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  1. Thank you! I've sent them a request to join and see if I can locate a Beauceron closer to home! Cheers!
  2. Hey there, By any chance does anyone know of a beauceron breeder in Australia in 2017? I fell in love with this breed a few years back in Canada and France (met them in both countries) and am now at a place I can finally responsibly own one! However I can't find anyone who has them. I am seriously considering importing from England or Canada if necessary. Cheers.
  3. Hey there, I know this post is from years ago, but by any chance does anyone know of a beauceron breeder in Australia in 2017? I fell in love with this breed a few years back in Canada and France (met them in both countries) and am now at a place I can finally responsibly own one! However I can't find anyone who has them. I am seriously considering importing from England or Canada if necessary Cheers.
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