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  1. www.pawsforlife.com.au have good prices on their food and are worth checking out.
  2. No raw meat is mostly moisture. I think it's about 16% protein if I'm not mistaken. Could anyone clarify what % protein means exactly? I assume 16% protein in raw meat is by volume? Would it not be a much higher protein % if you looked at the food by calorific composition? I would have thought, to compare meat with dry food, would you not need to look at the proportion of energy a food has from each source (Carbs, Protein, Fat) for a given calorific content? Just trying to decipher what is meant by 40% protein (volume / calories etc)...
  3. Thanks for the info. Sounds pretty good. Ill take a look when I next need food.
  4. Just had a quick look at Pookinuk and from what I can see, it looks like Pookinuk do not offer the "Auto delivery". I tend to always run out of food at inopportune times and this feature would be pretty handy I think. Also Paws seems like better value (free delivery and better prices on my Royal Canin food). Overall, $20 cheaper from Paws For Life delivered Let me know how the test goes - I am keen to try if it all works out.
  5. I have not tried myself but I just took a look and the prices are pretty good and I agree, it is a good idea. Also interested in any feedback if anyone has tried them.
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