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Posts posted by sueang

  1. Forgive my ignorance. I haven't bought dry food for many many years. Why would a purchaser expect a refund on an opened and partly used bag?

    i just don't understand that thinking. Is it normal to expect a refund on used goods?

    If there was something wrong with the product then yes, possibly, but not because it was refused by the dog or didn't agree with the dog. :confused:

    Hi blinkblink :-)

    Many premium or above foods offer a palatability/satisfaction guarantee. It is part of being able to offer what is an expensive product with first time unknown results in a way that gives customer peace of mind. It surprises me how many people say they've been refused a refund/exchange from other stores (including some big box chains) in spite of manufacturers guarantees.

    Some foods do not offer this, such as Blackhawk, unless they have very recently changed their policy. Eukanuba get the customer to deal direct with their Australian office but give back a lot more to help find a solution. Companies do ask that people keep the bag and receipt and if you have those, it is always worth both checking the online (or on bag) policy and contacting the place of purchase.

    Most returns that we accept (and there are not a lot as we try very hard to match dogs and cats with the best option, but there are always individuals that still react to a food) are left with us to distribute which we do to various shelters etc. Only though if the food is fresh and did not cause undue upsets in case of a faulty batch.

    On a different note, we do get folk wanting to return a bed/igloo or kennel because the pet won't use it and that is a lot trickier to manage!



    Thanks for explaining that. I don't buy or use kibble anyway but it's interesting to know.

    My boy has IBD & Skin Allergies & Food Sensitivities, I'm always returning new kibbles that we have tried & didn't agree with Patch, I've finally worked out what he can eat & can't eat, I hope... Pet Barn are very good & give refunds, some kibble companies like Black Hawk & Canidae you have to contact them & tell them what the problem was & then they refund but you must return the food to the shop or online where food was purchased.... I've never had any problems returning open bags, I have a few opened kibble bags in the cupboard at the moment, I couldn't be bothered returning them, I added then up the other day, $270 worth of kibble my boy cant eat & rescue groups wont take cause the bags are open.. kibble goes off after being open, they say must be used within 2-4 weeks, that's why I only buy small bags.... Ivory Coat write on their web page after opening kibble bag it must be used with in 1 month.. Ivory Coat & Applaws have had a mold problems with their kibbles so did Ziwipeak....

  2. Anyone feed Ivory Coat? Thinking of putting my dogs on this. All of my dogs have fairly cast-iron stomachs but I have three super fussy ones and one that has trouble with soft poops and maintaining her weight. My dogs all LOVED the sample I got which was great, but I'm interested in how it goes for dogs that struggle to maintain weight.

    My boy has problems keeping on weight & very soft poos, he has IBD & Skin Allergies, the only kibble that works best to him is "Taste Of The Wild" Sierra Mountain Roasted Lamb & Pacific Stream Smoked Salmon & the Pacific Stream is pea Free, the only Grain Free kibble in Australia without peas...... click on link below & scroll down too bottom you'll see "Arnhem Pet Products" on your bottom right, click on email link & ask can you have some samples of the TOTW & the Nutragold kibbles & their booklets with all the formulas, fat%, protein%, fiber% etc & tell them how many dogs you have so you get enough samples, the samples have about 2 cups kibble..... http://www.nutragold.com.au/about-our-products/

  3. Pet Circle have a new kibble called Under The Sun its made by Canidae, grain free & grain kibble, the fat is lower at 11% min but the kibble is very pea heavy..

    here's the link http://www.underthesunpetfood.com/under-the-sun-dog-food.php

    when you click on link look up top in blue it says "We have changed some of our recipes click here" when you do click on blue link,

    it says they're making new formulas that are Pork Free & single protein formulas, I've emailed Under The Sun asking will Australia be getting the new formulas

    I'm interested in the New Whitefish formula, Canidae emailed back saying an International rep Manny Rossillo will get back to me....

    Has anyone tried the new "Under The Sun grain" free or grain formula? on Dog Food Advisor a few dogs weren't that rapped in the kibble, maybe that's why they are changing their formulas.

  4. Any feedback on Genesis Dog Food, in particular the Salmon & rice Adult formula?? My link sorry if it has been done before, but I did a search & nothing came up :)

    Not a good kibble, maybe if the first 2-3 ingredients were 3 meats followed by a meal, Chicken meal & Turkey Meal then brown rice, rice flour, rice bran yes it would be a good kibble, minus the Maize protein & beet pulp.....don't forget kibbles ingredient list is written when ingredients are raw, not cooked, so this kibble will be carb heavy & low on meat, after the ingredients are cooked, it will read, 1st-Maize Protein so CORN, 2nd-Brown rice,3rd-rice flour,4th rice bran, 5th-Chicken, 6th-turkey, no good if your dog has skin & stomach problems....If you Email Genesis they will send you samples, I picked the Chicken & Turkey & the kibble is real yellow in colour, like Royal Canine & Hills vet diets...

    I can not understand its 2016 & these kibbles companies are still adding crappy ingredients, its unbelievable...no wonder people still buy American made kibbles...

    Pet Barn also has a new kibble called "Leaps & Bounds" made by Pet Wise the packaging & front of kibble bag looks really good, Whitefish & Brown Rice or Lamb & Rice, Chicken & Rice or Beef & Rice, then you turn over bag & read the ingredients, 1st ingredient by-product Meats 2nd ingredient by-product Cereals Wheat & corn & this is Australian made & says New Zealand as well....

  5. I was using Ivory Coat for training treats until I opened a bag and found it full of mould :eek:

    Same batch and date bag on the shelf of where I purchased it was also showing early signs of mould growth - was harder to spot (very easy to miss and still feed).

    Contacted Ivory Coat who refunded my money but they were pretty casual about it - blamed it on transport and storage (the bag of food still had 12 months best before on it). A friend bought a bag (different batch/different dates) which was also mouldy.

    Store I purchased it from also got a pretty casual response from the rep in store. Mould and the subsequent toxins moulds can produce may be present but not detectable except by testing, and even back in the days of feeding Coprice and Bonnie to the working dogs as a kid - never seen mould in a dry food before. I'd love to send the samples off for mycoxtoxins to prove a point (they told me they don't need to use any kind of mycotoxin preventative because their ration is grain free, and that's where the mycotoxins come from - wrong, there are many sources of mycotoxins!!) but at $300 a test I'll just walk away from their product. Shame because I liked the idea of it being Australian made and owned, and was a great size for training with.

    Tried to go to Canidae Grain Free but was finding it too hard to find and the lack of stock was concerning, so now using Taste of the Wild Lamb. Good size for training (which is all I really use it for) and the dogs love it.

    I also bought some Canidae Grain Free treats, some Sunday Pets biscuits for the occasional meal away from home and some ZiwiPeak for treats as well - the dogs love them all :D

    I only buy small bags because of how little I use at a time, once I open a bag I split it up into the big 8.5 L Decor storage containers which are occasionally on special at Safeway etc - not quite as fresh as just opened but as fresh as I can keep it.

    Another good kibble is the Canidae Life Stages, All Life Stages Formula, first 3 ingredients are Chicken Meal. Turkey Meal Lamb Meal then it has Ocean Fish in there as well further down the ingredient list.... Canidae Life Stages was on special at Pet Circle $99 for 20kgs, that's pretty good specially if you have a few large dogs, I rotate between Taste Of The Wild Roasted Lamb & the Canidae Life Stages All Life Stages formula at the moment....Patch is looking beautiful nice shinny coat & he only needs 2 cups a day of the Canidae even when I feed TOTW for Breakfast & the Canidae life stages for Dinner..

  6. I have said she is drinking. Drinking a lot is a) a symptom of pyometra and b) she has been on diuretics.

    Cause she isn't eating her electrolytes will drop, her sugar will drop, so you add the electrolyes to her water. The electrolytes give her what she normally gets from food & will make her start feeling better...

  7. Mine didn't do well on the Meals for Mutt food. There is nothing super special about it, similar sort of food to Black Hawk.

    Did you look at the ingredients in L/D?

    Does your dog have IBD or Skin Problems?? Meals For Mutts is nothing like Black Hawk, Black Hawk isn't Gluten free or a Hypoallergenic kibble.... Black Hawk was bought out by an NZ company & went down hill since being sold B/H ingredients are of lower quality now & made a few dogs very unwell, Black Hawk is similar to supermarket kibble VIP Natural Goodness...

    Go on MFM Face Book page & have a look at all the dogs that have had health problems & now haven't got itchy yeasty skin or bowel problems...Have a look at all the dogs coming first in competitions. MfM was the only kibble that helped my boy with his IBD, Food sensitivities & itchy smelly skin, ears & red paws, Patches vets were shocked when I brought Patch back to see them after eating MfM for 1 month, he gained weight, skin cleared up & doing firm small poos & not reacting to what he was eating...

    Now Patches vet feeds MfM for her IBS dog & her other healthy dog & her patients dogs after seeing a big improvement with Patch, I was about to put Patch to sleep, so I emailed MfM & Bill their vet nutritionist Bill email me back explaining what was happening with Patches intestinal tract.. Meals For Mutts is 100 times better then any Vet Diet look at the ingredients in any vet diet, Hills being the worst, look at all the carbs..

  8. Not good news this morning...rumbly tummy and mucus poos so back on metrozine and probably back to the vet.

    I don't know what I am going to do now!

    Did you read my post the SKD rolls have BONE please try "Meals For Mutts" I put up their site's link, MfM kibble is Hypoallergenic Gluten dairy & sugar free order the Salmon & Sardine Brown Rice & Veggies or the Kangaroo & Lamb Brown Rice Veggies doesn't mean cause your dog reacted to raw Kangaroo he'll react to the Kangaroo in a kibble its been broken down in a kibble...find a pet shop on the Stock list & get a 2.5kg bag its silver & blue or silver & red if it doesnt work then MfM is money back or Try the Canidae Pure wet tin or their Pure Kibble

  9. Hi DOLers,

    I have been taking my Maltese/Silky to the Fairford Rd. Animal Hospital in Bankstown (I live in Padstow). They've generally been good, but now that she's been diagnosed with Dermatisis (Malassezia aka. Yeast based skin allergies), I want to make her life easier. After a mild medicated shampoo was prescribed and didn't work, the vet has got her straight onto cortiso steroids.

    After doing a bit of reading, I've realized that this is a short term fix and over using this sort of treatment would be very bad to her immune system. Considering that the whole reason she has this disease is due to the immune system not fighting of yeast properly, that is very concerning that weakening it just make the problem worst in the long term.

    I'd like to change vets and find one that believes in natural/holistic methods. As far as I know, a good way to assist in treating the root cause is possibly looking at leaky gut syndrome. If this is the case, at least we can ongoingly treat her with suppliments to assist digestion. The thing is, I don't want to go about assuming this without a vet's recommendation.

    Thanks to those that read through all of that. Are there any recommendations for my area for a vet that isn't just going to jump straight to steroids and anti biotics when anything goes wrong?


    I know this is late but I contacted Jacqueline Rudan Naturopath on her web page she only cost me $60 & she rung me & spoke for 1 hour about diet & supplements.... diet change is best & no Vet Diets have a look at Meals For Mutts & Canidae Pure Formula http://www.naturalanimalsolutions.com.au/about.html
  10. Well FPAudrey I have just gone and bought the Prime 100 Crocodile and given a small amount to my girl.

    Luckily I was able to source it locally.

    The Prime 100 rep said not to change over gradually but to start feeding it straight away so I have.

    Of course my old girl who has been desperate to eat anything else than Hills I/D cans gobbled the crocodile up in about 3 seconds.

    Now, the waiting game to see how it effects her! I really hope it is OK. :pray:

    Just be careful with the Prime SKD rolls, they have fine SHARP bone thru out the whole rolls. Cut some roll & feel the cut piece of roll, I was picking out as much bone as I could, it took me about 30mins, while Patch was watching & slobbering on the floor... Patch tried the Kangaroo & Potato & the Crocodile & Tapioca... I have told Prime on their F/B page about the bone & they said to ring a mobile number, I didn't bother, my freezer now has cut up kangaroo & crocodile roll in plastic bags.....made Patch do sloppy poos & have rumbling/grumbling bowel noises, I'd say from the bone.....Don't forget the fat needs converting on any wet tin foods & Rolls & Raw... Hills has already converted the fat % on all their wet tin foods, the prime kangaroo is 3% fat when converted that's around 11% fat, DM the Crocodile is 6% fat when converted that's around 25% fat.....DM = Dry Matter

  11. My 14yo has had IBD/IBS problems for years now and I have previously fed her on just about every dog food brand that was on the market trying to find one that doesn't aggravate her condition. I have even cooked up kangaroo mince (novel protein) for some considerable time only to find that she developed problems from that too.

    She has been on Hills I/D cans and Hills Z/D dry for about 2 years now. She tolerated it quite well but occasionally still gets bouts of IBD which I manage. I have a permanent supply of Metrozine and Amoxyclav on hand so I can treat her immediately problems occur but Hills dog food seemed to be the best fit I was going to get for her.

    Unfortunately for the past 2 weeks she has been getting increasingly itchy. I have seen this problem before when I was feeding her Royal Canin Hypoallergenic dry....she was OK on it for about 6 months until the itching started. Once I changed her onto Hills Z/D which is their hypoallergenic variety the itching stopped. Now she is obviously developing problems with Hills.

    Is there anything new on the market ie miracle food, that I can feed that not only helps with the IBD but also isn't hydrolysed. Both RC and Hills have the protein source hydrolysed so it isn't supposed to cause allergies however it seems like it is not going to be suitable for her long term.

    Gee your dog sounds like my Patch he has IBD & Skin Allergies, we have the Metronidazole & Amoxcillin in the cupboard but haven't needed to use since I rotate Patches kibbles....We have tried all the kibbles, Vet Diets & Premium kibbles...with the Vet diets some fixed his bowel/stomach but his skin itched & was real smelly of yeast cause of ingredients & the carbs were to high....the best kibbles for Patch have been "Taste Of The Wild" Pacific Stream Smoked Salmon, the only grain free kibble in Australia that has NO PEAS & NO GARBANZO BEANS & TOTW Sierra Mountain Roasted Lamb.....then "Meals For Mutts" Salmon & Sardine Brown Rice & Veggies the fat % is 10% then there's a MfM Salmon & Sardine Grain free but the fat is too high at 18%..... if your dog does better on a high fiber diet (Patch doesn't he needs 4% & under for his fiber or he gets bad acid reflux) try MfM Turkey & Lamb Lite.... MfM is gluten, Dairy & Sugar free & was made for dogs with skin & Stomach problems http://www.mealsformutts.com.au/index.html if you have any health questions email Bill MfM's Vet Nutritionist he recommended the Salmon & Sardine & Brown Rice & the Kangaroo & Lamb Brown Rice for Patches IBD..... I also have to rotate Patches Kibbles before his immune system starts reacting to the kibble, I just bought a small bag of "Canidae" Pure Land today & its a premium limited ingredient kibble smells & looks so fresh, Canidae has 4 new limited ingredient grain free Pure Formulas that will be coming Australia in June, I want to try the new "Pure Meadow" its for seniors with stomach & skin problems & the fat is 10% .... at the moment Patch is eating TOTW Sierra Mountain Roasted Lamb & he is itch free, poos are nice & firm & small, a lot of dogs with skin problems, EPI & IBD do really well on Taste Of The Wild kibbles & Meals For Mutts... This link is Nutragold grain Free Kibble, if you scroll down the bottom right side click on email link & ask can you have some samples of TOTW & NutraGold kibbles TOTW & NutraGold is imported by Arnhem pet products Pty Ltd.. have you tried the VIP Natural Goodness grain free Wet Tin Foods in the Supermarkets, VIP wet tin smells & looks the same as Black Hawk wet tin grain free wet tin food....


  12. Yes, Pet Barn Newcastle has all out of date kibbles, supplements raw meat, K-9 Natural frozen.... I'm always checking the use by dates, I have even shown the staff that certain supplements were 1 year out of date, I went back the next week & they were still on the shelves, when any Kibble is nilly out of date they are suppose to be 1/2 the price, as soon as they're out of date they're 75% off marked price... I have picked up some bargins, I'm always looking at use by date when I want to try a new kibble, I got a $80 bag of Wellness Small Breed for $18, you have to ask for 1/2 price or 75% off or they just mark them down $5 I noticed..... I've been shopping online now, the kibbles are fresher & have longer use by dates, cause they are sold quicker...

  13. PS - just looked it up on the woolies website - the 3kg bags are on sale this week but the 7kg bags still work out better value @ $30.60 per bag.

    ...just saw it, that's - on sale price - $ 0.46 / 100 g...the Applaws is (on sale price) 0.50 / 100 g...the Applaws is - on paper - slightly higher quality; we use both (I don't want to rely just on one kibble) and she likes both.

    Be careful with Applaws the cat& dog kibble I bought had red & blue plastic thru the kibbles then the Applaws Dog kibble had the same bits of blue plastic thru the whole bag Applaws...Applaws were nice & refunded my money but what I didn't like Applaws just kept all the bad batches of kibble cat & dog on special in the supermarkets Coles & Woolworths that's why I bought Applaws to begin with cause it was on special.....Applaws didn't pull them off the shelves, if that was in American & an American brand they would of had a recall.... also the fiber is very high in all Applaws kibbles means a lot of plant matter....

  14. I havn't fed kibble for years, i prefer raw, ( roo, or chicken with VANS) .

    However i have a new dog who really doesn't like the VANS , and is now walking away from it rather than eating, even after only adding a tablespoon to the meat.

    She is an ex breeding bitch who is 3, and her breeder fed her red meat, kibble ( supercoat or VIP), with brown rice.

    I think i am going to suck it up and get some kibble to go with the roo and chicken mince i have been giving her , but reading all the food reviews is doing my head in!

    BT's are prone to skin problems, so i don't want to get anything that will cause an issue ( the breeder did mention she may get hotspots if i feed roo as its rich, so i am feeding chicken mince alternately)

    So, i don't want to go high end and find its actually full of fillers and rubbish etc, which reading reviews paying more doesn't always mean good.

    i could just feed the kibble the breeder fed, but i always thought both were not great?

    So far from reading reviews, Black Hawk grain free is my top pick?

    My other option is to add to the meat she happily eats to make a complete balanced meal, just not sure where to start?

    "MEALS FOR MUTTS" is excellent for Skin problems, MfM is Gluten, Dairy & Sugar FREE here's their site http://www.mealsformutts.com.au/index.html email MfM & ask for a few grain free samples Salmon & Sardines, Duck & Turkey & the Turkey HP.....Black Hawk gave Patch red itchy paws, itchy ears, since Black Hawk was sold they reckon they haven't changed their ingredients but I think ingredients are of lower quality something is wrong.... also another kibble I use & rotate is "Taste Of The Wild" my itchy Patch is doing really well on the Sierra Mountain Roasted Lamb, We are going to try Canidae Pure Land Bison next everyone recommend the "Pure Sea" for dogs with skin problems.....

  15. Hi, do you mean raw diets or Natural gluten free kibbles or freeze dried foods ?

    I went thru Jacqueline Rudan at Naturopath in Victoria & used her Natural Animal Solution products to balance the raw diet she only recommends to use human grade meats & blended fresh veggies....

    here's her Maintenance Diet if your dog has any health problems scroll down & you'll see raw diets for certain health problems, send Jacqueline an email & she'll answer your email then you can

    book a consultation, a consult over the phone was cheaper then seeing a vet, she rings you & she spoke with me for 1 hour only cost me $60 that's was 1 year ago...all her products are excellent..


  16. Oakway I know that Scourban is pink but so is the Peptosyl that I get from my vet.

    Scourban is too drastic for young puppies that is why he prescribes Peptosyl which as I said before is also pink.

    My Peptosyl was white but came from the chemist not the vet. I was just concerned that you may have been given scourban instead of Peptosyl.

    Which chemist sells Peptopsyl? I asked chemist & they don't sell any ant acid medication with Bismuth Salicylate in it.....

  17. I have used it over many years to treat dogs when they get loose motions, works a treat for that.

    I would definitely be changing your vet, you need someone with more experience, self diagnosing is not a good thing, you could do more harm than good, find another vet before starting to give this too your dog.

    The Peptosyl that my vet has smells more like peppermint and is pink in colour.

    Scour ban is pink. Could that be the product. Has been off the market for some time but is back on now.

    yes- that did sound a lot like scourban :)

    It say's Peptosyl on black plastic bottle & was bought from Vet-Pet Direct & use by date is 2017...I even tasted some, it's very mild, I'll have to try it & see how Patch goes..

  18. Hi Has anyone tried & used Peptosyl, My boy gets Acid Reflux from the Helicobacter-Pylori in his stomach & I've read that Bismuth Salicylate helps kill the Helicobacter in the stomach lining where the antibiotics can't get to & the Helicobacter gets a resistance to the antibiotics, I bought some Peptosyl online & it came today but it smells like vicks that you rub on ur chest, the chemist man looked up Bismuth Salicylate & said it has asprin in it...

    ...some light reading: http://www.vet.cornell.edu/labs/simpson/docs/NeigerSimpson.pdf

    from the linked study:

    • H.Pylori is normally not prevalent in dogs,
    • while other Helicobacter species are prevalent in over 70% of the dogs (without causing health issues);
    • the conclusion, that the H.spp causes the health issues is very difficult to verify - other causes seem to be more likely;
    • it is very difficult to eradicate, and if, reinfection is highly likely;

    treating for H.Pylori might do more damage than good....

    Patch had Endoscope & Biopsies done & Diagnosis was: Moderate to Chronic Lymphocytic Gastritis with associated spiral bacteria infection... the vet Patch sees specializes in IBD & he said if he were to find 5 dogs off the street & do Endoscope & biopsies they would all come back positive with the Helicobacter, some dogs have no symptoms while other dogs have symptoms, acid reflux, pain in their abdomen, ulcers, feeling hungry all the time, vomiting, eating grass, depression etc.... I've done so much research on dogs & humans suffering with Helicobacter-Pylori... I've had ulcers from the Helicobacter 3 times when I was young & I was put on a Pump Proton Inhibitor PPI (Somac)in the end a drug Patches vet would not give Patch long term cause you can't just stop taking a PPI after being on it for 1 month....He said I can give Patch the Losec or Somac for 2-4 days to settle the acid but I must stop...I've been on a PPI for 13 years now & when I try to stop I have serve stomach pain, so I understand what the vets is talking about with PPI's, doctors don't try & find the problem just give you drugs... so I understand why Patch vet wont prescribe repeat scripts..

    He put Patch on a gluten free vet diet Royal Canine Sensitivity Control it's the only Gluten free vet diet but after doing research Beet Pulp helps feed the Helicobacter, a lot of vet diets have beet pulp in them... Patch did the best when eating "Meals For Mutts" Salmon & Sardines Brown rice & veggies, I'd love to try the Grain Free MfM but Patch can't have high fat kibbles :( I can't find the study done on rats, where the Bismuth Salicylate killed the Helicobacter in the rats stomach lining...even in the human study the Bismuth Salicylate killed the Helicobacter & stopped it returning when given with triple therapy Metronidazole, Amoxicillin, Losec had good results...

    Vets are still learning & trying to find out what drugs work the best & what diet is the best...I've even tried Raw Diet with No Carbs but Patch kept regurgitating the raw into mouth then swallowing & swallowing then getting Acid Reflux aaaaaaaaarrrrrrhhhhhhh.. I now see the lady vet at the same practice cause Patch other vet Simon is always booked out & does a lot of surgery.... Patches lady vet is more into holistic side of things & doesn't push drugs, her Helicobacter dogs are on low dose Metronidazole the Metronidazole seems to keep the Helicobacter low & the dogs don't have any symptoms...but she is OK when I say no to the Metronidazole & lets me try new things, I suppose they're learning off Patch, he's been a really hard case, he was a rescue that was used for breeding...


  19. Patches Vet has pretty much said it works then use it, I ended helping the vet find a gluten free Australian kibble Meals For Mutts for her girl that has Colitis & skin problems & her dog is doing really well now, Patch done 3 vets head in as he didn't respond to all their medications, made him worse, if the Peptosyl works then vet can recommend to her other Helicobacter dogs instead of keeping them on Metronidazole (Flagyl)....

  20. Hi Has anyone tried & used Peptosyl, My boy gets Acid Reflux from the Helicobacter-Pylori in his stomach & I've read that Bismuth Salicylate helps kill the Helicobacter in the stomach lining where the antibiotics can't get to & the Helicobacter gets a resistance to the antibiotics, I bought some Peptosyl online & it came today but it smells like vicks that you rub on ur chest, the chemist man looked up Bismuth Salicylate & said it has asprin in it...

  21. Yes, i too would love to know the percentage of meat, bone, organ and veggies.

    I don't really feed my dogs veggies, and find they are just fillers, so am not a huge fan of many of these BARF foods.

    But have used Canine country in the past and was considering getting this one for their lamb protein.

    Though, in saying that i know some brands their 'lamb' flavours also contain chicken, so would also have to check that..

    Their website doesn't have enough info to satisfy me laugh.gif

    Send the company a email, normally there will be a contact link & I always ask everything I want to know & they normally email back with answers, this is other companies I don't know about this one, also ask where is the meat coming from is it coming from a rendering plant that has meats that aren't fit for human consumption???...

  22. Hi Sag, I bought the Kangaroo & Potato roll today & this roll has little bones all thru the whole roll, worse then the sample I got the other day, it took me 45mins today to take out all the little white bones out of a 200gm Kangaroo slice...... if you sell these rolls then you'd have a rep bring in samples cut the Kangaroo & Potato sample in half then cut into pieces & you will see all the white cooked bone, I have sent Prime 2 Email 3 months ago & they never replied.....I'll MSG them on their Face Book page & see if someone rings me..... looks like they put the whole kangaroo thru a mincer bones & all.....

  23. Hi,I tried the Prime SKD Crocodile & Tapioca roll a about 3 months ago smelt & looked beautiful but it had small little white bones all thru the roll & Patch was pooing red blood thru his poos, so I had to stop feeding it, the other day the lady at Pet Stock gave me a sample of the Prime SKD Kangaroo & Potato the same thing smelt good but little white bones thru the sample loaf, also the VIP rolls have smaller sharp white bones.....I have also found little sharp bones in Natures gift Gourmet Real kangaroo & Roast Duck wet small foil tins, I emailed Nature Gift & they wanted to see photos, I said just open up one of your small foil tins Duck or Kangaroo & you will see real sharp little bones.... has anyone else found cooked bones thru wet tin foods or Dog Rolls??

    I though dogs can't eat cooked bones???

  24. Hi,I tried the Prime SKD Crocodile & Tapioca roll a about 3 months ago smelt & looked beautiful but it had small little white bones all thru the roll & Patch was pooing red blood thru his poos, so I had to stop feeding it, the other day the lady at Pet Stock gave me a sample of the Prime SKD Kangaroo & Potato the same thing smelt good but little white bones thru the sample loaf, also the VIP rolls have smaller sharp white bones.....I have also found little sharp bones in Natures gift Gourmet Real kangaroo & Roast Duck wet small foil tins, I emailed Nature Gift & they wanted to see photos, I said just open up one of your small foil tins Duck or Kangaroo & you will see real sharp little bones.... has anyone else found cooked bones thru wet tin foods or Dog Rolls??

    I though dogs can't eat cooked bones???

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