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Posts posted by Pinchy

  1. I grabbed a couple of chicken frames today while I was out so I'm going to cut one up and give it to him tonight. I didn't see any lamb flaps but I didn't go to a butcher to have a good look.

    We have a bulk wholesale butcher near us actually that I can check out on the weekend who I'm sure will be able to help me out:)

    I guess I'll cut the frame into quarters and hold it so I can get a feel for how he chews it.

    I'll talk to the vet again when we go for his vacs and see how they respond to the news;)

  2. Thank you guys for all of your replies.

    Bones will be back on the menu from now on. I think I just needed some positive thoughts that I was doing the right thing.

    I'll start with the chicken frames and some flaps when I can find some locally.

    Would I do a meaty bone for one meal and then kibble the rest at the moment? I'll need to have a look at the right portion size for his weight and growth.

  3. Thanks mumof4girls:)

    A holistic vet I'm not sure, I would have to investigate.

    I have read a bit about the raw diet, but I'm not confident I could get it right without some more research. I'll have a look for some groups though:)

    I am really keen to be giving him the bones, and I don't want to dump the vet, I'm a bit loyal like that. But I love that I can come here and get a variety of opinions and make my choices????

  4. I have had my Border Collie pup for almost a week. He is going so well and we just love him!

    He is currently eating Royal Canin (that's what the breeder had him on). I bought some chicken frames and cut one into a piece about the size of my palm and held it for him so he didn't inhale it. He loved it.

    I was under the impression that this was pretty much a must for dogs teeth and gums.

    When we went for our vet check, our vet suggested that we avoid the bones because they see just too many complications from bone fragments in dogs. She recommended a dental kong so I got one but he has absolutely no interest what so ever:( he just licks it and leaves it.

    I just wanted asome opinions on whether or not I should give him the bones? Hoe many people here are in favour? Do the risks outweigh the benefits?

    I was really looking forward to giving him bones so maybe it's just my preconceived idea that they are the best thing for him?

  5. He is so adorable!!! He was fine in the car, about an hour with us and three with the breeder so a fairly big trip for the little dude but he took it all in.

    He has spent most of the day sleeping here with me looking at him and pretending to work. The kids were here for a bit after we picked him up and they are in love!!

    I took him out a while ago when he woke up and he peed on the concrete near the door so that was pretty good (except he just stood in it LMAO)!

    He's nibbling and drinking and snoozing so all in all a nice first day.

    Now I'm just thinking how secure his pen is! I might swap the cable ties for the metal clips and have a look at a taller and better 'fence'. I can't have him escape here, it's different to being at home.

    He is clear by parentage but I don't have copies of the tests. Is that something I need?

  6. LMAO Esky, I know it's going to be trashed but I had to start with a soft one ????

    We are leaving in about 20 mins, I have butterflies and my coffee tastes yuk!! I told my husband not to laugh at me when I cry!! I'm a happy crier!

  7. So I bought a crate ( a soft one cause I'm a wuss) he will probably eat it but it looks comfy:)

    Got two lots of compost mesh, one for home and one for work. Made a nice big area for him to chill in and not get in trouble:)

    Picking him up in the morning. Kind of beside myself right now!!

    I will figure out photos...promise!!

  8. Thanks again for the tips:) I have a million cable ties for the joins and probably clips for the 'door' :)

    I have a few sandbags hanging around at the shop that I use for my shade gazebo so they might be handy for anchorage!

  9. Thank you so much for all of the help and suggestions.

    I have decided I will take him with me. I would like him to be able to come and be comfortable there with me anyway so I think it could be good.

    I'm off to bunnings tomorrow to organise a compost panel pen set up as that is what I'd be most comfortable with.

    I'm getting a crate to pop in there as well, but with the door open in the pen and then the crate will be a positive nice den place for him when we need it. I'll get used to the idea and I can really see the plusses in the crate.

    Great tip about using the door instead of popping him over the top! I hadn't thought of that at all.

    I have a couple of photo's but I think I need to be on a computer to upload them so I'll do that when I can:)

  10. I wish I could learn how to quote but I can't figure it out!

    The last time I had a pup was quite a while ago and I never knew crate training existed back then. I have read every possible thing I can find about crates and agree that they definately have value, just not something I am used to.

    The warehouse isn't huge, its 200sq I can see the whole place from anywhere I am and I know when I have a customer, there will be no unintroduced interactions.

    I would never leave him while the tradies were there.

    A pen is the best solution, thanks for the suggestion! I can definately set him up an area where I can see him and he can have space. I've read about the Bunnings panels, would they work on a concrete floor?

    He's a border Collie:)

  11. Wow after the first few replies I was about to call the breeder but now I feel a bit better about the situation.

    Originally I wasn't going to use a crate. I can completely understand the benefits though and it will be great to have a safe and comfy spot for him to have, I'll be teaching him to chill on a mat or bed though as well, so he knows he is part of the family.

    I can see that the crate will be useful, I just have never closed a dog in what seems like a cage before, I'll get over it though, I don't want him to become super glued to me.

    I work in a large warehouse which is my retail space so he will be meeting people and hearing new sounds and travelling in the car. As long as I can give him alone time as well I hope it can work.

  12. I'm sure if I need to delay getting him I can for the week. It would probably be better just not what I was hoping.

    Really he would only be going from the car into work, i would need a spot for him to toilet though that would be outside I guess. So frustrating!

  13. Hi guys just after some thoughts.

    I'm picking my new pup up this week and by a mega bad coincidence we will have tradesmen at the house for the next 7 days (we rent so have not much choice, I put them off as long as possible).

    Would it be a bad idea to be bringing pup to work with me during that time? I work for myself and there are no other animals around there to be worried about vaccination issues.

    Even though I only work 2 mins from home and would be only gone for a couple of hours I would rather not leave pup when there are people working on the house. (They'll only be outside but still I'm not comfortable).

    I just don't know if having the pup with me all times during that first week will cause problems later or be hard for him to settle in.

    There will be times when I can duck out for a bit on the weekend or in the arvo to give him time at home alone.

    I'm worried now and this was supposed to be an exciting time, am I over thinking this? I read waaay to much, need to get off the internet I think!

  14. Took her up to get scanned when they opened and the nurse called her owner, local lady but it took her over an hour to come down. She had no idea the dog was missing, poor thing was covered in fleas and had recently had a litter. But she is home now anyway.

  15. Thanks everyone:) she is only getting the meat from the chook I know that much hehe. I'm hoping she's chipped, she has no collar but is very sweet. Not trained at all I can't even get a sit but she's calmed down now and hopefully she will sleep. Tomorrow is Sunday I'm hopong I can find someone to help her. I thought she may be a pet but someone at the party said they had seen her wandering before.

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