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Posts posted by myzchev

  1. Anytime Tiggystaff:)

    Whenever we have cake everyone in the club is invited to have a piece:)

    BTW Belgianblue - you are more than welcome to come to Eden Hill :)

    We are secretaly trying to take over the club and make it a Belgian Shepherd club :) Just don't tell the other members :rofl:

    Just think how nice it would be for Ivy to play with other Belgians :)

  2. When you buy a pup/dog, what sort of health info do you get usually? (whether from a breeder or a rescue organisation).

    Is an independent examination of the prospective pup/dog by a vet of your own choosing, before you buy, the done thing? If so, how does that work? (ie does, say, a breeder usually take the dog to your chosen vet for an exam).

    You should contact the breed clubs to find out about health tests within your own breed and also what is acceptable results within the breed.

    NO - I would never take my puppies to someone elses vets. I have been going to the same vet for over 15 years. They know my dogs and know how I take care of my dogs. HOWEVER I do invite puppy buyers to meet me at the vets when I take them for check ups and vaccinations. I don't think many breeders would agree to taking their puppies to another vet, but I seriously cannot and would not understand a breeder who is not happy to have a puppy buyer meet them and hear for themselves what the vet thinks about the health of their prospective puppy.

    Oh an another reason for me not wanting to go to another vet, is I have a rare breed and not many vets are conversant with Belgian Shepherds and what they do know is generally a pack of garbage!! I feel comfortable with my vets and their experience with my breed and with me:) But then my vet is a sod who has no bedside manner but will always tell you how it is with no bullshit. He is a great vet which is why I still go to him despite his lack of "bedside" manner :)

    Hope this helps:)

  3. Ivy would fit right in where I train, It's a Groenendael party there :) .

    Mmmmm maybe on Thursday I should ramp up the "party" and bring all 5 down!!!!

    BTW Tiggystaff, it is kizzy's 5th birthday on Saturday so I am bringing cake on Monday to celebrate with. Make sure you get a piece!!!!

  4. Most of the pics I see of these kind of dogs are black blurs

    Thats because Belgian Shepherds never stop moving! Its in their blood :)

    Actually, thats not quite true, they start to slow down around age 5! ;)

    ROFLMAO PLEASE tell that to my Belgians - Angel is 9 and can still run agility at full pace!!!!

    :):rofl::):) :p :rofl:

  5. it's a frustrating process to get UK judges approved in Australia... which is probably why not so many are invited. I'd suggest (if it's a breed specific appointment she is after) sending her profile to breed clubs who would be in charge of appointing judges.

    This is called soliciting appointments and is seriously AGAINST the rules!!!! That would NOT be a good thing for her to do at all!!!

    I am a licensed judge in several fields, so am very aware of the rules pertaining to the soliciting of appointments].

    I have also served as a committee member of a group club and as a president of a breed specific club and any judge who did what you proposed would have her profilie go in the bin and would stand the possibility of being reported to their kennel club.

    Sorry to sound harsh, but I would not want that to happen to your friend.

  6. My oldest dog is 14 yeas and 9 months and is a Belgian Shepherd. While not greatly old, Be Be has severe HD and at diagnosis I was told she would probably only live to about 8. I think she stays alive to annoy the young ones, but she is vey good at teaching wayward puppies some manners:)

    I also had a Kelpie that was 16 when she died, and my brothers GSP was 17 when he died.

  7. I am sorry to sound negative but I don't think you have the time, to spend with any of the breeds you have mentioned, in fact I am not sure you really have the time to train a puppy at all at this point in your life. Puppies need training every day, even if just for 10 minutes. They need taking to puppy school, so they learn to socialise with other dogs and people [ this is at least an hour and a half of your Saturday or Sunday]. Then they will graduate to a dog obedience school, again that will be at least and hour and half to 2 hours of your time on the weekend or at night, depending on when the club that is nearest to you trains. Are you able to honestly say that you can spend that much time with a puppy training it until it is at least 8 - 12 months of age?

    I am afraid that given your circumstances I would not be selling you one of my dogs. To put a dog in a home, where it is going to be left alone for hours and hours and then when allowed in it might be segregated from the family as it will only be allowed in the downstairs rumpus room, is terribly unfair to a dog:( Dogs by their very nature love being with their owners, that is why most people get dogs - for the company. - it is certainly one of the main reasons that I have dogs - they are my family:) and I spend as much time with them as humanly possible:) That includes going to training upto 3 nights a week.

    What ever you decide on please think carefully of the consequences:) Good luck

  8. Hi Hayley

    Welcome to DOL :)

    I grew up with GSD's [grandfather and father had them] and Cocker Spaniels [other grandparents bred them] but when I was in my teens I was at the Royal Show one year and fell in love with Belgian Shepherds. Nothing would stop me from owning one, and the more I learnt about the breed the more I fell in love :( Though I have to say that the BSD people in Perth at the time where horrible to me :D Unfortunately for them it made me all the more determined :(

    Eventually after moving out of home I bought my first Belgian Shepherd way back in 1995 and then in 1997 I got my second one - I now have 5 of them living at home with me - 3 of which I have bred myself. I bred my first litter in 2001.

    The funny thing is that my father who had had GSD's all his life, fell in love with my first Belgian [be Be] and after his last GSD died he got himself a Belgian Shepherd :)

    What do I love about them? They are highly intelligent, easy to train, have a wonderful quirky sense of humour and are a joy to live with :) They are higly versatile - dogs of my breeding are involved in the following - assistance dog, search and rescue, obedience, agility, herding, conformation and most and best of all VIP's [Very Important Pets]

    I could not imagine my life without a Belgian Shepherd in it :cheer: But must admit they are not the breed for everyone :D


  9. Hi have high energy Belgian Shepherds who play daily [and I mean PLAY] and are training and trailling. My trialling dogs only get a 1 and 1/3 cups of Pro Plan and they are BIG dogs!!!!.

    I also have a Belgian Shepherd who is 14 years and 8.5 months old with SEVERE HD. Be Be has a hip score of 64. I have NEVER let her get fat and she gets regular gentle exercise that included lots of swimming when she was younger. Be Be is still alive today because I was careful with her diet and her exercise.

    Be Be at her age and level of fitness gets 3/4 of a cup of Pro Plan, is 57.5 cm at the shoulder and weighs about 22.5 Kilos. Be Be is an older style, heavier built style BSD.

    I would give your Chi no more than a 1/5 of a cup of low calorie but high quality biscuit and that is it for the entire day. If you feel she needs a bit more, then give her a very small amount of tinned green beens or grated carrot.

    NO TREATS, NO EXTRAS until you have got at least a kilo off of her.

    BTW Be Be has never seen a specialist though I do have a first rate vet and never had surgery to correct or aid her HD - she never needed it. But in your case I would recommend going to a specialist or another vet for a second opinion!

    Good luck

  10. Thanks for the replies. The weather will be warmish today, warmest it's been this week, so I will give him a bath and hopefully it will disappear!

    I was at Cape Lavender [swan Valley version] and they had a great lavender oil based shampoo for dogs which was recommended for dogs with sensative skin. I could not afford to get it yesterday so am going back next Monday to pick some up. They also had lavender soap for dogs.

  11. Hi,

    As some of you may know, my Australian Shepherd girl recently passed away. I considering am getting another dog, but I am not sure when.

    However, a number of people have basically "told" me to get a resuce animal from the pound or rescue groups RIGHT NOW. When I tell them my next dog will be another Aussie Shepherd, they make me feel really bad and guilty about not rescuing a dog.

    The reasons why I want another Aussie Shepherd are:

    - They are smart, fun and easy to train

    - They suit my lifestyle, which is quite active- I like going running and for long walks.

    - They are very pretty :rofl:

    - I know to a degree what their personality and exercise/training requirements will be like as I have had previous experience

    - I just have a feeling they are the breed "for me" (vague I know but I can't really describe)

    If I was able to afford two or more dogs, I would consider a shelter dog as well as an Aussie but I don't think I will be in that position for a while!!!

    Do you think I am being selfish by getting a purebred aussie over a shelter dog?

    You have to live with the dog - get what YOU want, and yes I have had rescues and I do rescue for Belgian Shepherds in WA. So I can understand what those people are saying, but it is still your decision and one that you will have to live with hopefully for a long time. Whatever you choose - good luck:)

    I can understand the "vague" feeling about feeling like Aussies are the breed for you - for me it was love at first sight with the Belgian Shepherds, I just love the breed and could not imagine living with anything else:)

  12. I want to start formal obidience with him soon but don't know which club to go to. :thumbsup: Anyone know which club will offer rally classes? I might join there so I can do Rally classes when they start offering them.

    I don't think we'll get any rally-o clubs until it's ankc recognised. I'm joining Midland again on Tuesday after a two year hiatus :laugh: and maybe joining Perth to.

    Eden Hill Dog Fellowship will be doing Rally O classes but not until mid July. This is because me [the instructor] does not want to start classes until I have done the competitors 2 day workshop and the judges workshop in early July. I have done Rally O before but not for some years and that was AKC rules. The ANKC rules [if passed] are based on the CKC [Canadian Kennel Club] and are slightly different to what I was used to. Since it has been so long since I have been involved with Rally O, it was discussed at our club and we decided to wait until myself and the other instructors and been to the courses.

    I do have a registration form for anyone who is interested in attending the competitors seminar.

  13. My cheque still hasn't been banked for the State Trial, entries closed on 29/3, should I be worried or is this normal :eek:

    Some shows my cheque hasn't been cashed until after the show was on :confused:

    The agility committee meet tonight and I know that everything is being passed onto Ann Rushby tonight so it will be banked in the next day or two.

  14. Myzchev ~ I'm sorry you went through all this crap. Its horrible all the thoughts and worries that go through your mind and all the bleeding "What if's????" I agree with you BB should have asked you and not listened to others and their opinions. BB has been reading this thread, so yes she will see it. I have seen her in here a few times. Thank you though for coming in and stating the facts for us and for her.


    I never started rumours about Myzchev and her dogs. Another breeder over East told me incorrect information and a friend who has Belgians cleared this up for me. I never said anything about this on DOL, never!

    While we're all at it .. anyone else want to have a go at me? Feel free, I'm already feeling very low so going a little more low can't hurt.

    I'm feeling pretty darn useless and I'm sorry for all the shit I've stirred up. I know I'm very much hated around here, so I'm going to leave Dol.

    Good luck to all and feel free to kick dirt at me if you ever see me in the streets. By the sounds of it, I deserve it.

    I did not say you brought it up on DOL - another breeder contacted me - not the one original one that you talked to, but another breeder. They told me what was being said about my litter. You where the one who brought it up originally with the person who gave you the false information - why not contact me instead? I could have given you a complete run down of my bloodlines and the reason that I got Tervs.

    I am afraid I don't feel sorry for you at the moment, maybe I will one day in the distant future. But please let this be a lesson to you [i mean this nicely] PLEASE, PLEASE contact the breeder. As you have no idea, the stress and the tears that you have caused me. It is a dreadful thing to think that you might not be able to register a litter that you have been praying to happen for 2 years!!!

    This was to be my Grand Champions last litter - I was lucky not to loose her to pyometria early last year, so this litter is almost a miracle. To think that all the planning and the money I had spent, as I had to bring the sire over from Tasmania, then Angel had an emergency caeser as the last 3 pups where not forthcoming might come to naught if I could not find even more money for DNA tests. So try and imagine my distress when breeders started contacting me to tell me what was being said about my litter? Don't worry the person who gave you the false information has not been forgiven and nor will she be in the forseeable future [if ever]

    Also for the record - and the puppy buyers have receipts to prove it I charged $800 for my pet puppies and my show pups when for $1500.00. The Terv was given to my mother as a gift and I kept 1.

    I'm truly sorry, I never said it to make you look bad .. as I said in the PM I didn't beleive what said person first told me so I asked said puppy owner and other said breeder and they both cleared it up for me. It was all in passing conversation.

    I have no excuse for not asking you personally, I really didn't see it would cause such a problem as two Belgian owners cleared it up for me. I had no idea it would come to this.

    I'm a sweet natured person who would never say anything to harm anyone but I have defiantly learnt my lesson. I don't talk much but when I do I hurt people.

    Again I'm publicly very, very sorry :shrug:

    Belgian Blue and I are sorting this out privately - I would like to state that I should have done this in the first place. The anger and hurt I felt was eating at me and I was not thinking as I should about it.

    I will not be making any more comments about it publicly

  15. Myzchev ~ I'm sorry you went through all this crap. Its horrible all the thoughts and worries that go through your mind and all the bleeding "What if's????" I agree with you BB should have asked you and not listened to others and their opinions. BB has been reading this thread, so yes she will see it. I have seen her in here a few times. Thank you though for coming in and stating the facts for us and for her.


    I never started rumours about Myzchev and her dogs. Another breeder over East told me incorrect information and a friend who has Belgians cleared this up for me. I never said anything about this on DOL, never!

    While we're all at it .. anyone else want to have a go at me? Feel free, I'm already feeling very low so going a little more low can't hurt.

    I'm feeling pretty darn useless and I'm sorry for all the shit I've stirred up. I know I'm very much hated around here, so I'm going to leave Dol.

    Good luck to all and feel free to kick dirt at me if you ever see me in the streets. By the sounds of it, I deserve it.

    I did not say you brought it up on DOL - another breeder contacted me - not the one original one that you talked to, but another breeder. They told me what was being said about my litter. You where the one who brought it up originally with the person who gave you the false information - why not contact me instead? I could have given you a complete run down of my bloodlines and the reason that I got Tervs.

    I am afraid I don't feel sorry for you at the moment, maybe I will one day in the distant future. But please let this be a lesson to you [i mean this nicely] PLEASE, PLEASE contact the breeder. As you have no idea, the stress and the tears that you have caused me. It is a dreadful thing to think that you might not be able to register a litter that you have been praying to happen for 2 years!!!

    This was to be my Grand Champions last litter - I was lucky not to loose her to pyometria early last year, so this litter is almost a miracle. To think that all the planning and the money I had spent, as I had to bring the sire over from Tasmania, then Angel had an emergency caeser as the last 3 pups where not forthcoming might come to naught if I could not find even more money for DNA tests. So try and imagine my distress when breeders started contacting me to tell me what was being said about my litter? Don't worry the person who gave you the false information has not been forgiven and nor will she be in the forseeable future [if ever]

    Also for the record - and the puppy buyers have receipts to prove it I charged $800 for my pet puppies and my show pups when for $1500.00. The Terv was given to my mother as a gift and I kept 1.

  16. Ok, I'm the breeder who cancelled the sale on BB and the reason was because I was warned not by one other breeder but by FOUR other breeders (non DOL members too BTW) NOT to sell to her because she is a fruit loop, as a responsible breeder I had to listen, I did some research of my own and did get very nervous so I sent her a 'feeler' email, an email that left her with a few options to the problem solving of this particular pup, but what I received back ;) well let's just say her response completely and utterly confirmed all suspicions!!! Sorry guys for all the delusions you may have had about her, but cyber persona's can be completely different to real life, sad but true :D if any of you take any advice at all, what is said by those you don't personally know, always take it with a grain of salt, keep being friendly with those you want to, but don't get in too deep if you don't truly know all the facts :)

    I wouldn't have bothered posting but this is what prompted me.

    I much much prefer this breeder to the first, so I'm VERY glad the first one fell through!! Even though it sucked at the time.

    edited for spelling.

    You are not the only breeder she has said things about :rofl: - I have never met BB, but she saw fit to tell others that a mating that I had done might be an illegal intervarietal mating! Just because the litter produced 1 Terv puppy. Well hello - the mother is 2/3's Terv and the sire had Terv siblings. I consider myself damn lucky that I only got 1 Terv. But this did cause me to loose a fair bit of sleep until my litter got registered. I was worried sick that CAWA might ask me to DNA test [at great expesne] the whole litter as a result of a complaint from other BSD people. Thankfully the littler was registered without problems and I am able to relax. But I was really angry, confused and upset that instead of contacting me and asking me about MY litter and MY bloodlines, she chose to listen too and pass on false information from another breeder who may or may not have had a hidden agenda. Oh and yes, I made damn sure that other BSD breeders knew about this too.

    If you read this BB - next time please contact the breeder involved rather than listen to gossip [false or otherwise] from others! You have no idea of the distress and hurt that you can cause :eek:

  17. Hey does anyone go to Eden Hill dog training. I just found the link to the website. It's actually very local to me so might have to check it out. http://www.edenhilldogfellowship.webs.com/

    I am a member of Eden Hill and it is excellent for Agility, obedience has some good instructors [who are obedience judges], but we don't really consider ourselves an obedience club. We prefer to concentrate on agility. The agility side of it is probably one of the best clubs for agility instruction. The club has 4 agility judges who are instructors and some of the best handlers in the state train with Eden Hill on a Monday. But they also run good beginners classes. It is a club that gives heaps back to its members during the year and also at the end of year awards night.

    Hope this helps:)

  18. With my puppies, whether limit or main, they come with micro chip papers, vaccination card, puppy booklet which includes training tips, info on the breed for those who have not had Belgian Shepherds before. My puppies also come with a Pro Plan pack, so that they go to their new homes with some of the food they where raised on.

    Good luck with getting your puppy:)

  19. Also do many people go down to the Geraldton/Albany and Bunbury shows in Febuary?

    I could be interested in the Bunbury show!? Where do I find more info?

    Are well behaved non-showing dogs allowed to attend?

    Schedules appear in the Dogswest bi monthly magazine, some are on the Dogswest website, but if you ring Dogswest they can tell you when shows are on and where.

    There is no reason that well behaved dogs that are not entered cannot go to a show. While I am a member of Dogswest, I have often taken dogs that are not entered. In fact I even used to take my associate registered Kelpie to the Royal Show with me and stick her on the bench with my show dogs - the farmers used to LOVE her :laugh:

    The Bunbury/Geraldton/Albany shows and trials are smallish compared to Perth but are often great fun and a lot more relaxing then the Perth Shows.

  20. Hi I am living in NSW and have just bought a dog from QLD. The dog will come with main-papers (or equvilant), and I beleive the the CCCQ is the canine council in QLD. my question is how can I get eqivilent main register papers for NSW and do I need to have both?

    It is the breeders job to transfer the puppy into your name - he/she signs the paperwork, then sends it into the CCCQ and they will action the transfer. The papers will be sent in the mail to you. You only need 1 set of papers and that is from where the dog was originally registered. Does not matter where the dog resides. Though you must be a member of DogsNSW and the address on your dogs papers must show it as being a resident of NSW, which it will show as the papers when you get them will have your name and address in the owners section down the bottom left hand corner.

    Hope this helps:)

  21. I PMed, maybe I should follow up. :D

    Rally O sounds complex.. I can't believe a trial goes for like 2 hours

    Obedience Trials can go for over 4 hours depending on the entries and I remember the days when they used to go all day!!!

    This is when they used to get entries that numbered as many as 130 - 140.

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