelling but you wanted honest feedback.

    FWIW Poodlefan's post have been spot on.

    Yes I noticed that too! Though she would not be spelling over the phone!

  16. Hello,

    This is my first post and it may be a bit long but i would like to get full story out and I have so many controversial questions when it comes to breeders and breeding.

    Last year i contacted a breeder had asked for a male who I intend on going through with obedience trials with the possibility of one day breeding with the promise of full registration and health checks first.

    They were helpful and gave me my gorgeous boy on main register.

    He is almost 10 mths now and I have joined local kennel club and are going to weekly obedience lessons as I said I would.

    I have now spent the last 3 months researching and contacting breeders in regards of purchasing a girl with little to no success. Some have been helpful and respectful, but most haven't. I am fully open and admit I have a male on main register and who I got him from. The same question is asked every-time. "do you intent to breed?" I said "well yes providing the dogs are good temp and pass all health checks but i can't say that is what i will do cause it depends on so much"

    Thats when I strike out, some have admitted it is because I admit I have a boy, they consider me a backyard breeder and so forth. I even met a breeder who said if I don't show would I be considered a backyard breeder?

    but then went on to discredit half the breeders out there with awful looking dogs who only win cause they get along with the judge, or and inexperienced judge passes the pretty dog. But then added "there is no reason to breed is you don't show" but later told in same conversation "you don't need to show foundation bitch"

    There was others who dislike my breeder won't sell me a dog, and others who think it doesn't tie in with their lines. If the dog is health checked and registered. Follows the standard what does lines matter?

    I find that these breeders are in clicky groups and have heard of Me even before I contact them.

    This honestly left me completely confused and disheartened.

    I have agreed with breeders to have the girl on limited until health checks are passed, this of course leaves me at their will if they don't follow through with it, So I to am taking a risk.

    I want to do this right but I find if I am Honest I will get nowhere. I have found If i had said this is my only dog and I want to show I would have had a bitch months ago on main. To do as I pleased, it was just unethical. I know there is so many questions within this post but I'm have pretty much exhausted with looking for answers and getting nowhere.

    P.S All breeders I contacted advertise here.

    And I would like to keep what state I'm from and what breed as I honestly believe It will hinder me further.

    There are a couple of things which jump out at me from your post but the most telling is the fact breeders have heard about you before you phone them. Which normally means there is something not desirable (to the breeders) in the male you have or you yourself. I have been guilty of that myself, as I am sure others are of phoning my breeder friends to warn them of someone. Most breeders are very approachable and love to talk about their dogs, but we must ensure that other breeders are not discussed. Really how do you know who is on the other end of the phone? How would I feel if I was bad mouthing another breeder to discover it was them! In saying all this I am sure you will find someone to help you, and I wish you the best! Keep us posted. PS, wish I had seen the breed noted.

  17. Want my honest advice?

    Show your male. Not only will you get to see him in comparison to other males and potentially title him, you'll soon become a known quantity to other breeder/exhibitors. Whilst showing might not interest you, it will be a means to an end. Networking really matters. If there's a national for your breed, go to that too.. it demonstrates commitment to the breed IMO.

    Plus you'll get to see what else is out there and maybe you'll find the mentor you need to help you along in your early days of becoming a breeder.

    Great advice poodlefan!

  18. R.I.P Jay Jay. :cry::cry::cry:


    Tuesday 8th May 2001 - Sunday 29th May 2011

    I love you and miss you and cannot believe you've been taken from me. I am thankful for the 10 years, and 21 days I had you in my life and cannot believe you are gone. I will miss you forever & forever you'll be in my heart.

    I just wanted you to make it and come home..... :cry::cry::cry:

    I knew it was bad when I had to lift you into the car, any other time you'd leap in. When you got through the surgery I thought and hoped with all my heart you'd make it, but at 11:15pm tonight the phone rang and I knew.....

    Instead of bringing you home on a lead, you will be coming home in an urn. Never in a million years did I expect this. :cry: I feel numb. Like a part of me has died with you.

    I cannot believe I will never get to look into your warm brown eyes again or see your beautiful smile, but I will always, always remember those things and will always remember you.

    As I sit here typing, not only is the rain pouring outside but so are my tears...

    I feel empty and lost without you. It all feels likes a bad dream, like it's not real.

    Because there was such a rush to get you to the vet, I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye or give you one last cuddle.... I am sorry Jay. :cry:

    I love you girl - I miss you sooo much already. One day I will be with you again. With you, Claude and Cassie. I promise..... :cry::cry::cry:

    Love forever and always.




    A beautiful Eulogy

  19. I do feel a lot safer with a dog in the house. One that growls if anyone else is walking around. Ie my house guests cannot sneak anywhere, let alone a burglar / pervert.

    Personally, if police are advising dogs at home make you safer, it would be nice if councils provided more exercise areas for dogs instead of less.

    stalker? article


    Just FYI - the article says inner city west eg Croydon etc, but something similar also happened recently in College Park ie inner East.

    Adelaide Hills Council, Stirling dog dispute.


    edit cut and paste wrong link duh

    It is good to have a dog around the house. I have always thought that if any house in the street was to be burgled, it would not be mine with all the dogs!

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