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  1. Sorry to hear Horty Poor Ebony. There is a dog pool in Canning Vale. I do not know the exact details off the top of my head but can get it for you if you are interested..
  2. he's such a cutie amy good work with the video editing.. wish i knew how :/ would love to meet up at the park sometime with the dogs i head down to the park between thornlie n maddo metro a fair bit let me know if u want to meet up for a walk!
  3. Douglas and Georgia fight it out in the lounge.
  4. Thanks K9. How long do I wait after I give him the NRM before I throw the ball again? The problem is that he has learnt that if he is persistent enough, he will generally get what he wants. On the weekend he was told 'no' and then he barked... My guests, absent mindedly kicked the ball after around 10 minutes of the barking - rewarding him for his persistence. Should I remove the ball and toys from him completely? Are there other ways I can satisfy his drive? He is not very food focussed. K9: this isnt a reason to stop this work, unless you want too. There are always other ways... I would train as normal, when he starts to bark, you come to an immediate halt & stand up straight like the Alpha & at the same time give a firm NRM as described... He should stop barking, when he does, pause for a few seconds. Keep eye contact with him & make sure he is a little submissive. Then walk to a new place keeping the same attitude, call him to you & give you trigger command & begin again.. It may take a few times but you will highlight what STOPS the game is him barking... awesome. thankyou. will put the plan into action.. my neighbors are very understanding, but hopefully i can get it under control before they lose the plot
  5. Thanks K9. How long do I wait after I give him the NRM before I throw the ball again? The problem is that he has learnt that if he is persistent enough, he will generally get what he wants. On the weekend he was told 'no' and then he barked... My guests, absent mindedly kicked the ball after around 10 minutes of the barking - rewarding him for his persistence. Should I remove the ball and toys from him completely? Are there other ways I can satisfy his drive? He is not very food focussed.
  6. Thank you very much for the reply Erny. I think I am going to have to get very strict and consistent with this before it gets any worse. Do you think that ignoring him is enough, or do you think that separating him from the group when he attention-barks is a good idea? I am pretty sure that a lot of my problems are as a result of very unclear pack order in the house, and you are probably right about the fostering further confusing him. Do you think I could effectively re-establish myself at the top of the pack whilst still bringing in fosters? I would prefer not to stop fostering, as the rescue group I am involved in are fill to the brim.. And once I have shown him that I am pack leader, what can I do to minimise the fosters from confusing the pack order in the future?
  7. Over the last few months my Douglas has developed a nasty habit of barking whenever he wants something. I think that this is a result of the behavior being reinforced when he plays fetch. When playing, he places the ball at a person's feet and barks until they throw it. Obviously, throwing the ball is the worst thing that can be done, but others who do not know any better (and when I have not been around to ask them to stop), have just thrown the ball in an effort to keep him quiet. Whenever the barking starts, I remove the ball/toy and leave the backyard completely. My problem is that the barking has started in other scenarios, when Sir Corgi wants something. Georgia (my other corgi) may have a bone or a toy, or simply not have finished her dinner yet (while he has finished his) and he will bark continuously until I remove him, or he forgets what he is barking about. He also barks when we are eating dinner, or when he wants to come inside, or when he can see us out the front and wants to be there too. The barking gets considerably worse when guests come over, or if another dog comes into the house (I foster for rescue). I am intending on asking all guests not to play with him, and ignore him completely for the first 20 minutes. I was hoping that separation may solve the problem, but on the weekend, the barking was a big problem (despite toys being removed and people stopped giving him attention), so I placed him in the laundry, where he continued to bark for the next half hour before he finally settled... Any ideas?
  8. Not quite. The uterine stumps will be tied of using suture material. Then there is the internal abdominal wall to suture using the same material as the tie off of the stumps (usually, unless they use clips to tie off) and then the external sutures that you see usually using a nylon suture. oh ok. thanks for correcting me. :D
  9. From what I understand, 3 layers. Internal two using disolvables, external requiring removal 1 week after op.
  10. thanks for that link kenDOL seems that it's a bit more common than I originally thought.
  11. Thanks molasseslass Did the vet say that this was a problem with the suture material, or just reacted differently inside this particularly dog?
  12. thanks for sharing your experiences cowanbree.
  13. Hi Guys. As the topic title says, I'm chasing some stats or experiences from people (particularly those that work in veterinary clinics) in regards to spey wounds rupturing. I have heard of a case locally in which a bitch ruptured all layers of stitches 6 days after desexing, and by all accounts had been kept still and quiet. What could cause this problem, and how common is it? Has anyone on here had their bitch split her stitches after the desexing operation, despite precautionary efforts (such as preventing licking and keeping the bitch confined). Thanks in advance for your help.
  14. I had a foster that had his back dew claws removed and the recovery was surprisingly quick and problem free. The hardest thing is keeping the bandages on so that they don't become infected.. Hope Atlas has a speedy recovery too.
  15. Great work guys!! Love seeing all the new stuff that you come up with everyday! Here are some things I did using PS while at uni...
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