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  1. Well today is day one of operation feed Lexi a raw diet. I thought it might be nice to do a two week diary, so anyone else nervous to take that step can follow a beginner. Lexi gets fed twice a day, her main bigger meal of 200g of meat in a morning and about 110g of meat for her tea. We started raw feeding with her tea today. For her tea she has just had her first chicken drumstick....she was a bit confused to begin with, licked it for a good five minutes, had a nibble took the skin off, then tried to swallow the thing whole!!!!! :blink: anyway due to pre-warning i was keeping a very close eye on her, so grabbed the other end and held it so she had to chew and break the bone up. Except for a very small incident where she chewed my finger (OW!!!!) instead of the chicken leg it went very well and she seemed to enjoy it.... Chicken mince for breakfast tomorrow.
  2. Hope it went great - any photos with cute dogs.
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