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Posts posted by HeidiB

  1. Hello, I thought this might help some people if they suffer anything similar with there dogs.

    So here is what happend again but in more details, this is from my vets report on the incident.


    From early hours of this morning going outside frequentley& crying. Straining to defecate. Recently has been pollakiuric.

    Normal prior to desexing at 6 months.

    Vaginal discharge started early September, has swab taken & blood test. Evidently no abonormalities.

    Tialled on Clavulox antibiotics - discharge didn't resolve. Vaginal exam with endoscope revealed pus coming from cervix. Treated with EOD vaginal douches (vaginal flushing) every 2-4 days in a salt solution. Hasn't had a urinalysis.

    Report from what happend at the emergency vets last night:

    Rectal exame palpable soft flocculent mass in region of vagina - obstructing rectal canal ( this made my dog look as if she was constipated).

    Vaginal exam - hypmen type tissue with very narrow lumen, couldn't pass finger through it, however when attempted slightley streaching of lumen - resulted in release of large amont of pus - approx 200mls.


    Stump pyomtra strongly suspected. Swelling caused by pus obtructed behind 'hymen' type tissue in a vagina. No evidents of systemic illness secondary to pyometra.


    Recommended abdominal ultrasound & exploratory surgery to remove suspected stump pyometre. CT scan should be considered if unable to visualise area via ultrasound.


  2. We took her to the emergengy vet tonight & they found a huge pocket of puss in her vaginal region area that was causing her dicomfort, they released it & the lump has gone down.

    This is the reason of her past vaginal discharge problems, I am booking her in for exploratory surgery this week asap as we think it has come from a stumb near her cervix from when she was flank desexed that has gotton infected.

    Thanks every one :swear:

    I will explain it all better tomorrow as its 11pm & I am exhausted

    _________________ :thumbsup:

  3. Hi,

    I have a 11 month old desexed female Weimaraner named "Busta". I rushed her to the vets this morning as she was crying in the early hours of the morning from what we thought was her being constipated. They took some x-rays of her & had a feel around but have found that she is not constipated nor is it a bladder problem.

    They said it is in the pelvic area & is of a soft tissue density. Busta has had alot of abonormal vaginal discharge in the past & we have just had that under control but don't know why she had it. She is also suffering allegies which we are in the process of trying to work out what they are.

    They also removed a lump like pimple that was on her tummy when they put her under today to send away to see what it is. We are now waiting to give her a ultrasound but it looks like we will have to wait till Monday to that as its only Saturday. :thumbsup::swear::rofl::vomit:

    Please if anyone has expirience something like this befor & know what it might be it would be greatly appriciated if u could help.



  4. Hello :kissbetter:

    Poor Cougar Boy & Chelsea Girl, Give them a hug from me.

    It would be a good thing to do to tell the neighbours as it would be a great meeting oportunety if u have not aready met & it shows as I'm sure u would like them to do the same in the same situation.



    Busta misses them alot :thumbsup:

    So I hope they feel better soon

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