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  1. No they aren't boring. No I am not okay I don't think. Having ptsd and now worrying if and when people may come in and take my dog has my stress levels through the roof. I am trying to find the laws about dog ownership so that I can then go to the police and report the threats and make them aware of the situation. I just can't find the laws that answer the question I need answered. Can you help me look it up please? I need to know if an old owner who who has ownership. Here are the specifics -George was owned by a family for 9 years when they moved to venuatu and left her with a friend until they sent for her six weeks later. They never picked her up and over two years later George was still down at his house. Then George showed up at my front door (actually walked in the house). From that day she wouldn't leave my side and kept running away straight back to me every time the guy lookin after her tried to take her home. We agreed that I would look after her during he day and he would drop her off and pick her up to and from work. We did that for a couple of months but he was constantly worried about her (as were we) about her getting hit by a car on her way to my house up the road. He left her at my house and a couple of weeks later we discussed what The owners wanted. There was two months spent trying to get them to pick her up or forfeit her. If there was a reply it was either vague or non existent. In the end they were given a full month to come and collect her with a date noted as to that deadline. If they didn't have herncollected they forfeit her. They never contacted or responded to the texts, emails, face to face conversations and call attempts to come collect her. The guy who had her here gave them the warning a final time and then she was given to me as the owners didn't bother replying again. I the 8 months she has been here we have spent money on immunisations, dental work, baths, ultrasounds, blood tests, acupuncture, expensive vet nutrition, etc This afternoon the owners wife tried to take her and the rest you know. I need to know she is legally mine.
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