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  1. Thanks everyone. Digby thinks he's a bit gorgeous too LOL. He really does have the loveliest, most placid nature of any Murray we've had though, we adore him. He's a very keen hunter too & loves chasing the rabbits & foxes, he's caught 3 foxes & killed 2. The first one was when he was young & it was as big as him, he got tired & the fox got away but not without a whopping headache i bet. We're not into hunting ourselves & are on a property, so we're grateful to have him keeping the vermin at bay. There are other registeries out there beside the ANKC indeed & i believe the Association are looking into them. Thanks again for the welcome, Linda
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm new here & a Murray owner, so thought i'd say hi & add to the conversation. My name is Linda, our current Murray in residence is Digby, our first was Alex who lived to the ripe old age of 18 years & our 2nd was Charlie who died at the tender age of 18 months from his 2nd snake bite!! Digby is 6 and such a beautiful example of the breed. I have been involved with the Association, i was it's Secretary for 18 months. ANKC recognition is well beyond our reach at present due to the number of dogs required to be even considered, however never say never & one day we might just get there. In the meantime we do what we can with very limited resources & people available to help. We are very excited to have just received the results of DNA analysis of the breed which has proven the Murray to be a pure breed. This is fabulous news for the Murray & we hope this will open some more avenues to have the Murray recognised & ensure its future. Cheers, Linda Simpson
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