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  1. Hi all, I'm getting a 10 week old mini poodle next week and would love to start her on a raw diet. My previous dogs did really well on it but they were both adults when I started. Currently I'm tossing up between pre made barf patties + bones (chicken necks/wings) or mixing mince along with a supplement and bones Has anyone used the vets all natural mix? Or any other supplement? I've linked a few I've been looking into. Or would it be better to use the pre-made patties until she is a bit older and then go home made. I'm able to get fresh minced chicken frames and different bones etc at my butcher and was going to add in yoghurt, eggs, carrot to chew on etc. https://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/products/vets-all-natural-complete-mix-diet-mix-grain-gluten-free https://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/collections/vitamins-supplements-for-dogs/products/predamax-carnivore-supplement https://bestiekitchen.com/products/the-allrounder-balancing-supplement-homemade-dog-food?variant=31055194619947
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