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Chittys Ghost

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  1. Has died down marginally since the weekend, when it was full on. Guess some of these people have dole forms to hand in through the week.
  2. Tell them to stay strong, MN has already received some police attention from her recent harassment and this will help finish her off. Make sure you screen shot EVERYTHING and keep it safe. If you need to talk to someone about which police officer is dealing with her pm me and I can get someone to talk to you (sane and safe people don't worry). Bullying usually works for her so she might ramp it up so be prepared for a deluge of crazy. I should stress that the threat did NOT come from MN, but from a member of the PR FB page. It is being escalated.
  3. Sorry to hear there have been threats made. Hope everyone is okay and that any threats have been reported to the police. Suggest screencaps be taken of any of these threats. The appropriate action has been taken, yeah.
  4. As a close relative of one of the Blacktown AHF employees, I'd just like to say thanks for all of your balanced thoughts on this matter, It's been a tough few days since Friday under the barrage of over-emotional rhetoric from the PR crew. There's even been threats messaged via facebook profiles by members of the PR FB page. Being able to read the more balanced views posted by those in this thread has helped put things in perspective. Thanks again.
  5. As a close relative of one of the Blacktown AHF employees, I'd just like to say thanks for all of your balanced thoughts on this matter, It's been a tough few days since Friday under the barrage of over-emotional rhetoric from the PR crew. There's even been threats messaged via facebook profiles by members of the PR FB page. Being able to read the more balanced views posted by those in this thread has helped put things in perspective. Thanks again.
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