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Posts posted by RottnBullies
The gazette standard that they're using has obviously been copied from the UKC standard, they have more or less changed It and added to It to cover their own butts In regards to copyright. But to do these changes they still needed permission to do so, in which they did not get, so how Is this standard allowed to be used.
Link for further Info
Oh and the rationale for the thread is that we're sick and tired of people attributing the APBT to fatalities here, I don't know about you but I don't like lies and rumors being spread when in actual fact IT IS NOT THE TRUTH
And what do you think that will do, free the naive are you seriously
The Pitbull was never secured on the table to be thrown off and was only ever a "tolorated" breed why wasn't the APBT ever ANKC recognised can anyone answer that?
My opinion is, if you want to engage in only "tolorated" breeds with no community footing, there is a liklihood that the breed can come undone far more easily than an established recognised breed being the sole reason I wouldn't own one or a cross breed that resembles one. Everyone has a choice and playing with fire has the potential to be burned whether it's right or wrong, that's life.
Please tell how stating a fact makes me naive?? or how by stating this fact It's dragging other breeds down, you like to see what you want to see, no anti BSL person wants any other breeds to be added to the list and to have to go through what the APBT is going through. If that's what you think then I seriously think you are the naive one here.
If your own dogs head were on a chopping block from a crime it did not commit would you not defend it? Or would you class It as not worth the bother It's done and dusted and move on to another dog. The dog's aren't the problem here, the humans are
It doesn't seem to me that the Pitbull supporters care about bringing other breeds down in the process as long as they give it a red hot go to free their's, to me is the wrong attitude with the potential to do more harm than good.Not even going to bother with a response to that one!
I'm not buying into your take on it all and thank god for people who are willing to defend their dogs no matter the breed or whether they own a RB or not
I thought that I would post this subject to gauge the type on response one could expect from fellow ,breeders/ exhibitors in obtaining support to reverse the current ban on tail-shortening in the many breeds affected by this ban.
As you are aware the banning of this procedure is not in place in New Zealand as it was not considered to cause pain etc. when done by banding at three days old by suitibably qualified people. Thoughts please.
You have my full support. I would love to see those experienced breeders able to dock again but I cannot see that happening any time soon. I do however think there is a chance that the current petition in NSW, calling for vets to be able to dock again at birth, getting support and possibly being successful.
I will NEVER own another dog, of a traditionally docked breed, unless it has been done.
I've held numerous day old litters, while they have been docked by an experienced breeder, she had it over and done with in a flash, no mess, no screaming and pups were straight back on the bitch to suckle
Is there a link to petition please
ETA: I just realized It's probably not that kind of petition where you sign Lol
I'm curious why you are posting this? To prove pits aren't on the list? To highlight the number of breeds involved in deaths? I fail to grasp the rationale for the thread.....
The rational IMHO is the never ending fight to save the Pitbull, a fight that will never be won I don't believe, the breed is canned and always will be and is time we moved on. Not that I don't admire the Pitbull supporters in their efforts to free their breed, but the problem I see in the process with posts like this is taking other breeds down with them.
In reality highlighting breeds who have killed and saying in the Pitbull's defence "see there are no Putbull's on the fatality list" is not going to free the Pitbull from BSL, all the authorities will do with the information is say "thanks very much, we will add all those breeds onto the BSL list too"
No one needs a bloody Pitbull as a matter of life or death, there are many other breeds to choose from to make a great pet. It's not about rights to own a particular breed, it's the law, bit like fighting about the rights to drive drunk, plenty of drink drivers I know of personally who have never had a prang driving pissed, but it's not the point, it's just these anti BSL supporters worry me that they can potentially put their foot in it, I have heard and seen it so many times before highlighting other breeds in defence of the Pitbull, geez, we have to tread so carefully with this I think.
No one needs any other bloody breed either as a matter of life or death!!! What kind of a statement is that? You talk about Pit Bull enthusiasts taking down "Other" breeds in their fight which Is absolute non sense, but then It's always ok to sacrifice the Pit Bull to save these "other" breeds is It? Lets keep the government happy by giving them the APBT and lets all lie low and take It in the chin that way It'll just fade Into oblivion and no other breeds will be added........ The APBT has been fed to the wolves so to speak on numerous occasions but hey It's ok It's not my breed of choice who cares, certainly not people such as yourself who have the audacity to tell people to just move on coz there are plenty of other nice breeds out there, tell me where do you get off on making such heartless comments Just because you would give up on your own breed if the going got tuff doesn't mean everyone else should!
Because It's law doesn't make It right either, if we all stood back and accepted everything how far will that get humanity. Laws are not exempt from being flawed and people have the rights to challenge them. I suggest you read up on the QLD case from start to finish before you finger point and blame certain party's of any wrong doing.
Exactly, so what is the point of this thread, to highlight other breeds who have acted in a lethal manner, highlight that restricted breeds were not involved, I don't get itI tell you what I don't get, what Is BSL actually doing apart from killing off loved family pets because they look a certain way?
Now we are being told to STFU and tread carefully in fear of other breeds being added, and if one day that happens the APBT will cop the blame yet again!
Just wonderful
Oh and the rationale for the thread is that we're sick and tired of people attributing the APBT to fatalities here, I don't know about you but I don't like lies and rumors being spread when in actual fact IT IS NOT THE TRUTH
Thank you.... I do think she has one of the most beautiful smiles but off course I'm guilty of being very biased
A better effort from last year where she wasn't impressed at all about wearing cats, I think she likes this one
Feel free to add your Halloween pics
Is she the naughtiest or just the smartest & most persistent?
She looks so good in that collar - all sweet & girly. LOL
Yes so so true! I have to give her that much she's to clever for her own good most times
Thank you all for the sweet compliments
Your lucky she is short.My dog jumped up and clawed the window screens as well.
This Is a window grill, not a door she jumps up on the sills and lays on them like a cat, she's not that big but a great jumper
Thanks for the tips guys, I really like the Idea of maybe putting the mesh on the outside rather than In, I'll have to see If that can be done though with what I've already got as I'm renting and on a tight budget. Time to shop around again!
Oh the joys of having naughty dogs :D
If you installed the window grill, can you modify it? You can put a hard clear plastic similar to perspex sheeting over the lower area, keeping the flyscreen uncovered in the top half. If the grills are yours, you could easily just keep the plastic in place with screws direct into the grill frame. If not, place a timber baton on the outer side of the screen and drill into that through the plastic then grill and mesh. You'll need to replace the screen before you vacate. (we always replaced the flyscreens at the end of lease, our 2 liked to scratch them) The sheeting is at Bunnings, and it's on a roll, usually in the builders section.
Screens are mine, I had them Installed when she destroyed the original ones, but they're staying here, unlikely they'll fit other windows if and when I move. Good Idea with the perspex but won't work as It'll block some of the nice breeze we get through in the summer time and the room gets really hot. Windows will just have to be closed while I'm out till I sort something else... um sorry I mean locked and remove the key also cause she knows how to unlock that as well 20 odd years of owning dogs and I have to say she Is by far the naughtiest one
under the current victorian law I cannot bring my dog from SA for training seminars, because she has a short coat and musclely build and is sometimes mistaken for a "staffy cross". She is registered in SA, but not Victoria and I would have difficulty registering her in Victoria because she is a cross breed, and I don't live in Victoria.
That's your own fault, you are a victim of your own choices, if you'd chosen one of the others of hundreds of breeds available to you, instead of a derivative of a "bull" breed you wouldn't have this restriction. Your situation is a result of your own choices, stop trying to blame some-one else
You insensitive twit
Dogs will always be victims and pay the price from either Irresponsible or negligent HUMANS! You're nothing but a waste of space here go back and crawl under that hole you came from and stop blaming one breed of dog for your woes! It's just pathetic
Your lucky she is short.My dog jumped up and clawed the window screens as well.
This Is a window grill, not a door she jumps up on the sills and lays on them like a cat, she's not that big but a great jumper
Thanks for the tips guys, I really like the Idea of maybe putting the mesh on the outside rather than In, I'll have to see If that can be done though with what I've already got as I'm renting and on a tight budget. Time to shop around again!
Oh the joys of having naughty dogs :D
I know I should of just got the crimsafe to begin with But I don't think I can put It on now, I think they'll need to make up whole new grills
And already tried the dog proof screen before I got the grills fitted, she managed to destroy It as well, she's just a little disaster!
I will pay someone to offload her off me and I have to laugh because If I think how much It's going to cost me to replace them, coz fly screen again just ain't going to cut It, I won't stop crying! Why can't I have a normal dog who doesn't want to keep jumping out of windows
And showing off her new collar that she just got a few days ago from Blocky Dog. Because she soooooo deserves It now............NOT!
Yes It actually Is, so much for trying to stand united when we keep getting kicked In the guts so to speak
Please e-mail editor and also let them know what you think about this as well, In the same Issue September
Why Is the dog world so full of heartless decrepit people?
Can't vets hold a strike or something? Refuse to euthanise? This news makes me so sad.
That won't work, If owners are wishing to euth and their vet won't do It, they'll just dump them In the pounds to do, and as horrible as It sounds I'd rather the vets do It as they're probably known to the dog, rather than sitting In a pound stressed waiting to die at the hands of strangers
An official letter from ADBA on an ADBA letterhead In this regard Is here for everyone to share
Thank you
Ok I'm a bit confused sorry, is this letter actually a response to the Vic laws or just an overall stance on BSL? If it is a response to the Vic laws, then why are there two different letters and are either of them actually addressed to anyone in particular or just for the public to use? Sorry I'm not sure if I am missing something obvious.
I don't know anything about the letter In the OP here and as to why It's different.
A few people contacted Hank In regards to what Is happening In Victoria and what I've linked that was his written response
with consent from Hank himself that It can be used and shared providing It stays Intact and nothing changed
Words spoken by a Vet this morning
"Today for the first time in 20 years I am questioning if I still want to do this job. My staff and I are all in tears after having to put down our first Pit Bull under the new legislation. He had been dumped, by an owner who had put in the time for this magnificent dog to be friendly to all, shake hands and worse still licked my face with kisses as he passed. To all the friends that I have made in the shelter systems and council officers etc over the years, you have my thoughts with you as you too are forced to apply an unjust law. I have no issue with "bad dogs" and bad owners being labelled, but this is not the way to do it. To the unknown dog that now sleeps in the arms of my staff with our tears, may life make you look different next time because in this life that was your only flaw."
An official letter from ADBA on an ADBA letterhead In this regard Is here for everyone to share
Thank you
Very sad, I feel for all Involved
R.I.P pups
SYDNEY 23 September 2011 The State Labor Opposition has called on the NSW Government to urgently examine new measures put forward by the NSW Deputy State Coroner to deal with dangerous dogs. Shadow Local Government Minister Sophie Cotsis said the coroner had asked the Government to consider several proposals following an inquest this week into the tragic and devastating death of a toddler mauled by a dog in the Riverina region two years ago.
These include:
- New criminal sanctions for those involved in dog attacks;
- Restricting the number of dogs that can be kept at suburban homes; and
- Education campaigns about safety issues around dogs and the need to properly supervise children when they are near dogs and other animal.
"Dog attacks are senseless and sickening – especially when the victim is a child," said Ms Cotsis.
"While NSW has strong dog laws, one attack is too many.
"The Deputy State Coroner has examined the evidence and asked the Government to look at these new proposals.
"This must be done at the earliest opportunity to help prevent more attacks."
Ms Cotsis said the Government should consider and publicly report on these and other proposals by the end of the year.
"The Deputy State Coroner's findings must be examined thoroughly and quickly," said Ms Cotsis.
"I have also recently called on the Government to look at new measures introduced in Victoria, including a dangerous dog hotline for people to report dogs they believe legally restricted or dangerous.
"These new measures should be considered alongside any proposals arising from the Deputy State Coroner's findings.
"In particular, there needs to be clearer and better co-ordinated approaches to dealing with dangerous dog attacks."
The problem was derogatory comments being thrown about by you and members of the rally group, don't act like you know nothing! shunning the very people who could have showed their dogs In a responsible manner was a great move
There was nothing but animosity towards certain people being part of the rally from the day go! Heaps of people have pulled out not a great thing In helping the cause
Good luck with It all
I'm sorry, do you have a personal vendetta against Melzawelza here? Could you take it to personal messages because this kind of bitching does nothing to help the cause, which is to get the message out that all breeds should be treated equally.
Hearsay (whether it be close friends or not) can be a vicious thing. If you're interested in rallying against BSL, please look into the rally itself, instead of listening to what others may say about certain comments. The internet is a tricky thing, with text being misinterpreted. Just because friends may see something they don't like - it doesn't mean you will. I don't know about you but I generally don't agree with everything my friends say/do/preach. Decide for yourself.
If people were more interested in standing up and giving these dogs a voice, instead of their own personal vendenttas and egos, we would get a lot further.
No vendetta at all, and not bitching at all you're pretty good at that, just stating the truth, It's always been about all breeds, you're right there, so maybe Insinuations that it was a pit bull only focused rally should not have been thrown around to start off with!
I don't do PM's so don't bother thanks, I've nothing further to add
The problem was derogatory comments being thrown about by you and members of the rally group, don't act like you know nothing! shunning the very people who could have showed their dogs In a responsible manner was a great move
There was nothing but animosity towards certain people being part of the rally from the day go! Heaps of people have pulled out not a great thing In helping the cause
Good luck with It all
Please take note of what Is actually being posted In the discussion forum as uncalled for comments are already being made towards creators of the Sydney event. You are admin on that forum
Qld Dangerous Dog Info
in General Dog Discussion
There Is a little bit of Info In this link as to what grounds they can declare a dog dangerous
I'm not sure on how It can be fought but Tybrax may be able to help she may be on later
Regulated Dogs QLD