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  1. Third time lucky maybe as I have tried to post our problem before. We have a 12 years old Miniature poodle named Freddy whom we adopted from SAFE about 4 years ago. Now Freddy is a very good natured dog who is loved by all his human friends in the retirement village where we live and he is also a very well mannered dog with other dogs. But for a couple of months now we have been suffering with the awful problem of extreme separation anxiety. He can how for Australia and he does this if he is left alone for more than 3o minutes. We have recorde his howling after having had a few complaints from neighbours and it is now a real problem. We have tried special collars and kongs and chewys when we leave and we leave the radio on but it does not work. I should mention that Freddy is a diabetic who needs insulin injections twice a day and he is almost blind now. I have consulted our vet and she prescribedCLOMAV 20MG tablets but they came with a warning and I have not used them. They are also expensive at $60 for a 15 day supply, and as we are pensioners it is not the solution we want. Any advice is appreciated.
  2. HELP!! We have a 12 years old Miniature poodle who is causing us lots of stress. He is blind and a diabetic and he howls for Australia whenever left alone. Vet prescribed Clomav 20mg which we have not used as it is expensive 15 days supply for A$60. Has anyone used it and what are your findings? did it work and what are the side effects. Urgently require advice as we live in a retirement village and complaints are happening.
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