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Becky in Oz

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Posts posted by Becky in Oz

  1. Probably. And probably so because they don't actually know how to train the dog to walk.

    I found myself carrying a stick the other day when I took my dog out for a walk. Why? To wave it in front of me everytime I came across a tree or bush with cobwebs. I wondered as I carried the stick if people thought I was hitting my dog with it, not the case as it was.

  2. Is the dog put in a crate at night to sleep? Then cver crate ike you would a bird cage for him to sleep?

    What does your vet suggest?

    17 is old, but if the dog still has some quality of life, he may have some time left, too.

    It's a hard one. Curious to see what others say.

  3. Oh yes indeed. Many over the counter pharmacy preparations are quite fine for your dog or cat. This only applies to topical treatments such as creams and sprays. The fungus that causes ringworm most commonly Microsporum canis is contagious and can and will be passed on to humans. In fact I had a little boy come in to see me not long ago who had a very bad ringworm infection on his scalp which had progressed so far that topical treatments would not work. Dogs can get a generalised skin condition called Malassezia dermatitis which very interestingly is treated with exactly the same antibiotic as humans, Nizoral. My home kit for my dogs consists of mainly pharmacy preparations eg Nizoral anti-dandruff shampoo, Selsun blue, betadine ointment, bactram cream, paraderm plus, elma cream, daktarin spray and tincture, canestan cream and lamisil. Anything oral however must be obtained from your vet and this especially applies to cats. My dogs usually hurt themselves or avluse a toenail or get a toe infection outside of vet office hours so I apply various preparations of the above, call my vet and tell them what I've done and organise to see them in the morning. That way they don't have to get called out in the middle of the night and I don't have a call out fee. If the problem is too big then I have to go straight away but fortunately I'm usually only faced with cuts and abrasions. When I get to the vet with the problem and tell them what I've done, they say that's all they'd have done also and perhaps give antibiotics depending on what has happened.

    Thanks, Calliech! I have just made a word doc out of this so I can now go and get a pet first aid kit going. Thank you! :eek:

  4. Go to your pharmacy and ask for an antifungal treatment for ringworm. Anything with Ketokonazole will work.

    Really Calliech? Is this as effective as the antibiotics you get at the vet/ Not being a smarty pants, am geninely interested.

    If this is the go, I's be interested in future situations for my fosters. May save a few bucks and be just as effective, not to mention avoid vet appointment which could be used for other visits or more needy animals, if a quick trip to the pharmacist is all it takes, cool.

  5. It was an entirely preventable accident which makes me mad. 13 young people (and 1 teacher) with promising futures ahead of them were taken from their families unnecessary when, if people had done their jobs properly, would not happened. Another student was left parapalagic. Dad (through being in forestry) had a lot to do with the Department of Conservation who built the platform and was not surprised the accident happened due to their usual corner and cost cutting. Essentially DOC built a viewing platform which was not securely anchored into the ground and over time it got looser until 28 April when it gave way entirely throwing them all into the dry creek bed.

    That's pretty much what I just read.

    How frightening for them, and yes how angry family and friends would be, and rightly so.

    I hope they are getting things done correctly, now.

  6. Well I have used your guidelines and expertise, Toohey to clip Maverick and Gomez. Their fur has always been clipped very, very short, so this is the foundation to the grooming style you and more to the point, LEO, modelled on page 2. You won't be able to see what I have done, the feathering is more like 'downing' there is so little there.

    I am going to take a shower and get all this itchy fur off me and out of my nose. I'll be back later in day to post piccies.

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