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  1. Why? I asked because I haven't seen any other dog do this before & I was curious. Thanks for your help.
  2. That's what we have started to do, we are extra careful now. I was just wondering why she might be attracted to this particular smell.. thank you for your reply :)
  3. Hello All, We have a 9 month old female Japanese Spitz and she has been doing an odd thing around our house lately. Whenever there are women in the house who are on their monthly cycle she will go in the laundry and locate the dirty undies. I am not sure what she actually does when she finds them as I am seeing them left on the laundry floor. (Which isn't very attractive let me add) She will also look for pads with blood on them which are already in the bin, when she finds them she will attack them and then we are left cleaning up!! (Sorry to be so forward)!!! Can anybody shed any light on why she might be doing this?? Thanks!!
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