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Posts posted by Batmantha

  1. Hi, Looking at trading in my car which is currently a Captiva 7 and just looking for recommendations please. I have 2 big muffins :) Husky x Retriever and Pointer x Dane so I want room for them. To be honest most the time its just me and the dogs but on the odd occasion we might have my nephew and his car seat or maybe 2 other adults in there.   I was looking at either another Captiva but maybe the 5 seater if the boot is still big enough for them or either the Hyundai Tucson or Santa Fe. I really like the look of the Tucsons but I've been told the boot door is an odd slope which might take away head room. I have gone to see them but its so hard to tell without the dogs there and in but I don't know how keen a dealer would be to let me do that :D   Probably looking at a 2016ish model hopefully.



    Any help would be great! I'm a bit useless at the whole car shopping thing.

  2. Hey, moving into a new home soon and I'm looking at buying a hydrobath and dryer.


    Wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to a specific brand or company?


    Figured it might be worth my while. I know its a fair bit up front but getting 2 dogs hydrobathed every month and I'm moving closer to family who have dogs too so would help them as well.


    Located in Melbourne



  3. On ‎27‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 8:17 PM, Thistle the dog said:

    All my pets are on Central Animal Records. They send reminders every now and then to update your details, and make it super easy. I think it was a one time fee of $10 or $15.

    Did you have any issues trying to add your pets? I've tried both dogs and keep getting the error "× Sorry, microchip number is not matching."

  4. On ‎25‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 9:46 AM, Thistle the dog said:

    You will end up having the chip on two registries. The NSW one and then the Australia wide one you decide on. 


    Personally...I will avoid buying nsw dogs from now on. Such a bother getting anything sorted if your address isn't nsw anymore 

    Is there a better Australia wide one?

    Yearly fees will take getting used to but from everything I've read Point Cook actually provide services to dog owners so I'm all for paying for that :) I don't think the council provided bins ever get emptied in my area :mad

  5. 4 hours ago, Thistle the dog said:

    Point cook is surrounded by gorgeous walking areas and not too populated. I love taking my dogs to visit friends down that way!


    there are festivals every few months or so. There was a small dog carnival last week, a pets market a month or so ago. In the next week or so there's a Halloween pet parade. 


    I find out most from Facebook and instagram. Find day cares etc near you and they'll share local events. 


    Update your nsw chip to new address as you leave and have a note added that you're in Victoria now. Then register dogs chip on nationwide database and with your new council. 


    <- Melbourne with a nsw dog...

    Yeah I was just looking at some of the houses in Point Cook it looks adorable!

    Is dog registration yearly in Melbourne?


    The Halloween pet parade sounds awesome!

  6. I'm looking at moving to Melbourne to be closer to family, probably around Werribee, Point Cook kinda way and was just wondering if

    a. Anyone know of pet festivals that happen around there (like my local council in Sydney run 2 pet shows a year)

    b. Any nice places to walk the dogs around there

    c. Can I just transfer my dog registration there or is Melbourne's registration different to Sydney


    And any advice on moving interstate with 2 dogs would be great as well



  7. On ‎18‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 11:53 AM, mackiemad said:

    Maybe get her a cooling mat? In my experience dogs lie in concrete etc because it is cooler and they are on the warm side. My old rough collie ran pretty hot (plus, you know, coat) so we put ice blocks under his trampoline bed to cool it for him as well as damp towels over a fan blowing on the bed area to help keep him cool - otherwise he would seek out the hard surfaces to sleep on.


    You can also probably dig a decent ditch/hole in the dirt for him to sleep in - the ground temperature under the first few centimetres is pretty cool and dirt is probably softer than concrete 

    2 cooling mats and unfortunately life with a puppy, my entire backyard is just dirt and holes :D

  8. Morning,

    Now I know this might be a long shot but I have a 9 month old pup who is starting to get a callus on her elbow. The vet told me to stop her lying on hard surfaces and get her a bed for outside... clearly he hasn't seen my backyard or house lol. I have 2 dogs and there is 2 pillow beds and 4 trampoline beds outside and 4 pillow beds in the house lol. So she has multiple soft spots to lay but she really likes laying on the concrete out the back. I have tried putting a bed there but she pushes them out of the way in that spot so she obviously likes it there. Is there anything I can do to help the callus or is it just one of those life - deal with it type things



  9. When I first got my girl she was on dry so I kept that in for about a month then started reducing the dry and adding in raw. She is now 9 months and is on half raw half dry. I'd love to do full raw but I just don't understand enough about it and I did purchase I think it was Barf or something and she stunk so damn bad lol. The combo I do now seems to be the kindest to her stomach. I am looking at switching her to adult dry and raw now though

  10. 28 minutes ago, Mjosa said:

    I only feed puppy kibble until they are 12 weeks old and then switch them to adult, too much protein for my breed in puppy kibble.

    I notice you use Ivory Coat, that already has the additives, like the fruit you also add.

    Switch her too the adult kibble.

    Yeah they both love their fresh fruit though :) and I find putting some in their dinners stops them stealing it off my plants :) 

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Diva said:

    Normal adult kibble will be fine for her. Either mix some of the chicken one in or switch her entirely. A 9 month old doesn't need puppy food. 

    Yeah a few people have said that, but then you also see 12 - 18 months on all the info so its so hard to tell what is advertising propaganda and what is legit.


    This is probably why we stick to getting older pups we don't usually have to deal with this stage :D




  12. Hi :) So I have a mixed breed (GSP x Dane x everything else lol) just over 9 months who has been on ivory coat large breed puppy and raw. She used to love her kibble, she would actually eat it before the mince and fruits but now she has discovered my older dogs kibble (7 year old Husky x retriever) which is ivory coat chicken & coconut oil and reduced fat turkey mixed together. Since she has eaten his she seems to have lost the taste for hers so I'm just wondering what my best option is. Mix in a little bag of the chicken with her puppy stuff see if that will get her eating her own again, try a different brand (not black hawk because that made her hyper and SUPER stinky) or switch her to the adult kibble


    Her usual dinner is the dry food with either chicken necks or mince, blueberries, strawberries, yogurt, sardine, rosehip canine vital and livamol

    Oscar's is the same just with the adult dry food

  13. On 18/09/2017 at 4:10 PM, RuralPug said:

    You can find heaps of DYI instructions for building/improvising all sorts of enrichment equipment by searching on Pinterest.

    Be warned though - if you are like me the 15 minute window you set aside to check out the sites can turn into an hour or two! :laugh:

    Lol for me it would be 2 days and more money than it would have cost to buy it


    I'm useless at diy lol

    • Haha 1
  14. So I have an 8 month old pup (rescue - DNA came back as GSP X Dane X Staffy X Everything basically lol) and a 7 year old Husky x Retriever.


    Both love playing on the park equipment and on the dog agility equipment at the park so I was looking to make do something out the back for them, because yes I'm a crazy dog mum :)


    I was just wondering if anyone else has something they have set up in their backyard and if they could give me some pointers.


    I would prefer to buy because unfortunately I'm a useless D-I-Yer. I've been watching all the dog agility equipment videos but honestly I would end up with a jumbled mess of PVC pipe and wood.


    Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated




    Photos just for examples :)



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