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Posts posted by Pippi

  1. You and me both Laffi. It was something I was asked to do. We were supposed to run towards the left hand side of the tunnel, do the threadle and send into the right hand side.

    AaaHaaa......no wonder your dogs are confused, so am I. If that is the position you are making then you are lying to your dog. I stand by my previous post - IMO you are in the wrong position to make it perfectly clear to your dog where you want him to go.

  2. There ya go.... well done. I am a bit confused though as to why you would move back to the middle before the dog has committed to the correct entrance. It is a bit difficult making judgements without being able to see precisely what you are doing.

    I didn't move back to the middle before the dog had committed, I sent from the middle. As in I sent from near the right side of the tunnel and then I moved to a middle position and sent from there.

    Huh???? Sorry you've lost me. I guess its one of those things you need to see.

    KC.... :thumbsup::rofl::love:

  3. Just my opinion FWIW.....

    Both dogs come in ok with the threadle arm. It is the send after that is causing issues. Both dogs are going to the entrance of the tunnel and stopping. I can only assume that it is because I am not supporting the movement into the tunnel.

    I am standing in the middle of the 2 entrances. Send to the left entrance from there is fine. Threadle arm they come in, I ask to go to the right entrance and they don't seem to want to go in.

    Both are novice dogs.

    This I think is where the problem lies - your position. If your dogs are responding to the threadle arm then the problem is clearly after that. If you are trying to get the dog to pull off the left tunnel entrance and then go to the right tunnel entrance then you should not be standing in the middle of the 2 entrances. You should be on the move heading just to the right of the right side entrance. Your feet and shoulders should be supporting this direction and (after you have brought your threadle arm down) you left arm should also be supporting where you want the dog to go.

    :) Didn't have a problem this morning.

    Sent her in on the right arm a couple of times. Did the threadle maneuver but made sure that I moved over to the right enough that my arm was directly pointing to the tunnel. Then moved back to the middle and in she went.

    There ya go.... well done. I am a bit confused though as to why you would move back to the middle before the dog has committed to the correct entrance. It is a bit difficult making judgements without being able to see precisely what you are doing.

  4. Hey Pippi and Jess. - that's great :p :( Gotta say it feels nice to have that Masters done and ddusted - and Jess. - like me you've got one towards your 2 :rofl: Good luck with the agility both of you.

    Thanks Tassie - happy trialling to you as well!! :( I am over the moon about getting our first Masters title, particularly since Darcy is my first dog and is still quite young. We've had a big few weeks, 3 titles finished in 4 weeks (ADX, JDM and JDO) and the extra passes in Masters was just icing on the cake :)

    Have to admit I'm really quite looking forward to having this weekend off from trialling :rofl::eek:

    :rofl: :rofl: :cry::mad I don't believe you just said that.......Hugh congratulations to you and Darcy, that is quite an effort and could well be a record. A bottle of champers would have been appropriate on Sunday for you two - I trust Darcy was adequately rewarded for her efforts...... :(:rofl: :rofl:

  5. Congratulations all.

    Pippi....well done!

    This brag is a brag about someone else....a little kelpie named Rosie and her handler Geoff. Rosie started life as a sheepdog a bit slow. She was scared of sheep and, to her breeder, looked as though she wouldn't mount up to much more than a pet. Well 4 years later she has grown up to be a great little bitch....worth her weight in gold, all due to the patience and consistencey of her charge, Geoff.

    At casterton 2008 she won equal 1st in the high jump and took out the prestigious Casterton Kelpie Triathlon event. The event was a combination of High Jump, sprint and hill climb and Rosie won paws down.

    Last weekend Rosie and Geoff entered the encourage class at the sheep dog trials in Welshpool. The course was not easy it included race, yard, truck and paddock. Rosie and Geoff won with an almost perfect score of 99/100.

    Not bad for a little dog that would yelp and run away from sheep until she was 6 - 7 months old.

    Congratulations to Rosie and Geoff. I look forward to seeing more spectacular stuff from you two.

    Have just noticed this post, Congratulations to Rosie and Geoff. She should blitz em again in 09.

    This weekend at Geelong Pippi and I managed 2 more Excellent Jumping passes, at last achieving our Jumping Dog Excellent Title. Now to start work on the Agility Titles.....cursed contacts......

  6. Calling Pippi - I know you have brags from this weekend :thumbsup::provoke:
    While we were off in Mount Gambier showing our Aussie's Kiz went to Melbourne to compete in the ADCV trial and was handled by a very paitent friend!

    She unfortunately didn't pass her AM jumpers as she had a bar down but did the the course in half the SCT! They had better luck in the afternoon with a pass :laugh:

    OK then, if you insist. Pippi and I did manage 2 excellent jumping passes and both 1st places over the weekend at the ADCV agility trial. Must say its "been a long time between drinks" and I was beginning to get a little disheartened. Now I am all unthusiastic again and ready to keep training (especially those cursed contacts).

    Silvawillow, I did see a few of Kirra's runs - I always love watching her run. Poor Scotty was exhausted while Kirra was still rearing to go again - what a friend, I heard someone suggest to him that he should take her for an hours run before her agility run and maybe she would calm down. Somehow I doubt that. :nahnah: :laugh::scold:

  7. A colleage of mine went to this same seminar and mentioned the same thing. Apparently we Aussies are somewhat "stingy" with our treat giving, compared to others. Could it be that we just don't understand their concept? Could it be that we are still recovering from a bad case of Koehlerism???

    Could be all of the above I think :rolleyes: Interesting thought.

    I'm only speaking from an agility background but it seems to me that many of us are very fixed in the idea of 'treat at the end of running the course' which for me was often a jackpot.

    Now at training I'm trying to actually stop and reward anything that I really like on course, (rather than just the predictable end of contacts and table) so dogs are probably getting the same amount of food, but maybe 5 or 6 pieces during the run rather than 5 or 6 pieces at the end of a run.

    The funniest comment I have had about that so far was someone who asked why I stopped and did that so many times as if I hadn't then I would have 'had a clear run'. (Not really my goal at training!)

    Oh my goodness, somebody does not understand what "training" means.. ;) :rofl::)

  8. Hi bret,

    .......Keep an eye on things whilst they are together and make sure that the puppy is not bothering Maiya too much. Engage in a game of fetch or whatever Maiya likes so that she associates the new pup with something she good as well as still being able to get some "dad" time with you.

    You will find that in time, Maiya will start to accept the new dog in the home.


    Good advice from KI, but I would also like to add that now would be a good time to introduce crate training to puppy.

    Puppy can be safely crated when you cannot supervise.

    You can play with Maiya while puppy stays safely in the crate.

    Toilet training is helped with a crate.

    Maiya can have some free time away from a boisterous puppy.

    Maiya gets used to puppy, while keeping puppy safe.

  9. The link below might explain it better than I can, but from what I gather it is about having the dog feel trapped and pushing him way into defense drive to achieve the bite. In other words, the decoy scares the bejeebies out of the dog and as the dog has no flight option, he is forced to fight for what he perceives as his only means of survival. What a horrible way to train.

    Table Training in Protection Work

    Wow, thanks Erny. I think I agree with Ed Frawley - morally all wrong.

  10. You will always get seminar junkies - plus when you are starting out I think you do need to go to lots of seminars and try different things before you get the feel of how you want to run your dog. How did we all make a decision about which handling system to adopt anyway? I tried lots of things before I became 'brainwashed' (as it was so lovingly referred to.)

    Relax KC, no-one suggested you were brainwashed & no-one was being rude to you nor to GD & his system. The comment was aimed at a small group in NSW who are unwilling to accept that any method other than GD's could work.

    Seemed to me that the comment was aimed at those of us who replied. The OP wanted clarification on some points of confusion while trying to train GD system. The reply from DC showed a lack of true understanding of the system. Its reasonable that we should try to clarify for the OP how you would handle the sequence she was referring to and why it is not inconsistent without being labelled as brainwashed. I can and do think for myself and use a system that works for me and my dog. Others can do what they like, I personally don't care - I'm happy with the system I use.

    So OK, she may have been referring to others but that was not made clear. In any case clarification for the OP needed to be made by those who run and understand the system.

  11. LP is pretty right but I think what is confusing you is that you have drawn No 4 on the wrong side of the jump. This is what is making the sequence confusing. It would be very difficult to complete because you would have to threadle between 3 and 4 and this is not the idea in this particular sequence. Hope that helps. :rolleyes:

  12. OMG Trish, just hopped onto DOL to catch up and was shocked to see your post.

    I had no idea all this had happened since I saw you and Bud last week. Sounds like the ol fella is feeling a little better, my God that heat was not helpful to anyone. Hope the news is all good after Thursday's ultra sound, just keep thinking positive thoughts only and I'm sure he will soon be putting Gabe in his place as usual.

    Keep your chin up......

  13. Just had an email from a friend who attended the foundation day in Sydney.

    Apparently the box work group had to work on an old horse arena and the ground was so hot that they stopped every 10 mins. or so to hose it down - plus themselves fully clothed ! So don't worry about the bathers Superminty.

    Hopefully we will at least have some grass under our feet - even if it's brown.

    OMG... I'm seeing lots of reasons/justification for a beautiful big indoor agility arena. How about it KC when are the foundations going down???? :laugh:

    BTW Jess, yes I admit that working girl of mine is a bit of a softie, never learnt what REAL work is all about. :cry:

  14. I'm taking a chance (hoping) that GD's new DVD will be available for sale at his seminar in January. Maybe I'll save a few $$$$$ then, certainly save on postage at least. Fingers crossed.....

    Geez Pippi - you don't expect me to wait that long for my GD fix do you?????

    Hope it's NOT for sale actually as I'm such a sucker for buying things at seminars, I'll probably buy it again ! :eek:

    Thats OK, you can just give it to me - what are friends for :laugh:

    KC It wouldn't surprise me if your order was the first order to be received world wide.... :o

  15. :laugh: Hey - looks as though it'll be quite the DOL meet at the GD Victorian seminar. I'll lokk forward to seeing you guys there - and you'll be able to meet my gorgeous little man. Mind you, he'll probably be having a case of the fuglies by then :eek:

    Excuse me Tassie, there is no such thing as a fugly BC pup and I can't wait to meet your new man. Although maybe it is not a good idea I could get veeeeeerrrrry clucky.....

    Are you attending every day? If you need a baby sitter just call, I can't resist BC babies :o

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