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Posts posted by Ashli

  1. Ashli, I know you said that there is no pound, but is there a vet close by?

    A vet will be able to scan him for a micro-chip and find his owners that way :)

    he sounds like such a lovely pup :)

    He most definitely is, someone must be missing him terribly :(

    We have a vet that travels here once a month (not here atm) or so otherwise it's a 2 and a bit hours drive to the nearest big town. Even in emergencies we would have to make the drive, they don't come out here for emergency calls. This is my first time living in such a tiny community, I'm not used to having so little. :( You pretty much do have to fend for yourself in most things out here. Even for the human side we miss out, like the dentist comes once every couple/few months, highschoolers go to boarding school, our gp runs two clinics in separate towns as well as being the hospital doctor.... we're very small lol

  2. Weird I thought shar pei when I saw his muzzle. Cute pup, hopefully Simeone is looking for him.

    my 5yr old cried when I said he wasn't ours to keep but that we were just helping him find his way home again. I had to explain that even though he is sad, that the family who lost him is more sad. He was still upset but seemed to understand.

    So I hope his owners see the ads or ring the shire, or someone who recognises him will make contact so we can reunite them :)

  3. I see no GSP (other than the colour) but then again he may simply have a deformed (roached) back and that would not normally be a part of his natural anatomy. He has a wierd flap of skin under his chin, I honestly cannot say I recognize that shape at all. If he is lazy that may seem to imply some giant breed influence maybe?

    For a puppy (well compared to pups I'm used to) he is very lazy, preferring to sleep and lay down next to the feet than bound around. At first I had thought maybe he was just shy, but he doesn't shy away from adults or kids, wags his tail happily. He doesn't lick, doesn't play bite, doesn't jump, doesn't scratch. He's inquisitive and has thoroughly checked out his temp surroundings. Again he's very well behaved for such a youngun.

  4. I though German Shorthaired Pointer x Cattle Dog.

    I was going with this too.

    Looks like a puppy to me. Have you checked his teeth tp determine age?

    Same.. GSP x was the first thing I saw but then I have never been much good at guess the breed.

    He is about 3mths by the look of his teeth :)

  5. Hope the dog was taken to the pound so the owners can find it.

    Yes, this is very important.

    Unfortunately there is no pound here. It is that much of a rural town. There used to be a ranger but he now runs the tip. Instead the shire have my details and are happy (and I prefer at this stage) to hold onto him. There's only one tiny IGA/post office and I've got an ad up there, have let some of the farms know so they can pass the info around, have it up on the local fb for sale page and put it up at the school this morning. Not much else I can do. Just hope someone checks the only places available here and sees him coz he is really a lovely puppy with lovely manners.

    He had no collar so I grabbed him one yesterday as well.

    Most of the dogs here wander, which is really stupid. Mostly everyone knows (the long term locals) who's dog belongs to which person, most of the dogs are always off leash.

  6. With double dewclaws, and the look of him I would think possibly a LGD x with a cattle type. And if they are big double dewclaws, yes they may look a little untidy, but they should be strong and firmly attached.

    Do you have any Pyreneans in the district?

    We have a ton of farms and stations around our little seaside town and we're also a popular weekend getaway town for all the lil towns around us. So I mean we see heaps of cattle dogs, collies, etc come into town, but can't say myself that I've noticed any Pyreneans around.

    His dew claws are definitely big but yes firmly attached.

  7. Just noticed his hind dew claws, they're very messy looking, just asking to catch on something and be torn off OUCH!!

    They are a lil yup I agree. I've got him listed on my local fb for sale page with a photo, but I didn't attach any info bar where I found him and that there were no people on the beach. We waited around for ages waiting for someone to come along, but noone did. So I bundled him in the car and brought him home.

    Very lazy, very friendly, only around 3-5mths old, lankly legs on him too :)

  8. He does have a houndy look. Rear dew claws? Are they single or double? As a safe bet I'd say Stumpy Tail x.

    He does indeed have double rear dew claws... he does have a houndy look I agree... my father in law said blue heeler, but I see none of that in him whatsoever

    I mainly said cattle dog (blue heeler) becuase of his colour. Catahoula crossed my mind as well but I didn't know if there's any in Australia. I think he's a real Heinz 57 varieties to be honest.

    I wouldn't know how many catahoulas are about either but there's definitely one, that I saw on the ad anyway lol

    Honestly don't know what to list him as... it's just too hard to guess lol

  9. He does have a houndy look. Rear dew claws? Are they single or double? As a safe bet I'd say Stumpy Tail x.

    He does indeed have double rear dew claws... he does have a houndy look I agree... my father in law said blue heeler, but I see none of that in him whatsoever

  10. a strange mix :shrug: some cattle dog but who knows what else, the first thing that came to mind was blood hound but there could just be generations of x bred dogs in him. He's a funny shape that's for sure.

    Cheers for the try anyway Kiri :) I had seen an ad up at my local iga for staghound x catahoula pups for sale, but I rang them up and it wasn't one of theirs :(

    I thought I caught a glimpse of GSP and then maybe Spaniel and then I got confused lol

  11. Hiya pugs, this one was taken at AQWA (underwater world) in Hillarys, Perth. Not easy taking photos there either because the glass is always usually cloudy lookin from old scratches and lots of little handprints :D

    Wow then you definitely did a good job. I thought it might have been your own tank. My sister has a sea tank and its gorgeous. Well done.

    Thanks pugs. I use to have fishtanks but they've long since gone now :thumbsup:

  12. Hope it's not too late to join in... just two for now seeing as it's so late :thumbsup: 50mm 1.8


    love this one. where is it

    Hiya pugs, this one was taken at AQWA (underwater world) in Hillarys, Perth. Not easy taking photos there either because the glass is always usually cloudy lookin from old scratches and lots of little handprints :D

  13. Oh my God! ;)

    Please pull through Jed! :confused: Your wisdom is so very needed in the dog world! So many times you have been like this amazing voice of reason shining up out of the murky depths. You are needed and loved. :):(

    RIP beloved 4 legged ones :(

    What a tragic day :)

    Couldn't have said it any better dyzney and Aller xxxxxxxx

    Jed is a guru in my eyes and the dog world wouldn't be the same without her :( :(

    Please pull through Jed ;) :D :)

  14. Blue :mad Taken last night.

    amazing, I'd love to be able to get a brilliant lightning shot like this, I'd hang it on my wall.

    Thanks kiri... I plan on having it printed to put on my wall :(:) I've also got it up for purchase on redbubble, now to sit and wait and see if others like it enough to buy as well :thumbsup:

  15. WOW!! :o I've seen some of those shots around before and would love to give it a try one day. Any photos of your set up?

    Thanks snap and Kate :worship:

    I was thinking I should've gotten setup pics.. altho it was actually an embarrassing setup.... I had the camera on the tripod naturally, a bowl of water full to the brim, my deep fryer behind the bowl with a piece of paper hanging in front of it. On top of the deep fryer was my swing arm lamp sitting precariously on the edge which had a ziplock bag hanging from it via an old padlock :o:thanks: And then I was free to add the dyes and water as I needed :cheer: Am planning on doing it again with other liquids in the next week or so, so I will definitely remember to take a pic of my deluxe :thumbsup: setup :)



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