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Posts posted by Silverblue

  1. That is so devastating, we went through the exact same thing with our 8 month old GSD, only we had his parents scores & they were very good.

    Sometime I think nature just takes over, but it is heartbreaking to watch them.

  2. Went to clip one of my regulars yesterday, a 15 year old small x breed female.

    When I clipped off around her fanny I found it was dripping pus, quite a lot of it too.

    The owner doesn't have the money to take her to the vet, which made me a bit cross, I would have offered myself but I have JUST finished paying off a $800 vet bill so I am broke as well.

    She is not desexed so my first thought was pyometra, does anyone else have any ideas.

  3. It is with the heaviest heart that I tell you our lovely little Lucy crossed the bridge this morning & has gone to play at the rainbow bridge.

    You were only with us for a short time, but what a time you had, strutting your stuff in the ring & home here in the backyard, always waggy tail.

    Your lovely nature was amazing to watch as you welcomed the pups & Fever into the yard, we could always count on you to be the welcoming commitee.

    And the last few days although you sure pushed the boundries with the inside dogs, you soon had wound them around your little paw, even to the point of sleeping curled up with me under the doona on THEIR bed, but then how could anyone resist that sweet little face that we loved so much.

    We really are going to miss you sweet girl, have fun playing with all the other baby cockers at the bridge.

  4. It has been a long time since I have had a pup on it own, (usually keep 2 from a litter :D ) but maybe I am too soft, I would have them in a crate beside the bed, that way if they cry you can just reach down & reassure the pup.

    Worst comes to worst I would have the pup on the bed with me, they are only babies, I couldn't let it cry all night in a room by it self, beside I need my sleep, if baby is happy so am I,

    But that's just me.

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