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  1. Thanks to all for your replies. Yesterday, I again found a little patch of what seems to be a yeast growth on her top lip. It was hidden under her hair, it's been awhile since she was groomed (3 months) during winter. We've started her on an anti-fungal tablet and I have made plans to change her over to a RAW food diet of kangaroo from the Big Dog Food Company, it's the only one that doesn't have any traces of chicken at all. There has to be something that is causing the recurrent infections of yeast. Theres been some great feedback on here, that I will take on board as well, especially the one regarding the toys and the worming tablets. Lots to think about. Thanks again x
  2. Hi All, Please bare with me, this is very long winded.. I have a 3.5 year old black toy poodle who has suffering with recurrent scratching around her ears and mouth. She has always had ear infections, right from the very beginning and suffered yeast infections in the ears. This all started around November 2014 when the groomer clipped her and cut her and she was given an injection of antibiotic, the next week or so later she had more antibiotocs ( I can't remember what it was for). It was a week or so after those antibiotics that the scratching started, it started out mildly and was treated conservatively however gradually became worse, we tried food elimination, cortisone injections and every other thing that I and the vets could possibly think of. We tried Omega Fatty Acids, Cortisones, Anti-histimes, We tried Atopica for 8 weeks, Different Shampoos etc, nothing worked at all. As a last resort, we had her allergy tested and started her on a de-sensitisation program and finished two rounds of that which took a little under 12 month with NO signs of improvement what so ever. One night, I was looking at her mouth and saw a couple of scabs, so I jumped on the internet and someone on this page said that that this could be the yeast infection transferring from her ears to feet to her mouth. I started her on the Friday night with a teaspoon of natural greek yoghurt on her wet food, I called the vet and told her, she then prescribed an anti-fungal tablet for a weeks, along with an animal probiotic as well and within 4-5 days the scratching stopped 100% and continued to stop for the next three months. We thought that we had solved the mystery and that she would now be okay. This was in Early April this year. With no changes to anything except taking away the greek yoghurt but continuing with the probiotic, the scratching has just started again in the last few weeks. So again, I got straight onto the Greek Yoghurt in the hope that this is what she needed, we tried it for a week again and it’s made no difference at all. She can sleep all night with me at my feet and not scratch once, it's very random some times however, the scratching is can be worse in the morning, after she has eaten, so I think it could be related to the Black Hawke Wet food, however she has always had this, even when we had three months of no scratching.. So that makes me hesitant to think that it's the food. I am wondering if anyone would have any suggestions at all? When she scratches her face, she cries out in such pain it’s so distressing for us, I can only imagine how painful this is for her to go through. She is currently eating Black Hawke Wet food in the morning and a raw chicken neck at night. What would you suggest that I try? We have spent thousands of dollars on her through vets and lotions and medication and nothing is working. She has no other visible signs of skin problems, she isn’t losing hair anywhere and she only scratches behind her ears, we have recently had her ears cleaned out, hair is kept really short and there is no signs of yeast infection in her ears at all. Hoping someone can offer some sort of help..
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