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  1. Thanks for the responses. Its definitely not protective behavior. You can see in some instances she wants to interact with the people, all whom she has interacted with previously before this started. She has been speyed. It's as soon as we leave home to go anywhere she is a bit nervous. But she has always come everywhere with us. Anytime she has to get out of the car, won't come. Once out of the car will walk until a certain point.
  2. Hi Everyone. Long time lurker We have an 8 month old Bullmastiff pup that we are having a few issues with. For about the last 5 weeks she has turned into a real scaredy cat. To the point where if we take her somewhere she wont walk, just lay down and not move. She is a bit apprehensive of people, but her tail is wagging at the same time. Once they are patting her and talking to her she has no issues, But still will not move. She has no issue with other dogs coming up to her. She doesn't really care about other dogs at all. At her first puppy class she was a bit nervous, but eventually loosened up and was running around with the other dogs. So we thought she would be fine. It also happens at home to a certain extent. Nervous to go into the kitchen for some reason. Is a little apprehensive at first when my partner gets home from work, as in won't run up to her straight away but will keep a distance with the tail wagging looking like she wants to run up. Just never does. I'm going to take her back to school next Sunday, and see what happens there. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
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