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Mini Hutton

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Everything posted by Mini Hutton

  1. Thanks Sheena, When I got home last night I tried the keeping all fours on the ground and it worked. If they come off he got no attention so I think we will continue that. Regarding crate training, we aren't going to be doing any sports and he does have is own bed inside as well as a kennel outside which are his little safety zones. He is already excellent with toilet training (we get up at the same time every night and take him out to the toilet and he goes straight away and then walks back to his bed and goes back to sleep) so I believe we have already trained him well without the crate. I guess our issue is more how we can calm him when he is around other dogs and people (when we are out). Attached are some pictures. He has grown a little bit since. Thank you again for your advice!
  2. Hi Sheena, He was actually the quiet and calm pup of the litter and when he is home with us he is a very calm gentle boy. We have a lot of noises etc outside and he doesn't even flinch. It's only when another dog or people come round or we go to their house. All training is great at home although we are still working on him responding every time we say his name. We certainly new what we were getting into with a BC and I don't really think this is a specific BC thing he is doing. I imagine other breed puppies can be very excited. I'm thinking its just a matter of working on him responding to us more promptly and also the more he is around dog's might reduce the amount of excitement he feels?! We considered crate training and spoke to several people including the breeder and vet and we decided against it. We are happy with this decision. I'll take a look at your site and go from there. Thank you :)
  3. Hi all, I'm hoping I can get some advice regarding socializing my 10 week old BC. He has been around two other dogs and a number of different people so far and on every occasion he gets VERY excited and doesn't stop running, barking, nipping, growling and jumping. I understand some of this is what he needs to do but he gets himself so worked up that he can't calm down. He doesn't seem to listen to any commands we give him. When he is with the parents in law he jumps up excessively and even though we ignore it he continues to do it. We attended our first session at puppy school on the weekend and he was often so excited by all the dogs and people that he continued to jump around (on his leash) and wouldn't calm down. Has anyone got any tips on how to help train him about how to behave around other dogs. Thankfully one of the dogs he is around that most is very socialized and ignores him when he is barking etc at him but I'm worried that once we start taking him for walks and to the park that he will be to excited and I don't want him in any fights because he doesn't know how to behave (I don't want to be that person who gets pulled around by their dog)!!. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :) PS - I'm a first time dog owner and my boyfriend had a dog as a child
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