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Posts posted by gusmum

  1. Day #5 and it's still and quiet. Went to get the morning paper and found myself looking behind me to see if he was at my feet or that I haven't locked him out. The pain is not as intense but the tears are ready to burst at any provocation. I've started a journal especially for him, and am writing down all my love and grief for him. It's helping me so much. It's HIS book and has added a new dimension to our connection what was in this world, and to him now in the next. Love and hugs and thank you again for your sympathies. So comforting...

  2. Thank you for your sympathies. Day 1 and the first night without him at my feet was odd. Went out for dinner last night to get out of the house for a while. Was fine up until one moment when I felt faint and anxious and realised it was a panic attack. The only way I can describe how I feel right now is a sense of homesickness - he completed me. I guess this is grieving. Thank you for your beautiful wishes, they are unbelievably comforting.

  3. My beautiful gentle Gus got his wings at 12.34pm today. He was 16years 8months and gave me so many more years of love, devotion, joy and pleasure than I deserve. My heart is breaking and the house is quiet without his presence. His things are all around and his hairs will forever be on my clothes to remember him by. Flowers and a candle are lit to show him the light. But he is finally free from pain and chasing rabbits and butterflies in the company of angels and gods. He chose me to trust with his life and he gave me the honour of caring for him to his last breath. I am numb from missing him. RIP my boo.

  4. Thank you Pretty Miss Emma for your beautiful words. I know it must've been hard for you to express them - although cathartic is a way. Gus has been with me through so much of life's ups and downs and I just want to do the right thing by him. It's hard when everyone has such strong views on whether to euthanase or not and the responsibility of a beautiful creature's life in your hands. I just don't want to take his before his time. Yes, my vets have been amazingly supportive and they've told me to give him whatever he wants - which he's already getting anyway. And you're right, I've been told they will let you know so I'll remain vigilant for his sign. I just hate seeing him so skinny although he's eating fine, and staggering around after me like a stubborn mule.Right now I'm too worried about Gus to think about how I'll cope when the inevitable time comes. But I know I have to and will. You're lucky you have Kenzie with you to cuddle at night and make the sorrow a little sweeter. Bless.

  5. Hello all, I really need to gleen from all your wisdom and experiences. What did you do when the time came to say goodbye?

    Did you plan ahead? Was is a sudden decision? What signs did you look for that told you it was time? Did you take time off work? How did you cope?

    My Gus is 16+ and every day is a bonus for us. I love him with all my heart but I'm looking for the sign from him. He's such a trooper, still eats, loves his chicken necks, follows me around when he can, uses the doggy door and just makes it outside when he needs to go. But he's also tripping and stumbling, pacing up and down at all hours of the night, can't really see or hear us, and is losing weight. He just tripped a little while ago and poo'd. Probably out of shock and trying to get himself up. I got him up and put him to bed and he's snoring now, but I'm worried about how he'll handle the summer, and don't feel the conviction to play god if he's still fighting to be around. I don't know whether to set a date, or do I just call the vet to get out here in 24hrs or what? Sorry this is so long winded but it's been so many sleepless nights watching over him and making sure he's ok. The vet said the time comes when he's disconnected, bedridden or incontinent. I don't want to put him down because it's inconveniencing my lifestyle or lack of sleep, I want to do the right thing by him. Thanks so much everyone.

  6. Hello again, just letting you know how we went last night with Gus' vestibular condition. He slept all night. I was half expecting a restless night, but must have been too groggy and woozy. Hand fed him little slices of veal - rejected the boiled chicken. Slept lots, but all in all starting to move around a bit more and wanting to go back to routine but realising he can't. His head is tilting to the right and he tends to lean that way, poor thing, but overall he is far better than he was yesterday. I now more relaxed and feel I understand what I'm dealing with after reading your information and support, and I can't thank you all enough. xx

  7. Thanks FHRP. I just realised he's lost so much weight since that shot. At the weigh-in this morning he was only 27k. He's fast asleep, smack-bang in the middle of the bed so I'll be doing an "ease in where you can" trick to try and not bother him!

    Ish, I've just put in my order at Vet & Pet plus some Sasha's Blend for good measure. Thanks for the tip.

  8. Ish,thank you so much for those links. Wow, what a brilliant community this is. The warmth and support is amazing. I'm grateful for all those stories and experiences shared, and the time frame for recovery is good to know too. The knots in my shoulders are slowly relaxing.

  9. post-7600-1289471817_thumb.jpgJust read all your comments. Thanxsomuch. They don't call us dog lovers online for nuthin'. Yes I have many fond memories of Gus on holidays. He was always by my side. Loved every minute of it. But unfortunately he's just way more fragile now hence this " will I - won't I" thread. Here's a shot of him sniffin' da' breeze looking down this valley of horses grazing and playing out at Anna Bay. Beautiful place.
  10. Our old girl had vestibular twice, and her symptoms were the same as when poor Gus experienced. I hope thats all it is and he's feeling better soon. Our vets suggested a cortisone shot would help, though apparently its not known why it does

    Yes, I think that's what it must be.. and your girl got it twice?! Poor, poor thing! How did you nurse her back to feeling better, please let me know, anything will help.

    Funny how the vet just didn't want to nail it on anything specific. Is it a liability thing? They scoped out a whole heap of could be's. Offered up MRI although not advisable given his age, plus what can you do if he does need surgery? His body couldn't cope with that either. So she said best to treat the symptoms and make him as comfortable as possible. My senses are on high alert for any sign of anything! It's stressful.

  11. Thank you cornell. He's showing signs of his old self tonight. Got up on the little sofa by himself, then staggered to my room and got up on the bed (carefully) via the ottoman. I tried to persuade him not to, not hard enough I guess. I feel it may be one of those nights. I hope I'm wrong and get a proper night's sleep.

  12. Hi All, I haven't read all your comments yet - but thanks very much, the holiday will have to be put on hold for a while. Was up since 5am this morning. Gus couldn't lift himself up off the bed. I gave him a few gentle nudges but realised he wasn't joking and was starting to feel distressed. Got up, turned the lights on and helped him up. He was very wobbly. Got him off the bed as gently as I could and he was reeling with head tilt and trying to walk but going in circles. I helped him outside best I could and grabbed a towel to use as a sling under his chest. He did a wee and poo and then threw up 2ce - yellow bile. I rang emergency vets and they said don't bother bringing him in because it'll only distress him more as he would need to see our regular vet in the morning. So we waited. It was the longest morning of my life. I tried to ring a pet taxi service but they were useless - operating hours totally different from voicemail - no one but answering machine. So I took him myself, poor darling was so co-operative. He just knew we had to get there. I was worried I'd have to carry him and can no way lift him myself.

    The vet wouldn't commit to anything but she said;

    1. Possible stroke (but he has no crazy eyes)

    2. Geriatric vestibular disease (all the signs there - that's what emergency vet said too)

    3. Brain tumour (eyes still alert but could be hence the vertigo and vomiting) ditto emergency vet

    4. Accelerated bone degeneration/arthritis (back leg becoming more stiff)

    5. Tick (couldn't find anything)

    She gave him 2 x shots anti- nausea and anti-inflammatory and I've been on holding vigil all day. He slept most of the day and just got up now 6.30pm to drink some water (thank god) and 4 little balls of chicken and rice with a bit of cream cheese to help it go down. (He had a little chicken and rice this morning too). He's wandering around a little more now so I keep dropping this letter to run after him with towel as a sling to help him not stumble.

    I have been bracing myself for this time as he's had great innings and I love him with all my heart (he's been with me longer than any man I know and he has a part of my soul) but I will not let him suffer any more than he should. Broke down in tears (and now) when vet said they can come to the house to put him to sleep if need be - rather than me trying to get him up there. (That was really stressing me out).

    Anyway, sorry for the long story. Please send your love and prayers and that I keep it together for a little longer. I'll let you know how we go. Lots of love Gus' mum.

  13. Hi Monah, thanks for that advice. I thought I'd be locking myself in this quaint little cottage for a few days, but you're right, I might want to go sightseeing etc. and wouldn't be able to move around so freely if he was with me. Better rethink - or leave him with family. He'll bark & whine & manipulate them. Agent Provocateur!

  14. Hello all, I'm thinking of going away for a few days - desperate need of a break. Question is: my lovely Gus is 16yrs old, and I don't know whether to leave him behind (and get distressed without me being around) or take him with me (and get distressed in a new environment, the 3hr drive etc). He's arthritic, a little deaf and blind , but still has a lot of puppy in him. I'd probably fret without him near me, but I want to do what's right for him. What would you do or what have you experienced? Many thanks.

  15. Having pets is a luxury in Asia. It means you can afford to feed your (extended) family, PLUS own a pet, which also means you must be doing really well to be able to provide for such a large family in a highly populated city like HK, Tokyo, Shanghai etc. If you are from the country, dogs would most likely be on your plate for dinner or they would be running feral with ticks and rabies, or bred for fur or medicinal purposes. I know, pretty horrific by western standards. Dogs, particularly large dogs (like rottis and German sheps) would be used as guard dogs - hence big dogs should be feared. Little dogs are manageable and decorative and doll-like and don't eat that much. That's how they live and that's what they know.

    So when migrating to a new country, there is lot of learning (and unlearning) to be done. It's all a matter of understanding and education. Don't take it personally and just move right along. The next generation will always know better and do better.


  16. Hi Gus. He might be loosing some feeling in his back end around this time. Does he drag his rear legs, do his back toes turn under without him noticing? How is he going getting up and down?

    He stumbles sometimes on his back legs. He still likes to get up on the couch or bed and sometimes he does it on his own, other times I help him up.

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