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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. I think you were remarkably restrained actually. Talk about an overreaction by those girls! You have to be very careful in situations like this though - drunken girls armed with glasses can cause serious injury. I wonder if Ernie was the only dog who approached them - seems unlikely on an off leash beach. Absolute idiots - you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, not your fault at all.

  2. Oh yes - tried kongs, puzzle toys, thundershirts, music, adaptil, behaviourists, etc etc. We got him at two years of age so unfortunately the behaviour was firmly entrenched and seemingly incurable. I wouldn't have taken him if I had known of course and I think the only possible solution now would be rehoming to a multiple dog household but the family won't hear of it.

  3. I am extremely "bothered". If I knew he only barked for a short time when I left or arrived home I would be ecstatic! As it is I know that he will commence barking about 10 minutes after I leave - no matter what I do in the way of "distractions" - and not stop until I walk in the door. Unless I leave him with someone I can't enjoy any outing at all. I hate it but my OH doesn't really think it is a problem as nobody has complained and we have tried everything to cure him so his attitude is just to let him bark. It doesn't make for a happy life though :(

  4. I have been trying to read up about this but there seems to be nothing said about how they will actually shut down the puppy farms, methods of reporting puppy farmers and deterrents etc.

    Animal cruelty laws need to be looked into in a huge way I think.. Just my thoughts.. I don't know if they are relevant

    (I am referring to the blatant farming where it is very obvious that the dogs are not being given Vet care and there are a number of mixed 'popular' breeds)

    There is nothing said because there are no plans to shut down puppy farms.

    They will be allowed to flourish under any government & sell to pet shops to meet demand as long as they adhere to the current codes of practise that governments decree. Licensed by councils, registered as a business & kept in approved size cages as long as they obey the "rules" in theory they will be permitted.

    The animal cruelty laws do cover everything already, they are just either not caught out or the laws are not used or applied correctly.

    The deterrent is probably the $30 fee per dog :confused: which will not affect volume farming of dogs.

    Some deterrent! Another grandoise statement aimed at attracting a few votes. The devil is in the (lack of) detail. The key is policing any laws and unless that part is legislated its all a waste of time and grandstanding. Though Labor at least makes some noise about animal welfare issues - I suspect many in the LNP belong to the "its only animals" brigade.

  5. I would be really interested to hear if this works. I live in an apartment with my little dog and have been considering one of these to try and train him to toilet on the patio when I am unable to take him out.

    Good on you for considering a rescue. Be patient with toileting issues though as it can be challenge for a rescue dog and stress of a new place can cause issues - as with any dog.

  6. Great customer service anyway - sometimes products just don't meet expectations but the response of the business is key. IMO this company has responded professionally which goes a long way towards building a business. Unlike many we have seen who engage in less than professional - to put it mildly - responses if someone posts something negative about their products or services here.

  7. Its just marketing - the most attractive models are always used! I saw a story on the local news about how the RSPCA shelter is at capacity because of the holidays coming up and people dumping dogs. They showed the most gorgeous little fluffy - no way that dog would have been there available for adoption even if if you went straight out there. :D Its just to get people there to have a look and hopefully fall in love with something. They use whatever ploys they can to attract people and I don't blame them particularly this time of year when they are inundated because so many low-lifes think animals are disposable.

  8. To the OP, in my case, I wanted a pup of a completely different colouring/marking - I wanted a black or red tri Aussie, and I really didn't like the look of the blue merles. I thought they were hideously ugly! But my breeder thrust a blue merle dog into my arms anyway and said, "This dog is going to be perfect for you."

    So I took a chance and turned a blind eye to the colour and took it on trial - my breeder was right, her temperament was perfect for me. She is now my heart dog. And you know what! Now I LOVE LOVE LOVE her colour/markings and I love the blue merles - even much more so than I originally liked the blacks and reds!

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, different colours or markings are really not that important in the long run, colours and markings change especially as pups grow. So even if you don't end up with the colour/markings you want, you may be pleasantly surprised. I know I certainly was.

    Just wanted to share my experience since you mentioned wanting a specific colour type. And I certainly understand wanting a pup that looks a certain way. Just saying please don't completely rule out a pup that may be 100% perfect for you temperament-wise just because it's got a different colour or slightly off markings. And good luck with your search for a pup. I hope you get what you are looking for. :)

    Just want to endorse these comments. You will be living with the temperament a lot longer than the looks will appeal :)

  9. Can understand the request for pictures of house and yard and where the dog will be sleeping - also a Google map search can confirm the authenticity of the photos in most cases. A vet reference is also reasonable - providing the person has owned a pet before. But a personal photo? No, that is going too far I think.

  10. Agree it seems a long time to wait for a consult for an urgent problem. Perhaps there is someone else you can see sooner? There must be more than one good behaviourist in Brisbane. Have you done a search on here for recommendations?

    At least you are addressing the problem. Plenty of people have the view that dogs can "sort it out themselves". The main thing is to keep them separate until you can get help. Good luck - it will be interesting to hear what the behaviourist has to say.

  11. These have been around for some time - you can get the ultrasonic devices for indoor use as well. I didn't find it worked indoors and I wonder about the outdoor ones effecting your own dogs as well? Its like any of these gadgets - some dogs respond and others don't, its trial and error.

  12. What amazes me is the number of people who let their kids just run up screaming and lunge themselves at strange dogs. Seriously my little dog is placid and won't react but so many aren't and the way these kids run up from behind the dogs and frighten them I'm surprised they don't get bitten. Even adults do it when we are out for a walk - drives me crazy, I don't even see them coming either many times.

  13. The opinion of the Tribunals seem to be coming around to the view that an apartment is still a person's home and they should have the right to have a pet as long as certain reasonable conditions are adhered to. It is just a matter of following rules - no different to all the other rules that people in a strata complex must abide by. If people are ignorant of their neighbours amenity then there are plenty of ways they can cause disruption regardless of whether they have a pet. I believe that all new apartment complexes being built in NSW will automatically be pet friendly.

  14. These Body Corporates really need to be challenged! Many people have been caused terrible misery by being forced to give up pets because some Body Corporate Committees think they can make up rules as they like. Its happening more and more that tribunals are finding in favour of the pet owner - and about time too. A fair outcome in this case.

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