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  1. Hi friends Just a quick update on my puppy. The 3rd antibiotic seems to have done the trick overnight. His temperature has remained still slightly elevated but didn't spike overnight or in the wee hours this morning as it has for the past week. They said if he remains stable today that I can bring him home tonight (with a weeks course of all 3 AB's). Still no idea to what has caused the infection - and perhaps we will never know, just SO happy puppy is fighting hard and hopefully home tonight. I guess time will tell what the long term prognosis is Thank you all SO much for your kind words and suggestions
  2. Hi Willem, I'll run it by the vet. I don't think they ever found a tick originally, so not sure of the type. Sorry, just to clarify - they started puppy on a third antibiotic today. Crossing everything that it starts helping overnight His temp - although still high, has been resting at 39.2 & 39.4 this afternoon. The vets are honest with their struggle on this one "he's a real mystery", they keep saying. ???? Please get better puppy
  3. Haredown, yes - I believe he's had AB's via drip and is now taking them orally since he's eating.
  4. Hi friends Desperately seeking advice, suggestions and comfort!! My darling boy (18 month, Working Springer Spaniel), is now spending his fourth night, fifth day at the Animal Hospital with a FUO (fever of unknown origin). Bit of background history. Puppy was admitted with a tick last Monday (I use Advantix), and was discharged after treatment on Tuesday. Wednesday I would say he was 75-80% back to normal. Thursday I noticed he was shivering (rang Vet, they just said to keep an eye on it). He wanted to sleep a lot and he took a lot of encouragement to go outside, which if you know spaniels - if VERY uncommon. He was only drinking small amounts and eating small amounts of soft food (is normally on BlackHawk). Long story short, I took him back to hospital on Sunday, as he just wasn't himself. He had a temperature of 40.4. They admitted him, put him on IV antibiotics and fluids. And there he has remained. They administer anti inflammatory's, which reduce the fever, but approx 8 hours later, his temp spikes back up again. This has been the pattern for the last four days. Blood work has been run, all clear except elevated white blood cells which show infection. Urine and stool are clear. X-rays last night are clear. I am so worried for him. As the vet said today, he's sick - but he's not getting sicker, but he's not getting any better either! Any advice or suggestions? We are all desperately missing our little man (basically my third child!). Just praying tomorrow brings a miracle. What on earth could be causing this?? Vet believe it's unrelated to tick bite....
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