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Posts posted by Rayhay

  1. Firstly! hahahahahahahahahahaha! Dogs always know when to turn it on! lol

    Secondly, you went above and beyond what most people would bother to do, so good on you! Don't stress about it all too much, these things happen from time to time, it should wash away when the next good rain comes.

    I would stick mostly to grass areas, nature strips, parks, even gravel pathways would be better. Sadly, life just can't accommodate your every single weird poop issue, so do your best. Glad to hear your oldie is still going well, that is the most important thing of all.


  2. Would you believe the opposite happens just as much too!

    My beautiful beloved Rottweiler Greta's sire is still well and truly alive and kicking he is now 14 years of age and still going strong. Her mother was around 10 before she passed and I lost my most precious, most delightful girl at age 7 to cancer.

    If I go over her life, if there was only one thing I would change, (things I know now but wish I knew then and not even knowing if it was a contributing factor) is that I would not have had her desexed as young as I did, she was around 6 months old when we had her spayed, but upon reading about Osteosarcoma, apparently this can also be a small factor..:( anyway, diet, exercise, healthy happy life, doted on, loved and given everything I could possibly give her to be a happy, well adjusted, social and well cared for) still were not enough :(

    I can't believe it, but it just shows you that you never ever know what will happen.

    Enjoy your puppy, get on with loving him for whatever amount of time he has, as long as they are loved, given the best opportunities to thrive, it's the best you can do, for any dog.


  3. There's always one on every forum.

    Don't let anyone tell you how to feel about a situation, you were there, you had a lovely time with the dog, you met the owner and your intuition is talking to you and you "feel" what you"feel" and it's ok. It's that inner voice, that says "ooh I am not sure all is right here" it is part of the human make up, it's your "gut feeling" and no one can take that away from you, it is a perfectly normal human response. It's what makes you / us human.

    Maybe you will run into your dog friend again, maybe you won't, maybe the dog is mistreated, maybe not, but you couldn't have known how this man would react or what kind of owner would come and pick up the dog.

    The fact that you care is a good thing, don't let anyone take that away from you.

    You done good. If you "feel" you need to take further action, or can take further action, then that is no ones business but yours. No one has the right to say yes or no, only you know the answer to this question.

    I hope the dog sought comfort in your company, whether mistreated or having the happiest of lives, even if just for a couple of hours. You both shared a lovely time. There is nothing wrong with that. All in all I truly hope the dog is not in a awful home too.

    Take a look at the horrible things that happen in the world on a daily basis, this is a lovely walk in the park with a friendly creature that took a real liking to you, really not something that anyone should get all bent out of shape about. It only went pear shaped at the end when you couldn't have known the type of person who would come to pick up the dog that left a sour note.

    If you are very concerned and you still have the mans number, you could google the phone number to see if it gives any information, google is a wonderful tool at times for that, you could always text him and say that you were very fond of the dog and would love to see him again (hint hint)

    Whatever you decide, try not to stress about it too much. You did your best.


  4. So very sorry for your loss.

    This club is a very special club, we dog lovers are all in it together, the pain is very raw, they break your heart.

    Take comfort in all the precious memories you have, such a wonderful life, who can ask for more.

    Hugs to you.


  5. I was going to say the same thing, just a refresher course on toileting could be all that is required.

    Sometimes our terrier has the odd accident in the house, but this lead to him thinking it was ok to pee on the floor, so he would just go there, mid pee, I picked him up and positioned him on the lawn. All good now :)

  6. I didn't sleep much at all last night, my dear sweet Greta was on my mind, right into the small hours of the morning. I finally drifted off, I said a quiet prayer for her today, she is never far from my thoughts, I miss her so much, that sometimes it hurts to breathe in and out.

    I wish heaven had visiting hours, I would give anything to see her beautiful face one more time.

    Merry Christmas my beautiful Greta. :cry:

  7. I like Boronia's idea about the treats from the Barkery.

    I just bought some treats from there as well.

    Having a Rott who decimates toys within seconds, unless it's a jolly ball, kong or some other industrial strength toy, like a truck tyre, they all only last 1 minute at best :rofl: .

    I bought her a Christmas stocking with treats and a few other odds and sods! Oh and yes, we bought her a new jolly ball, we should get a good half hour out of that, but what's best is she will play with the thing until it resembles a deflated old sack, so that's a plus! :thumbsup:

    I left it a little late, so I hope the barkery don't muck around with my delivery considering it's Christmas is Friday! :laugh:

  8. Well, after the painful loss of my beloved Greta nearly 6 months ago, we should (all being well) be the parents of a new baby Rottweiler in February.

    We currently have Samantha an almost 3 year old Rott, and little Jack a Cairn terrier x. Although we have the two dogs here, our house has not felt the same since we lost our beautiful Greta, and Samantha has missed her terribly, they were wonderful play partners and great company for each other. Little Jack is a bit too old and frail to play with Samantha in any real capacity, he likes to just sleep his days away inside or on the back deck now, and at 16 he has earned it.

    I am very excited to take on the challenges of a new fur baby, this will be our third Rott, so we are only starting to get the hang of bringing up these gorgeous bundles of fun and turning them into well adjusted, playful, happy big dogs.

    So, here's hoping all goes to plan and we can welcome our new bub around mid Feb,


  9. Yep, been there, and almost caused myself some kind of anxiety attack in the middle of it all.

    Our Rottweiler Samantha got out due to some knucklehead not shutting the gate properly (eyeballs husband.

    GONE FOR 3 WHOLE HOURS! A ROTTWEILER WALKING THE STREETS!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Yet, it gets even better, no collar as husband took it off when he bathed her only an hour beforehand :eek: :eek:

    Anyway, somewhere between heart failure and some kind of nervous breakdown oh and screaming up and down every street and searching every road near our area, she wanders up our drive way, tongue hanging out and thirsty from all the fun and thrills of her adventure. I am sure if she could talk, she would have said "What up?"

    Anyway, the elation of seeing her face again, uninjured and in one piece was a relief I remember well.

    Thank goodness Scottie came home.


  10. I am one of those people who would rather not interact with others peoples dogs out on my walk (unless I know them).

    Sorry, far to many people who lack the proper respect for other people walking their dogs. I walk a 42kg young Rottweiler, she is pretty much always "in training mode" out on our walks, she can be extremely reactive to other dogs, especially those without manners, and as I am controlling a big strong dog, who does not appreciate "your friendly off leash dog" in her face, she gets very "excited" and "strong".

    Funny how most people just don't get that I have enough on my plate as it is, without contending with your dog also!

    I am not saying she never gets to have fun and play, but I prefer it with those that I know through my obedience club or friends, sorry but there are too many nuffy's out there for my liking, and if my dog happens to protect herself from someone's smaller in your face little dog, I am the bad guy. Therefore, these days, I would rather not take my chances.

    I always ask people to please restrain their dog, or put it on leash as is required in this park or to please be mindful of those with bigger dogs who are still learning.

    Most people are obliging, for those who yell to me that "oh my dog is friendly" my reply is, mine just may not be, could you please put it on leash.

    (My problems usually arise from those with much smaller dogs and are often off leash near my area)


  11. Greta,

    My darling girl, the months may go by, even the years, but not a day will pass me by that I don't think of you my beautiful girl.

    You brought so much into our lives, there is a giant empty hole left where your gorgeous face used to light us up. They say time heals... I am still waiting.

    So very loved, so very missed, you were just my little girl. So sad that you only get a short time on earth, but the memories left behind are treasured every day.

    Mummy loves you. :cry:

  12. Such a raw subject for me too, just know you are not alone, I gave my heart dog her wings 3 months ago.

    You are never ready to say goodbye, it still sends a shock through my system when I think about her, the tough times are when I am lying in bed at night, trying to go to sleep, and I get a jolt and immense grief overwhelms me. I still have trouble accepting she is gone.

    Hugs to you, so sorry for your loss, thoughts are with you.


  13. I was there only a few months back for my beloved beautiful Rotti Greta.

    Hardest day of my life, the hardest thing I have ever had to do, I will admit, I was/am traumatised by the entire process, but not the reasons you think, trauma from knowing I will never see her face again, trauma that I have to make this decision, trauma from her illness in the first place and trauma in having to go through the euthanasia in itself, the holding her, the telling her I love her so dearly, the innocent face that trusted me and the moment she was gone.

    It has broken me. It will forever.

    I wouldn't dream of leaving her there to go through it without me :(:cry:

    Trouble is, I wanted to go with her too :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

  14. Thanks everyone for your replies, all good points and yes various scenarios can happen to anyone at any time on your own property. Yes my cat was on my property when it all happened.

    We have been in the process of putting up our own fencing for a few months now, anyone who knows Emerald knows how dense and bushy the land is, so we have a lot of clearing, landscaping and cleaning to do before fences can be properly installed.

    Since this issue with the neighbours dog is quite serious, we are taking steps to fast track the fencing, we have already been in touch with a couple of fence contractors who will be coming out to quote. Anyone know a good fencer in around Emerald Vic??



  15. So I have since spoken with my neighbour and explained the situation, she has agreed it was most likely her dog since she had to come over and collect it, and my cat has since been found mauled in the spot her dog was last seen in, she has said she would like to pay the vet bill, which I did not actually have to ask for.

    I think she just wants to do the right thing and is very embarrassed that her dog has caused so much trouble for us that she just wants to make it right.

    So, I commend her for trying to do the right thing, she apologised because her kids left the gate open that morning, and although she believes her dog is cat friendly, that this is the situation with her own cat/s not perhaps other peoples cats and is also pretty sure it was her dog that has caused the dire situation we are now all in.

    How weird considering I thought she would deny any wrong doing at all, I commend her in this situation for being able to stand up and say yes, I believe my dog has done wrong and would like to correct it as best as possible.

    See, just when you think your faith in humanity is lost, it is redeemed. I know that if my dog was last seen in my neighbours yard causing problems and the neighbour told me their cat had been mauled, I would surely think my dog could have caused it, as I know my dog is cat friendly with my cat, but probably not with other peoples and is likely that my dog has caused the problem.


  16. I know, I am not here to "prove" it with you, but it is very very likely their dog considering it is the only one I have seen roaming in years, also, it had no interest in my own dogs that were barking at it from behind their fence, it was after something in my bushes on my front lawn, it's the only logical explanation I have.

  17. We live in a rural area, at the end of a "no through dirt road" there are only 3 houses in our area, two of the three neighbours don't have dogs, only the neighbour with the greyhound across from us is the only dog that is a roaming dog, so I guess that is how I "just know" that it wasn't really another dog passing by, no body walks the streets in my area, it's off the beaten track in Emerald Vic, so I know it can look a bit like "how would you know it was this neighbours dog" It's because of all the lack of houses in my dead end street and no other dogs around really, especially since the neighbour is new and their dog is always out lol

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