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Golden Monk

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  1. What about food agression, the puppy ran over and he snapped again, but we jumped in which we probably should not have based on what you all are saying, but its hard not to. The only thing is we yell when this happens and the older dog goes off and sits by himself in the bed room, I tihnk we need to learn to let them sort it out on their own..but damn its hard. It is gonna be a long few weeks.
  2. The older dog can go on our bed, the puppy cannot get up there... Also the older retriever gives the pup a bark even when the pup is locked in behind the baby gate? Although when we let the pup out the older retriever seems happy enough. GM
  3. Yeah, I hope so...the wife is worried :D ... well me as well, but I think it is putting him in his place, if the pup walks around near Beaus though Beau still seems a little bit touchy, and we are on tender hooks hehe.
  4. Today, after we got home from the park where both the puppy and Beau the 2 year old had been playing together, Beau was trying to get some sleep and when the puppy went to snuggle up as they had been doing last night Beau had a bit of a snap at the pup, this happened 2 times and now we have them separated. They had been in the car together most of the day as well no problems the pup was cuddling up in the car without any issues either. I know Beau now has the poos cause he went and lay on the bed by himself. Is this little bit of agression normal with an older dog and a pup considering last night the older retriever could not leave the pup alone and wanted to sleep and be near him all night? This was them yesterday.... Thanks
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