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Posts posted by Sparden

  1. Hi silentchild

    Out of interest, what training method does she use for identification of the scent? What is the reward system?

    What response do you train?

    - Active? Passive?

    From reading the NACSW Rules I think a passive response is the best. This way you don't risk loosing points for contaminating an area compared to dogs trained with an active response. I quite like Andrew Ramsey's "obedience to odour" response where the dog focus on the scent. This way you will not have issues if the scent is located out of the dogs reach.

    What was the before/after result you had?

    Thanks. A lot of questions so I appreciate any response.

  2. Two different languages even for the same command shouldn't be a problem for a dog. My dog has some unique commands in different languages, as well as two different words/languages for the same command e.g. finish,owari. (English/Japanese)

    I didn't think two words for the same command was a good idea, but my dog doesn't have any problems.

  3. Hi, I am just starting out in this sport and have already seen a few different training methods.

    I just read your comment below. Can you please expand on why?

    What exactly do you mean by mixing the reward with the target odour?


    Nose work is becoming quite popular of late, there are a different ways to train it but there are some ways that are better than others (I personally would avoid any classes that train it by mixing the reward and target odour together.)

  4. Hi, can you recommend anyone to build the below dog pen I sketched up?

    The current quote has been $1750 for L 4m, W 2.3m H 2.1m at gable peak. Made from colourbond and galvanized steel tube frame.

    There may be cheaper DIY solutions out there, but I'm after something that is pre made.


  5. For those looking for dog training schools I have created a list.

    Currently it contains a list of schools in

    - Melbourne

    - Canberra

    - Tasmania

    The spreadsheet allows you to add comments, so if you wish to add any additional schools please let me know and I'll do my best to keep this updated for us all. If you would like to contribute and edit the spreadsheet directly please PM me.

    Dog Training Schools List

  6. +1 on PetPlan. I wouldn't recommend anyone else for insurance, firstly because PetPlan allows alternative treatments, but they also cover illnesses and conditions for life, not just one year like all the other insurers (after the first year with everyone else it becomes a "pre-existing condition).

    I think I pay around $600 per year for each of my pugs, and I have a $125 excess per claimable condition.

    Hi, have you made any claims with PetPlan? How did you find the claim process?

  7. I'm after some advise on training my dog to sit or stand from the down position. I have tried a lure, although once he's in the down position he does not move until I give him the release command. His transition from sit to down is fine. He is slowly understanding the transition from sit to stand.

    Any advise on luring, hand signals, or even perhaps training the sit command better so he knows sit means sit from any position?



    I just bought some steak and will be trying that out as my new lure.

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