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Posts posted by BasTyra

  1. I had a friend who tried the rubbing nose thing when her little dogs were doing poos all over the house.

    It seemed to have worked... or so she thought.

    One day she came into the room and caught her female dog gobbling up one of the poos from the floor.

    Apparently all she taught the poor doggies was that "Mummy doesn't like us leaving our poos here, so we'd best clean up after we poo". Unfortunately the only way the poor little things could do that, was to eat the poos.

  2. I'd be really careful.

    When my Griever had his spinal injury he was trying to jump onto my bed while I was lying in it. We never really found out what caused his disc to rupture so violently so the Vets pretty much came to the conclusion that it was the act of trying to jump that did it... and bad luck. I personally think it was a combination of the jumping exertion and a stupid doggie door that did it.

    They told me that because the small breeds have been bred in a way to have such short legs, they really aren't made for jumping about. They also said they see a lot of ruptured discs, though not to the extent Griever's had ruptured.

    Seriously, take it easy. If bella can't jump, don't make her, the last thing you want is to hear your dog screaming because she's broken her back :(

  3. What you've said puts the no bones argument into perspective and I understand your point about bone size however I'm not clear on chicken necks. My pup is 10kg and a small dog, should I give him whole chicken necks which I know will be gulped down in one go?

    Chicken wings aren't on his menu as yet but I'm thinking about adding them when I can supervise him to see how he goes.

    I feed chicken necks to my dog. He's a gulper so no I dont trust him with the whole chicken neck. Sometimes when he steals half the neck from my hand he almost chokes on it so yeah... Just hand feed them, and keep a good grip on that last vertebrae! If you think the last vertebrae is too big for your doggie, then throw it out and feed another neck.

  4. Could be a little warning yelp? "You are getting too close to me, be careful!"

    Griever used to do this, now he just gives a low growl if you tickle his hair with your foot as you walk past or are sitting above him.

  5. When griever was little and decided he enjoyed biting our fingers/hands, I used to let him bite then id hold his bottom jaw between my thumb and forefinger for a moment before letting go. Not hard enough to hurt or anything, but it annoyed the crap out of him and he quickly stopped biting hands. Instead he would go to bite but stop short then start jumping around my hand like "You cant get me!! ner ner". Silly bugger.

  6. Hehe that description of yours made me chuckle, Nekhbet :banghead:

    When Griever was younger he used to do it after baths to the point where he actually rubbed a little of his lip skin raw. Now I chase him around with the towel after bathing and try not to let him squirm away. If I distract him for long enough he totally forgets about wanting to rub his face :(

    The food reaction is less 'severe', he just rubs his face a little, stretches out some and rolls about like he's satisfied or something :worship:

  7. Grievers gums are fine... he eats bones and his teeth are cleaner than they've been in years.

    I seriously think its a cleaning thing or he just likes rubbing his lips and the side of his face after baths and eating.

    Im pretty sure I asked the vet about grievers habit when he was a baby, but I cant for the life of me remember what was said.

    Im taking him for a checkup in the next couple of weeks to get some new hardcore physio skills up my sleeves, ill ask the vet about the rubbing thing if I remember :thumbsup:

  8. Griever does that after he eats or gets bathed.

    I never figured out why. He will let me scratch him instead so I kinda figured he just needed a rub after eating.

    It's annoying after bathing though, I have to chase him with a towel to stop him rubbing his face all over the carpet.

    I hope it's nothing horrible! That said, he's over 4yrs now and has been doing it since he was little...

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