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Posts posted by shags

  1. My staffy pup was 12kg at 4 months (and is 14.5 at 5 months now.. the vet thinks he could lose a bit).

    If your little one is happy, has energy and doesn't look lacking in any other area i wouldn't be TOO worried. Have you tried giving her some raw yummy meat? Our pup LOVES his chicken wings (once he worked out how to eat them!)

    Yes we have been feeding some raw meet mixed with veges etc. And we gave her, her first chicken neck the other evening and she burried it?? Strange creatures they are? Although they probably think we are a little strange too?

  2. Hi all,

    I have asked a few questions lately and have recieved great advice, so here comes another one.

    I have a just over 4 month old staffy pup who is a very happy and appears a healthy girl. She weighs 8.9kgs so not sure how this compares. She doesnt really seem to have much of an appetite though. We feed here Advance puppy food (wet & dry) and have added in egg, tuna and sometimes coconut oil to add flavour etc. She rarely dives in to her food and most often only grazes and leaves the rest. We follow the principle of not leaving the food out and bring it in after about 15 minutes. However, we would then expect she would be straving for dinner, but rarely is this the case and will still only graze for her next meal?

    She has lots of energy still and looks very healthy though. Is there any reason for concern or are there any suggestions to help her eat or make her meals more attractive?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Get Leslie Nelson's Really Reliable Recall DVD. Best investment ever!!! Seriously more than worth the money. Awesome for recall training, good for positive reinforcement training in general. And it really works.

    My 2.5 year old poodle x has excellent recall, my now 8 month old Sheltie pup would run across the fenced park (at least 100m and with other dogs around) at 15 weeks, both using RRR.

    Having said all that, I still believe in most situations, if a dog is good enough to be off lead it's good enough to be on lead. And next to a road, I just would never bother to risk it, especially with a puppy.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the DVD suggestion.

  4. I think a long lead might be the go. I do lots of abedience training and like I said she is very good and developing well when it is just Mum & Dad. But she is just this super friendly little thing that wants to say hi to everyone, so easily distracted. Sounds like my report card at school. "Has potential but easily distracted?".

    She has done Puppy pre-school an dtsrats puppy school in January. This might help.

  5. Hi aall,

    I have a four month old Staffy. She is going great in general. However, being a Staffy loves other people, kids and dogs. So if we let her off the lead at a park or the beach, if she sees any of these within 80 metres, she is off to say hello and then being as cute as she is, welcomed with open arms by those she visits. Will this desire of hers just grow out over time as she matures or is there something I can do, other than not letting her off the lead?

    When no one else is around, then she stays right by our side and is great. She just cant resist the temptation of saying hello to others?



  6. Why don't you just feed him before you go to work, when you get home then a small meal before you go to bed.

    My pups (working Border Collies) were only getting 3 feeds a day while it was convenient for me to do.

    So they had 3 times a day until about 12-14 weeks then dropped to 2 times a day.

    Now at nearly 6 months they are on 1 feed per day. If I am on a RDO they may get 2 feeds a day or a snack and sometimes if I am late home from my night shift, they may miss out and just get fed in the am instead. They have grown just fine. You can't necessarily gauge if they need or feed or not by their eagerness to eat it. I have 7 dogs and 6 of them would eat 15 times a day if you offered it to them.Doesn't mean they still need it.

    I also think you should keep them a little on the hungry site so that when you want to do a little bit of training, you have that little something left in the tank for food rewards. It also helps build food drive and value if you make them do something for it from early on. I find this help reduce fussy eaters down the track as they see you with food and just get excited about what might be coming.

    Thanks for that.. i was starting to feel like a bad owner by not feeding him 3 times a day :(..... I think that would suit me alot better, feeding him when I get home then again maybe 4 hours later....

    Yes this is what my vet told me to do and it makes perfect sense and works fine. One meal in the morning, one as sonn as I get home form work and another just before bed. Everyone is happy!

  7. Being obtuse and talking back

    She is a pup, not a child - the above do not apply. ;)

    Calling a 12 week old pup obtuse isn't really fair - she is a dog, she is a baby, and she will learn very quickly once the lesson is explained to her in a way she can understand!

    My point is, she does understand as she does it more often than not. She knows not to get off the mats that are at the entrance to the kitchen. But at times she chosses to ignore repeatedly and when told to get back, starts talking back? I am unsure what to do when this happens? Ignoring may quiten her down but she is still in the kitchen. But raisng my voice is obvioulsy no good either. So I was wondering what to do? Body blocking I wll try more and being more diligent on handing out treats immediately when she is good as per the video provided is a something I must do. Thanks to these people for their constructive advice.

  8. Thanks for replies. I certainly love the fact that Staffy's talk and I want her to be a talker, but at the right time. Like welcolming you home? Being obtuse and talking back when I am giving an order is not what I am encouraging. She understands what is meant by "back" as she does it at various times in various places. She is choosing not to want to do it and letting me know she is not wanting to do it.

    I think I just need to be patient and not expect too much too early. Is picking up and placing the puppy where you want her to be really advisable? I thought I heard that this is not good practice? I am happy to be told otherwise though?

  9. Hi all,

    I have a 12.5 week old staffy pup that is great and learning and developing very well. Recently however, as she has found her voice and she has taken to talking back, at times when asked to do something. It usually happens when I ask her to "go back", out of a place such as the kitchen, that we are training her not to enter. She basically gets down on her haunches and does some little barking back at us and this is followed by a little dance. I have heard some different remedies such as ignoring...however she is in a place the we are not allowing and we cant ignore and just let her get away with being disobedient, because we are trying to stop her form back chatting. I have seen first hand and know that raising the voice further doesnt work, but soemtimes frustration does get the better of you?

    Any suggestions?


  10. We have it around 5.30pm also. We have a 12 week white (pied) staffy. We call her the white rabbit when she decides its time to go mental and dart around the house, ears pinned back, sliding on the tiles with a big grin form ear to ear. Its like she has a private "stash" somewhere?

  11. It now appears we have a puppy who can now walk quite happily on her lead. The harness is comfortable and she has had some good walks and fun at puppy pre-school, which gave her so much distratction, she now understands that the lead is not a toy and is not something to be scared of.

    Now....what will be next I wonder?

  12. Thanks everyone for the responses. We bought a harness and have ventured to a quite park for some quick 10 -15 minute walks and not stopping for her to smell or chew grass. A little naughty as she is not fully vaccinayed but at puppy pre-school the vet was happy for all the dogs on their grass which i know is inhabited by 100 of dogs a week, so we thought the risk must be very very low.

    She is walking much better out in the open and on the harness with the lead more at her shoulder blades. The distractions and shear openess is whats helping.

    I presume very soon I will be on here asking how I stop a dog from pulling on the lead?? "Such is Life"

  13. Thanks for replies and advice. I think you may be onto something in regard to not just letting the lead hang on her as she might take ownership a little? Also with your quoted advice above what is meant by "If your puppy doesn't immediately rush forward to eat she's broken". Wouldnt we want her to rush or move forward?

    Also do you think a harness would be worth a go as this is connected more at the shoulder blades and not the neck and may be more hidden form her?

  14. Hi all,

    I have a 10.5 week old Staffy named Shanti. She is beautiful and seems very smart and is learning and developing very well. However, the one thing she just does not like is walking on a lead. She got used to her collar fast and has no problems. We put the lead on her for abour half an hour a day and let her walk around with it on. Half the time she will have it in her mouth, chewing it, as she loves chewing things, but has ample toys. The other half of the time she doesnt seeem to care about it. But if we pick the lead up, thats when she objects and backs away and just will not walk with us. We are trying the methods that are well published (ie use a treat to distract her and have her looking up). This can work when we havnt got hold of lead, but once we don grab the lead, that is her sole focus and she just will not budge or back away. She really seems quite offended.

    I have heard that the lead can be spryed with a bitter substance that she will not like? Not sure about this? This may help with chewing the lead but I cant see that it will help with the resisiting to walk. Does anyone have any sugsestions. We are approaching four days off and we can put in some solid time to try and make her happy on the lead. Any advice will be much appreciated.

    Ps: She comemnced pre puppy school last night which was hilarious. Out of 8 dogs she is the only dog who resist the lead?



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