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Everything posted by Wendie

  1. Thanks for your advice, noted re outside as time out, I won't do that. I am on the right track re supervising and anticipating, especially when my youngest wants to walk around with food in his hand (I can predict the outcome). The crate was in lounge and is a strict no go for kids, we feed her in there, has treats and she is happy to go in there which is good. Sometimes she barks when in there but I know this is because she needs some play time. I have also made kids not eat their food on the little table but the big table so she can't get to it, that is much easier. So it is reassuring I am doing roughly the right things, just need to be consistent and like you have said distract with a toy or something else. I have trained her to 'come' so that works sometimes. The challenge is having time to give her to play, as time is limited. Yes brave for taking puppy on, I didn't realise to be honest but am so committed to her training, she can already sit, come, stay and is used to a lead around home also toilet training is going great and she sleeps happily all night (inside). So for a 10 week old puppy, this is the only challenge area, conversely the kids love to play with her too and there are good times. Am I correct in the only way to stop her barking when outside is to ignore her? Not as punishment but if I get home and just can't get straight to her to let her in, she will bark. Also this might be a really stupid question. But what are the best games to play with her? We play soccer, try to play fetch, any other ideas for inside? I am a first timer so any suggestions, also ways for the kids to play safely?
  2. Our 10 week old golden retriever sure is cure, but, any time our 21 month old son is on the ground (not always but often), she will jump on him and bite, his back if he is walking away etc. A trainer recommended getting between them, walking towards dog with 'uh uh' but that has not worked, so now trying to just pick him up and ignore dog. Also try time out for willow but she barks if in crate, outside or in laundry. Feeling really anxious as it's pretty challenging with two kids under 4 to always watch and be there. I want to be able to put her outside if she does this, and ignore the barking to come back in but the kids talk to her through the glass so ignore doesn't help that. Thankfully I have understanding neighbours. She is a delightful dog, but this, along with steeling food any chance she can get is challenging. We have a third child on our hands (first time puppy owners). Any advice appreciated.
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