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Posts posted by Embellish

  1. The University of Sydney Veterinary Teaching Hospital Camden are holding a free information evening for pet lovers which will be held on Tuesday Evening at 7pm, in the Elizabeth Kernohan Conference Centre, Werombi Road, Camden (behind the Wildlife Hospital). Event is proudly sponsored by the Parasite Society and Elanco Animal Health.

    This is a free evening which includes the first 50 attendee's receiving one month's supply of Panoramis (dogs) or Revolution (Cats). There are lucky door prizes and refreshments will also be provided. This event will be very informative and shouldn't be missed!!

    For more info call 02 4655 0777 or email [email protected]

  2. The University of Sydney Veterinary Teaching Hospital Camden are holding a free information evening for pet lovers which will be held on Tuesday Evening at 7pm, in the Elizabeth Kernohan Conference Centre, Werombi Road, Camden (behind the Wildlife Hospital). Event is proudly sponsored by the Parasite Society and Elanco Animal Health, talks from a Parasitologist and Vets.

    This is a FREE evening which includes the first 50 attendee's receiving one month's supply of Panoramis (dogs) or Revolution (Cats). There are lucky door prizes and refreshments will also be provided. This event will be very informative and shouldn't be missed!!

    For more info call 02 4655 0777 or email [email protected]

  3. HI Guys,

    I have been thinking of getting myself a new camera. In the past I have used a compact camera - so this will be my venture into the world of DSLR. I have been admiring everyone's wonderful photography, and have decided to have a go myself. I am wanting a camera that I will not need to upgrade for at least several years - if needed, but still relatively user-friendly for beginners. The shots I am interested in taking are of course ones of my dogs, portrait and also action shots, pics of the kids at sport and general family stuff. Your reccommendations would be much appreciated. I did visit our local camera house yesterday but the salesman who was nice enough just pointed me in the direction of their deals. He reccommended the Canon EOS 600D (or the Nikon 3200), which are currently on sale and come with two lenses, bag, memory card etc. The canon was $1199 and the Nikon $1299. As I have no idea what lenses or camera I should get, I wasn't sure if I was wasting my money etc. I dont mind spending the money, just want to make sure I get what I need, I also wouldn't mind buying a used camera, as there are lots on ebay, but would a used camera be a risk due to damage, dust etc??

    Any reccommendations would be great :)

  4. I also have 5 whippetwear coats - ranging from the Pup, Luxe, Saddle and Alfresco. Love them all, they are a great fit, the dogs love them, expecially great are the pup coats, as they are very comfy they pupies dont try and get them off! Yes - they are not cheap, but i suppose you get what you pay for.

  5. Sorry Sandgrubber, I am not colour bashing - I have numerous very close friends who have absolutely stunning chocolates, but sadly, just look at the puppy adverts - they are a high percentage of chocs - and extremely poor examples of the breed - which is a result of people not breeding for quality but colour.

    To the OP - castrate the dog and pet home him - cut your losses and hopefully learn from this expensive lesson...

    edited as my fingers are not working in the cold!!

  6. Ok first up, if it was me, he would be going back and refund would be asked for, nicely at first but be prepared to take it to court. 17 is too high although for a stud dog, particully if you expect to stand him at public stud, no one will use him, but also of a concern is is the 1 /1 elbows, while this is breedable according to breeders it is not something I would want to be looking at in a stud dog, it means that at the age of 1 year old there are signs of changes in the elbow joints. Now the dog will never have problems with a 1/1 elbow score but I as a breeder would be very unlikely to use a stud dog with the hip and elbow score of your boy.I do tell all puppy buyers that all parents are score and original paperwork is here for them to view and they get a copy when the pup is taken home, but I also tell them that there are no guarentee's, as genetics can come back and bite on the butt when least expected, having said that of course I would work out something with that buyer if there was a problem, however if I had bred your boy and was selling him for alot of money I would have done some pre lim x-rays before sale, just how much money are we talking about, because as some one has said they wouldn't pay more than $1500 for a puppy, ( I know yours was older) but $1500 is quite cheap. I also agree that it is extreamly irresponsible of the breeder to say it doen't matter as you are only going to breed pets, well it will matter if you breed pets that then have problems and you have to start refunding and paying for surgeries on the "pet" puppies, there aren't that many breeders in NSW that I am aware of that are breeding chocolates and then selling them for obsene amounts of money in fact I only know of one. Send the dog back

    Just to clarify - I didnt say that I wouldnt pay more than $1500, simply stated that the hightest I have paid has been $1500. I also am aware of at least 4 breeders in NSW cashing in on the chocolate's. Which are prices of $2500+

  7. sorry - but if this was me - the dog would be going back. There are many breeders of "chocolate" labs that are in it for the money and are charging absolutely ridiculous prices for puppies and dogs. The highest price I have paid for labradors is $1500 - that was from the best labrador kennel in the country - and this puppy was for showing, and has won Groups and multiple class in show awards - including specialties and nationals, and now have another puppy from the same kennel who has been to three shows and has won two class in show awards already. Hip scores so far on two bitches I have had scored from this kennel are 1:1 hips, 0:0 elbows and 0:0 hips and 0:0 elbows - the young most recent pup is yet to be scored). But I have not only got many quality dogs from this kennel - but support from the very well respected breeder, who is always there advising me along the way. Sadly, you have been sucked in by a registered puppy "farmer" - who is breeding purely for the pet market and inexperienced breeders who will pay the big $$$(no offence intended). Sadly, if you use this dog in your breeding program - you may start to see higher scores popping up in the next generation - or even the one after. For me to use this dog at stud - it would have to be "the" best example of the breed - a real stand out with qualities not able to be sought elsewhere - and then mate him to a bitch that would benefit from his "qualities" that also has extremely low scores - but for me, I would not take the chance, especially as I suspect it may not be the best example of the breed - it is just a chocloate labrador - bred for colour and not quality.

  8. Dermatologist Linda Vogelnest who used to work at Sydney Uni has recently moved to SASH in N Ryde. She is meant to be excellent. You will prob need a referral letter from your vet, and then you contact Linda, who consults at SASH on Mondays only I think. It's about $180 for the initial consultation.

    Linda still works for Sydney Uni four days a week - but at the Camden hospital - she is at SASH Mondays only..... Camden hospital number of 02 4655 0777

  9. Registered Specialist repro vet at The University of Sydney Veterinary Teaching Hospital Camden (NSW)does it (Dr Simon Robinson), we are currently in the process of importing some semen from Germany for him to do this very procedure. Will let you all know the results when it happens.... just waiting on the semen to arrive - and of course the bitch to be ready :thumbsup:

  10. Pickles says thanks for the cuddles and the vet check labs26... any excuse for a good cuddle session... *grin*

    ... although the young vet was a little perplexed by her disability... lol! Perfectly healthy apart from the funny walk...

    Pickles got to sniff and be sniffed by lots of lovely dogs today - and she's now having a well earned rest.


    Nice to meet you today tdierikx, the young vet was one of our fourth year vet science students - they are a very close to being in their final year.. it was great exposure for them all to see and examine all the different breeds of dogs - it was a very busy morning, and so so hot! Great to meet Pickles - she seemed to love the attention! I must say that her "disability" is a very unusual one, and she amazingly gets around so very well. She certainly is a special girl - I can see how she stole your heart!

    This will an annual event - already looking forwrad to the next one :thumbsup:

  11. Join us for our very first Narellan Town Centre's Paws in the Park at Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park on Sunday 23 October, 9am-1pm.

    This jam packed family fun day features:

    A 3km or 5km dog walk (gold coin donation) The first 250 to register receive a FREE ROYAL CANIN SHOWBAG!



    Demonstrations - Flyball, Agility etc

    Obedience classes

    FREE Vet checks

    Microchipping and desexing vouchers

    Pet registrations

    Competitions including Best Dressed Dog and Look-a-Like competition

    Much, much more!

    Plus don't miss Dr Katrina Warren and her trusty Golden Retriever welcoming everyone back from their walk, giving talks and judging the competitions!

    For more information on the day please see link:

    Paws in the Park - Camden


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