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  1. Hello. We just got a French bull dog puppy a few weeks ago. A week after we got her she had a lump on her back. Then she started vomiting/pooing blood. The vet cut the lump out and biopsy showed it was mast cell cancer. It is stage 4 and has already spread to her lymph nodes and stomach (thus the vomiting). Even w treatment she’ll only live a month or two. Up to 5k in vet bills the pet insurance won’t cover as it’s within 30 days. She has clearly had it since before we got her. From what I’ve read there’s high rates of cancer in frenchies due to inbreeding which weakens their immune system. Blood tests showed she had a v low white blood cell count and thus a v bad immune system. What responsibility does the breeder have here? They have offered another puppy but we aren’t emotionally ready to just get a new one. We are so upset and the $ is just another stress. Is a refund reasonable? What about the vet bills? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
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