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Posts posted by stone

  1. Does anyone have an update on this story?

    One headline I read online was -

    "Heroic dad in life & death struggle with killer dog"

    Given there was an even more horrific headline story on the Sydney news casts I didn't see any reference to this "life & death struggle".

    Maybe I missed it.

    That headline reminded me of the joke where a young child toppled & fell into the lions den at the zoo.

    Just as the lion was about to pounce, a man hurdled the fence onto the lions back & after a titanic struggle killed the lion & saved the little kid.

    A reporter just happened to witness this & told the man it was the bravest thing he had ever seen & tomorrows headline would would read,

    "Aussie hero saves childs life"

    "But I'm English"

    revised headline

    "Pommie bastard kills childs pet"

  2. They why state it's a problem with "ALL" crossbreds?? Isnt it actually a problem of irresponsible breeders. Just because you fork over cash to the state controlling body and get two dogs on open register that you can breed together hardly makes you responsible!

    Have you ever consider this is not the right forum for breeders of xbreed mongrels.

    You knowledge of animal husbandry appears to be very limited.

  3. Is there such a person who is a breed specialist who isn't a breeder of the subject breed?

    Would a specialty club contract a judge who wasn't a breed specialist?

    First, I don't think so.

    Second, I have heard of one such an instance.

    SBTS of NSW contracted an overseas all breeds judge who was a Kerry Blue specialist.

    Many raised eyebrows as to the awardings.

    So the story goes.

    Also, if the person who advised of the B.I.S on the morning I arrived at my last specialty show had have rang me with the information the night before it would have saved me a lot of time & money.

    Specialty shows ain't always that special.

  4. Championship Shows only.

    maximum points available to be gained is 25 at any one show.

    Challenge Dog is awarded 5 points for the challenge & one point for every exhibit over the age of 6 months including yours (babies don't count.

    Bitch challenge same as the dog.

    Best of breed is awarded one additional point for every exhibit from the opposite sex.

    To gain max points from breed there would have to be at least 20 eligible entries

    One point for each exhibit + 5 for the challenge.

    If you win Best in Group your dog will be awarded additional points to the max if necessary.

    Ditto Best in show.

    Repeat. max points available at any show is 25.

    100 points required to be made up to champion

    The final 25 have to be obtained over the the age of 12 months.


    Total points gained will be recorded on the Best of Breed/Challenge Cerificate

    Make sure you pick them up, they have to be produce when/if you apply for a championship certificate.

  5. apparently the dog was only playing and over exciteable.

    not condoning any actions just what I have heard on good authority

    That's just what I suspected from the get go.

    "Attack/Maul"= front page.

    "Playful/Scratch = cuddle & bandaid.

  6. I actually said you come across as abrupt.

    But I don't consider anyone who admits they would hit a dog over the head with a bloody big wrench could even consider themselves to be caring.

    One would hope a caring responsible breeder would have sufficent dog skills not to have to resort to such a drastic course of action.

    I'll stick with my first held opinion me thinks.

  7. She comes across as so abrupt the thought had crossed my mind.

    Well its quite clear then that you have had no experience with Rebanne, who is a fantastic breeder and goes above and beyond for her puppies and her breed in general.

    I'll form my own opinions thank you.No reason to change so far btw.

    Answer to the question.


    You really should try it.

    It's painless

  8. That's a description of every experience, ethical breeder/exhibitor.

    Absolutely - but not all the judges who are engaged to judge specialist shows are actually very experienced breeders or exhibitors or judges

    Yes sometimes as you said they look only for their "type" - but the GOOD ones get quite different results, so IMO it's not inevitable that only one type goes up :)

    The one who placed my little girl 3rd from 26 entries certainly knew what he was doing..... :rofl:

  9. Confident


    Affectionate (within family at least)

    Agile/athletic/resilient (Can run a lot, handle hot weather, up for anything)

    Wash & Wear / minimal grooming

    Hmmm my two dogs have some of those but not all five unfortunately :laugh:


    Do I win a prize?

  10. Wouldn't say invariably myself. The ones who know a breed inside out and have done a genuine apprenticeship almost always acknowledge the virtues of the various types within a breed.

    That's a description of every experience, ethical breeder/exhibitor.

    Specialty shows have any amount of outstanding breed examples. Stunners wall to wall.

    Bias is ''invariably'' a decisive player.

    Human nature.

  11. The breeders who are pleasant to deal with, who cop the silly questions with a rueful grin, who take time to reply to oddly worded emails etc, aren't on public forums bagging out people who make enquiries with them. They aren't the ones writing unfortunate posts that people searching the internet for pedigree dog breeders will stumble across.

    really? and you know this how?

    Because ''we'' consider genuine, responsible breeders conduct themselves in a similar caring, patient & benevolent behavior as ''we'' do.

    Try it. It works.

  12. I think it would actually be safer without the cover.

    A family friend of ours had their pup fall in the pool and drown. He fell in the side and went under the soft cover that was floating on the water.

    Without the cover he may have had a chance though.

    If your dogs feet can touch the ground whilst keeping his head out, I'd be inclined to leave it open.



  13. The problem with breed specialty judges is they invariably have bias to toward the "types" they breed themselves.

    I had a stunning red dog & during a conversation with a fellow competitor at a specialty show was told ''Nice boy, but you have wasted you time, this guy breeds blacks"

    Don't know if that was true or not, but blacks filled every major award. ;)

    But it is nice to place at a speciality show, really nice.

  14. I would say if the law is if a breed of dog is banned it is not allowed to be imported then when they are no longer banned, they will allowed to be imported. Either or I am sure there are loads of them already in the UK and I am sure breeders would find a way to get them in if they wanted.

    But of course, I've already told you that. Same as here.

    Don't you think the repeated references to cracking down on the "status" dogs gives a hint as to their motives.

    Don't hold your breath waiting for the declared dogs to be ''unbanned'' the general population wont have a bar of it.

    From memory the site re the import restrictictions was the DEFRA site, if my memory serves me.

    It even listed the alias' to watch for, these included, AST & American Bull Dog as well as the usual UK suspects. Irish SBTs, Olde Style SBTs, Game Bred, Working etc, etc, etc.

  15. I wonder, just wonder, if the dog playfully jumped up on the toddler, as friendly dogs do, & scratched his face. The tradie ''charging to the rescue'' apparently hit the dog over the head with a bloody big wrench. That is when the shit hit the fan.

    Dog mauls kid, grannie & attacks rescuers has a better ''feel'' journalistically wise to it tho, sells more papers.

    who would know what the dogs intentions were, I'd have hit it with a bloody big wrench as well. Bottom line is the dog has caused harm to a person ( a 12 month old! ), is obviously a habitual roamer and is owned by a moron and will pay with his life. One of the stories has the baby in a pram, makes it a bit harder for a dog to accidently scratch him.

    Well I suppose because it was in the paper it must be true.

    Sorry I lost my temper.

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