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Everything posted by SarahsMum

  1. Just wondering if anyone has purchased an extra large dog door that was fitted into glass (not timber nor wire screen but into glass)? I look after large dogs at my place - anything from staffies upwards therefore I get the occasional Neopolitan Mastiff, Newfoundland and a multitude of varying humungous dogs. I have one of those dog doors that sits in the tracks of a sliding door (like this: https://www.temporarypetdoor.com.au/aluminiumpetdoor.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwiILsBRCGARIsAHKQWLO72shLGFiHcAVY_8FU-vTBTxV1jO20FDcNTg67icWF9wJHZvEsKKYaAvXxEALw_wcB) but that means that the door opening for me is now too narrow for me to come & go out of. I have a suitable glass window that a dog door could be fitted into but trying to find one is near impossible & I am hoping that someone may have already been down the track of sourcing such a thing?
  2. Hi everyone, My dog & I are fortunate enough to be able to go to the beach every day & I've found that dog leads with brass clips are by far the best so they don't corrode but haven't found any online or in the stores so the last time I needed a new lead I bought a lead at one of the dollar stores & the brass clip at the produce store & cut the clip off the new lead & sewed the brass clip on. I'm now in need of a halti but don't want to buy any of the ones I've seen because I know they will corrode in absolutely no time. Does anyone know of anywhere I might get one with brass fittings please? Thank you, Michelle
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