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  1. Hi All Deals Direct have $2 shipping on all Pet products today only. I'm looking at buying one of their crates which will only ever be for inside the house, yay or nay? Am I just better to spend the extra and buy it from Vebo? Thanks and happy shopping!
  2. Dessie


    Hello again everyone, I'm in the process of preparing my home for the new addition (i've been told I'm nesting haha!) My question now is fencing. I have 5ft metal fencing and have just 'raised' the height to 6ft by placing bamboo screening in front. Is this tall enough to deter a whippet from jumping the fence? Do your whippets jump this high? I really want to make sure I'm providing the best environment whilst I'm at work etc. Any other tips regarding a large courtyard would be greatly appreciated :) I'm also keen to crate train (mainly for the dogs benefit and initially to assist with toilet training) so if anyone can recommend the best size that would be great. Thanks again.
  3. Dessie


    Thanks everyone for your assistance. Now I just need to play the waiting game...patiently..... :)
  4. Dessie


    Thank you for the responses lovely people :) I have my heart set on a female but questioned my choice when told the males make better pets. Are they both as easy to train and recall? Are females really THAT moody? (I've heard this before...) Thanks again!
  5. Dessie


    Hi everyone! I'm extremely close to entering the world of Whippet! My question is; what sex do I choose? Majority of my dog experience has been with females but I have heard that male whippets make better pets? What are your personal opinions? is there a huge difference between sexes? I plan to desex ASAP. Thanks!
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